Link tags: fontface



eBay’s Font Loading Strategy | eBay Tech Blog

Here’s the flow that eBay use for the font-loading. They’ve decided that on the very first page view, seeing a system font is an acceptable trade-off. I think that makes sense for their situation.

Interestingly, they set a flag for subsequent visits using localStorage rather than a cookie. I wonder why that is? For me, the ability to read cookies on the server as well as the client make them quite handy for situations like this.

CSS Font Rendering Controls Module Level 1

This is already starting to land in browsers, which makes me very happy—the ability to specify how you want fonts to load/swap without needing a clever bit of JavaScript.

System shock — Medium

This is such a delightful story of a brilliant mistake—true typographic nerdery and nostalgia.

Read all the way through for a free gift.

How we use web fonts responsibly, or, avoiding a @font-face-palm by Filament Group

Smart thinking here on the eternal dilemma with loading web fonts. Filament Group have thought about how the initial experience of the first page load could be quite different to subsequent page loads.

Fontello - easy iconic fonts composer

A nifty service for creating a custom font with just the icons you need.

Jake Archibald - Font-Face - Good vs Legal on Vimeo

Jake’s talk at DIBI earlier this year was absolutely fantastic. It features a rape reference, a story about pissing, and a Human Centipede metaphor.

It’s also very, very informative. Watch this.

Tal Leming » Web Fonts

An excellent take on font-linking from someone who designs typefaces for a living.