ADA EHI  Olodumare cover image

Paroles de Olodumare

Paroles de Olodumare Par ADA EHI

Yesterday and today you're still the same
Age to age and for evermore the same

Yesterday and today you're still the same
Age to age and for evermore the same
Faithful God ekuishe ekuishe

Yesterday and today
As you have been You will be
Majesty Olodumare
From age to age you never change
Majesty Olodumare
Oba whose kingdom never ends
Almighty God

Yesterday and today you're still the same
Age to age and for evermore the same
Faithful God ekuishe ekuishe

Yesterday and today
As you have been You will be
Majesty Olodumare
From age to age You never change
Majesty Olodumare
Oba whose kingdom never ends
Almighty God

Ehen oh ehen
How we forget
Ehen oh eh-e-en
No we can't forget
How You rolled back the Red Sea
For your children to walk on dry grounds
How we can't forget
How You made something out of nothing
Creation began from your word
No we can't forget
How You rolled back the Red Sea
For your children to walk on dry grounds
How we can't forget
How You made something out of nothing
Creation began from your word
No we can't forget
So we praise you no o o ow
1, 2, 3

Yesterday and today
As you have been You will be
Majesty Olodumare
From age to age You never change
Majesty Olodumare
Yesterday and today
As you have been You will be
Majesty Olodumare
From age to age You never change
You are Majesty Olodumare
Oba whose kingdom never ends
Almighty God

Almighty God
Awimayehun, ah ah ah ahh
Yesterday and today You're still the same
Awimayehun, ah ah ah ahh
Yesterday and today You're still the same
Awimayehun, ah ah ah ahh
Age to age and forever more the same

A Propos de "Olodumare"
Album : Born of God (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Dec 22 , 2020
Plus de lyrics de l'album Born of God Plus de Lyrics de ADA EHI
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