Journal tags: iceweb


How to Be a Web Design Underwear Pervert

As noted by Cory Doctorow, Marvel and DC have filed for a joint trademark on the word “superhero”.

Meanwhile, over in Reykjavik, Andy Clarke has just finished a reprise performance of his hit presentation from South by SouthWest (where he shared the stage with Andy Budd). The presentation is entitled “How to Be a Web Design Superhero”.


Fortunately, Cory has a solution:

Here’s a proposal: from now on, let’s never use the term “super-hero” to describe a Marvel character. Let’s call them “underwear perverts” — as Warren Ellis is wont to — or vigilantes, or mutants.

I have taken the liberty of passing Joe’s transcript of Andy’s presentation through my transmogrifier. I give you:

How to Be a Web Design Underwear Pervert.