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NAAC - All India Institute of Ayurveda,New Delhi


  • Key Indicator – 1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation

1.1.1 Minutes of the meeting of the college curriculum committee.

1.1.2 Scanned copies of the letters supporting the participation of teachers

  • Key Indicator- 1.2 Academic Flexibility

  • Key Indicator- 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

1.3.1 List of courses with their descriptions

1.3.4: Links to the scanned copy of completion certificate of field visits /clinical /industry visits /research projects/community posting

  • Key Indicator- 1.4 Feedback System

1.4.2 Stakeholder feedback report

  • Key Indicator 2.1: Student Enrollment and Profile

2.1.3: Average percentage of Students admitted demonstrates a national spread and includes students from other states

2.2.3:  Institution facilitates building and sustenance of innate talent /aptitude of individual students (extramural activities/beyond the classroom activities such as student clubs, cultural societies, etc)

  • Key Indicator- 2.3 Teaching- Learning Process

2.3.1: Student-centric methods are used for enhancing learning experiences

2.3.3: Teachers use ICT-enabled tools for effective teaching and learning process, including online e-resources

2.3.5: The teaching learning process of the institution nurtures creativity, analytical skills and innovation among students

  • Key Indicator 2.4: Average percentage of teachers trained for development and delivery of e-content / e-courses during the last 5 years

2.4.4: Web-link to the contents delivered by the faculty hosted in the HEI’s website

2.5.1: The Institution adheres to the academic calendar for the conduct of Continuous Internal Evaluation and ensures that it is robust and transparent

2.5.3: Reforms in the process and procedure in the conduct of evaluation/examination; including Continuous Internal Assessment to improve the examination system

2.5.4: The Institution provides opportunities to students for midcourse improvement of performance through specific interventions Opportunities

2.6.1: Learning outcomes and Graduate attributes

2.6.4:  Presence and periodicity of parent-teachers meetings

  • Key Indicator 3.1 – Resource Mobilization for Research

3.1.2: Average Percentage of teachers awarded national /international fellowships / financial support for advanced studies/collaborative research and participation in conferences during the last five years

3.1.3 Total number of research projects/clinical trials funded by government, industries and non-governmental agencies during the last five years

3.2.1: Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations including incubation centre and other initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge

3.2.2: Report of the workshops/seminars with photos

3.3.1 The Institution ensures implementation of its stated Code of Ethics for research.

3.3.3: Average number of papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC -CARE list in the UGC website/Scopus/ Web of Science/ PubMed during the last five years

3.4.1: Total number of extension and outreach activities carried out in collaboration with National and International agencies

3.4.2: Average percentage of students participating in extension and outreach activities during the last five years

        • Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program

3.4.3: Number of awards and recognitions received for extension and outreach activities from Government / other recognised bodies during the last five years

3.4.4: Link for details of Institutional social responsibility activities in the neighbourhood community during the last 5 years

  • Key Indicator 3.5- Collaboration

3.5.1: Average number of Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange/ Industry-internship etc. per year for the last five years

        • Certified copies of collaboration documents and exchange visits
  • Key Indicator 4.1: Physical Facilities

4.1.1: The institution has adequate facilities for teaching – learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment, etc

4.1.2: The institution has adequate facilities to support physical and recreational requirements of students and staff – sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, auditorium, yoga centre, etc. and for cultural activities

4.1.3: Availability and adequacy of general campus facilities and overall ambience

4.1.4: Average percentage of expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during last five years(INR in Lakhs)

4.2.1: Teaching Hospital, equipment, clinical teaching-learning and laboratory facilities are as stipulated by the respective Regulatory Bodies

4.2.2: Average number of patients per year treated as outpatients

  • Key Indicator 4.3: Library as a Learning Resource

4.3.1: Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)

4.3.2: Total number of textbooks, reference volumes, journals, collection of rare books, manuscripts, Digitalized traditional manuscripts, Discipline-specific learning resources from ancient Indian languages, special reports or any other knowledge resource for library enrichment

4.3.4: Average annual expenditure for the purchase of books and journals including e-journals during the last five years

4.3.5: In-person and remote access usage of library and the learner sessions/library usage programmes organized for the teachers and students

4.3.6: E-content resources used by teachers: 1. NMEICT / NPTEL 2. other MOOCs platforms 3.SWAYAM 4. Institutional LMS 5. e-PG-Pathshala

4.4.2: Institution frequently updates its IT facilities and computer availability for students including Wi-Fi

4.5.1: Average Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities

4.5.2: There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports facilities, computers, classrooms etc.

