Link tags: toast




Chris describes exactly why I wrote about toast:

But we should be extra watchful about stuff like this. If any browser goes rogue and just starts shipping stuff, web standards is over. Life for devs gets a lot harder and the web gets a lot worse. The stakes are high. And it’s not going to happen overnight, it’s going to happen with little tiny things like this. Keep that blue beanie on.

Patterns & Modules: The Toast — 2015 Redesign

I really like the way that you can literally flip between the source code and the output in this styleguide for The Toast.

Flying Toasters | After Dark in CSS

For people of a certain age, this will bring back memories of a classic screensaver.

If you had told me back then that the screensaver could one day be recreated in CSS, I’m not sure I would’ve believed it.

Toast | A simple CSS framework

This is interesting, not because it’s yet another grid framework (which I never use anyway) but because of the way it’s doing layout: with border-box and inline-block, rather than floats. If you’re only serving up your layout styles to browsers that support media queries (which would discount older versions of IE anyway), this could make a lot of sense.

2Modern Design Talk - Modern Furniture & Design Blog: Designer Toast

If I could get Twitter updates burned into my toast, my mornings would become much more efficient.