Rozšírenia pre Firefox pre Android
Prispôsobte si Firefox pre Android pomocou výkonných rozšírení.
Search by Image
A powerful reverse image search tool, with support for various search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye.
396 690 používateľov
Tomato Clock
Tomato Clock is a simple browser extension that helps with online time management.
35 609 používateľov
SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube
Easily skip YouTube video sponsors. When you visit a YouTube video, the extension will check the database for reported sponsors and automatically skip known sponsors. You can also report sponsors in videos. Other browsers:
602 188 používateľov
Víťaz ceny "2006 PC World World Class Award". Tento nástroj urobí z Firefoxu najbezpečnejší prehliadač na svete.
294 541 používateľov
YouTube Downloader
YouTube Downloader Plus - Download videos from YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, Vimeo, IMDB, Soundcloud and more—fast, free, easy, and high-quality!
1 068 používateľov
Remove Paywall
Remove paywalls from articles legally by searching public internet archives.
1 397 používateľov
Dark Mode
Turn on Dark Reader for every website. Easy on your eyes, use dark theme for night and daily browsing.
751 používateľov
Google Translate
Google Translate
2 181 používateľov
1 978 používateľov
Pulltab Fullscreen - hide taskbar
this addon will give you a pulltab on the right side of your screen, it will put any website into fullscreen aka hide the address-bar. save space on your mobile device and make the user experience of most websites more similar to standalone apps!
244 používateľov
Stream to Android Player
Detect streaming videos and open them in external Android video player
100 používateľov
Adblock Master
Removes any Ads from your browser. Precise sniping for ads of various AD unions, and some video ads.
96 používateľov