  • Key Indicator 5.1: Student Support

5.1.1 Number of students benefited by scholarships /free ships / fee-waivers by Government / Non-Governmental agencies / Institution during the last five years

5.1.2 Capability enhancement and development schemes employed by the Institution for students

5.1.4 The Institution has an active international student cell to facilitate study in India program etc.

5.1.5 The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances/ prevention of sexual harassment and prevention of ragging

5.2.2 Average percentage of placement / self-employment in professional services of outgoing students during the last five years

5.3.1: Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at State/Regional (zonal)/ National / International levels (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years

5.3.2: Presence of a Student Council, its activities related to student welfare and student representation in academic & administrative bodies/ committees of the Institution

5.3.3: Average number of sports and cultural activities/competitions organised by the Institution during the last five years

5.4.1: The Alumni Association is registered and holds regular meetings to plan its involvement and developmental activates with the support of the college during the last five years

5.4.2 Provide the areas of contribution by the Alumni Association / chapters during the last five years

  • Key Indicator 6.1: Institutional Vision and Leadership

6.1.1: The Institution has clearly stated vision and mission which are reflected in its academic and administrative governance

6.1.2: Effective leadership is reflected in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management

        • Relevant information / documents
  • Key Indicator 6.2: Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.1: The Institutional has well defined organisational structure, Statutory Bodies/committees of the College with relevant rules, norms and guidelines along with Strategic Plan effectively deployed

6.2.2: Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation

        • Additional information
  • Key Indicator 6.3: Faculty Empowerment Strategies

6.3.1: The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff

6.3.5: Institution has Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff

6.4.1: Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources

6.4.2: Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly

6.4.3: Copy of letter indicating the grants/funds received by respective agency as stated in metric

  • Key Indicator 6.5: Internal Quality Assurance System

6.5.1: Institution has a streamlined Internal Quality Assurance Mechanism

  • Key Indicator – 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities

7.1.2 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the last five years

7.1.3 Facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation devices

 7.1.4 Facilities for the management of degradable and non-degradable waste

7.1.6 Green campus initiatives of the Institution

7.1.8 Inclusion and Situatedness

7.1.10: The Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals

Best Practices 1
    1. Policy for Integrated Research
    2. Integrated Research Division
    3. Facilities for Integrated Research
      3.1 Geotag photos of AYUSH clinics integration with traditional system
      3.2 Geotag photos of well-equipped labs integration    with applied science
      3.3 Geotag photos of integrative OPDs, modern Facilities
      3.4 Integrative OPD at Safdarjung hospital, New Delhi
    4. MOUs for Integrated Research with various national and International Agencies
    5. Research article Discussion through Journal club activity
    6. Exchange of Research Knowledge through Interdepartmental seminar activity
    7. Regular training programmes
      7.1 Regular training programmes Part A
      7.2 Regular training programmes Part B
    8. Collaborative research activities

      Best Practices 2

    9. Policy Document for Patient Education Cell
    10. Patient Awareness Lectures with Photographs and Reports
    11. Reports of Health Camps
    12. AYU Samvad Presentation for Patient Education
    13. IEC Material Developed for Patient Education
      13.1 IEC Material Developed for Patient Education Part A
      13.2 IEC Material Developed for Patient Education Part B
      13.3 IEC Material Developed for Patient Education Part C
    14. Public Health Initiatives

Key Indicator 7.3: Institutional Distinctiveness

  • Key Indicator – 8.1 Ayurveda Indicator

8.1.1: Integration of different systems of health care in the teaching hospital

8.1.2: Institutional mechanism towards classical way of Ayurveda learning

8.1.3: Promotion of seasonal Panchakarma and implementation of lifestyle modifications including Kaumarapanchakarma


8.1.4: Steps adopted by the Institution towards implementation of Swasthavritta activities such as Sadvritta, Achararasayana, Dinacharya and Ritucharya etc. in the last five years

8.1.5: The institution has taken adequate measures to develop and maintain Herbal Garden in terms of the number of species and plants

8.1.6: The institution has taken adequate measures for the preservation and propagation of rare and endangered medicinal plants as per the list provided by the National Medicinal Plant Board

8.1.8: Efforts of the institution to involve students in Yogic practices & promotion of such practices among the public/community

8.1.9: Efforts of the Institution towards conservation and validation of local health traditions during the last five years

8.1.10: Availability of licenced and certified teaching Pharmacy for teaching and demonstration for students and medicine manufacturing

8.1.11: Activities undertaken by the Institution towards practice of various procedures of Kriyakalpa

8.1.12: Activities undertaken by the Institution towards practice of various types of Anushastra

8.1.13: Activities undertaken by the Institution towards practice of various procedures related to Prasuti and streeroga

8.1.14: Facilities available in the Institution towards delivering Pathya kalpana

8.1.15: Efforts made by the Institution for carrying out Pharmacovigilance activities related to Ayurvedic drugs.

Last update on: 6th Sep 2023