Link tags: instructions



Solving Sol

Browser implementations of Sol LeWitt’s conceptual and minimal art, many of which only exist as instructions like this:

Vertical lines, not straight, not touching, covering the wall evenly.


Instruction manual to operate and maintain Charles Babbage's 2nd Difference Engine built by Barrie Holloway and Reg Crick, June 1991 for the Science Museum, London SW7 2DD.

ZX81 BASIC Programming by Steven Vickers

The manual that came with the ZX81 has been lovingly converted to HTML. This was my first contact with programming (or computers, for that matter). :: Thoughts on (and pics of) the original Macintosh User Manual

Peter Merholz takes a trip down memory lane with pictures from the first Mac user manual.

Disposable urination funnel

This airtoons like animation demonstrates the correct usage of the magic cone.