Link tags: curiosity



The Power of Indulging Your Weird, Offbeat Obsessions

  1. It’s enormously valuable to simply follow your curiosity—and follow it for a really long time, even if it doesn’t seem to be leading anywhere in particular.
  2. Surprisingly big breakthrough ideas come when you bridge two seemingly unconnected areas.

28 Months on Mars -

Curiosity’s journey so far, nicely visualised.

Curiosity Hub

This nifty place in Brighton is just down the street from me:

Our classes allow kids to get creative with exciting, cutting-edge technology and software.

The Pastry Box Project | 6 February 2013, baked by Tim Brown

Speaking as a very lazy person, this really resonated with me.

Overcoming laziness can feel like moving the moon.

YouTube - Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity Rover) Mission Animation

The plan to get Curiosity Rover onto the surface of Mars (ignore the cheesy sound effects in space).

Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity Rover) Mission Animation