Link tags: election



Stop The Tories .Vote

A great practical website to help you vote tactically in the upcoming local elections.

Limiting input type=”color” to a certain palette (from an image) | Christian Heilmann

I never thought of combining the datalist element with input type="color"—it’s pretty cool that it just works!

Design Laws in Nature by Jordan Moore

A deep, deep dive into biomicry in digital design.

Nature is our outsourced research and development department. Observing problems solved by nature can help inform how we approach problems in digital design. Nature doesn’t like arbitrary features. It finds a way to shed unnecessary elements in advancing long-term goals over vast systems.

Designing The Perfect Date And Time Picker – Smashing Magazine

Vitaly’s been bitten with date-picker fever. Here’s his deep, deep, deep dive into one interface element.

Swing Left | Take Back the House

An excellent location-based resource for US citizens looking to make a difference in the 2018 midterm elections.

When the Nerds Go Marching In - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic

The fascinating story of how a dream team of geeks helped Obama to victory. Personally, I think it’s all about the facial hair. I mean, how could they lose with Trammell’s beard to guide them?

Shatner Hasselhoff '08 Presidential Election Campaign Blog

William Shatner and David Hasselhoff (circa 1984) are righting wrongs and taking Obama and McCain to the mat for the biggest brass ring in the country. From yesterday's tomorrow, for a better today!

The Open Rights Group : Blog Archive » ORG verdict on London Elections: “Insufficient evidence� to declare confidence in results

The ORG have released their report into the London mayoral elections. “there is insufficient evidence available to allow independent observers to state reliably whether the results declared in the May 2008 elections for the Mayor of London and the…

Looking Back: How Different Groups Voted

A really nice interactive infographic from the New York Times.

CHARLES DARWIN HAS A POSSE! -- stickers in support of evolution

Brilliant! I need to get some sticker paper so I can print out this picture and put it on my laptop.