Link tags: chloeweil



IndieWebCamp 2014 Year in Review — This Is A Movement - Tantek

Tantek posts a belated round-up of indie web activity in 2014:

2014 was a year of incredible gains, and yet, a very sad loss for the community. In many ways I think a lot of us are still coping, reflecting. But we continue, day to day to grow and improve the indieweb, as I think Chloe would have wanted us to, as she herself did.

A Lot Of Sorrow

I don’t want to get over you.

On 05 May 2013 The National played the song ‘Sorrow’ for 6 hours…

Profits from the soon-to-be-released recording go to Partners In Health:

A non-profit that brings the benefit of modern medical science to those most in need.

Spotify Names the Chloe Weil Scholarship to Help Flatiron School Women Fund their Education

A scholarship fund for women students at the Flatiron School, in memory of Chloe.

Spotify has named the program the Chloe Weil Scholarship as a memorial to Chloe Weil, an inspiring designer and engineer who took a strong interest in creating opportunities for women in technology.

Baby Steps - Petra Gregorová

Petra has always been the strong one. She was the best friend that Chloe could have possibly had. Little wonder then that Chloe’s death continues to hit her so hard.

I still can’t fully comprehend it all nor do I have any idea how to learn to move on. All I know is that ever since the day I found out, I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster. I go from being in shock, to being sad and angry, or completely numb.

Petra is getting help now. That’s good. She’s also writing about what she has been going through. That’s brave. Very brave.

She is one of the best human beings I know.

Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Depression

I’m sad about Robin Williams. I was also a little bit angry with him. In much the same way, I was sad about and angry with Chloe Weil when news of her suicide reached me.

Sound of Summer | Library Manifesto

The best archivist I ever knew was also a coder and my best friend. Her name was Chloe Weil.

Chloe’s Memorial

There’s a memorial picnic in Central Park on Saturday for Chloe. I wish I could be there.

For Chloe Weil : Christopher Schmitt

We are missing someone special this CSS Summit.

Chloe Weil · Rudiger Meyer

I keep thinking that the world needs more Chloe, not less

Oregon Humane Society

Please donate in memory of Chloe.

Thank you.

A thought — Samantha Stocks | Writer

I just feel very sad that she isn’t around anymore, and I can’t reach out to her and say, “Hey, me too.”

Chloe - a gallery on Flickr

Just pictures. But they bring some comfort.

Chloe Weil

Rainypixels: Meow Means Woof In Cat

It feels like I have lost one of my own.

RIP, Chloe.

Chloe | susan jean robertson

Even though we didn’t spend loads of time together, I will miss you Chloe; your quirky tweets, your fantastic photos of FACE, and the wonderful things you made both online and in real life.

For Chloe

Chloe often told me about Jill, her friend at work, and how they bonded straight away.

Frank Chimero – For Chloe

That was Chloe. She was exceptional. I hate that “was” is not “is.”

Chloe –

What struck me most - and has always stayed with me - is how Chloe appeared to be the kindest, most sweet person I could have wished to meet. She was the actual definition of “lovely” and “kind”, through and through.

Chloe | Rob Weychert

Chloe was generous with her emotions, but not in a needy or narcissistic way. I think she just found honesty more efficient than posturing. She didn’t hide her depression, but she didn’t let it define her, either. The clouds that followed her around wouldn’t hesitate to part for a good joke or an enthusiastic conversation about shared passions. Her wit was incisive and unassuming, her smile was enormous, and it was tremendously satisfying to make her laugh.

Chloe by Geri Coady

Geri remembers Chloe.

Robin Rendle › Chloe

Someone else who was inspired by Chloe, without ever having met her.