Tags: 3d



Thursday, January 16th, 2025

A man playing bouzouki accompanying a man playing the uilleann pipes in a pub.

Thursday session

Sunday, March 17th, 2024

Checked in at Fox On the Downs. Starting St. Patrick’s Day right — with Jessica map

Checked in at Fox On the Downs. Starting St. Patrick’s Day right — with Jessica

Friday, March 15th, 2024

Checked in at De Koningshut. Bitterballen and beer map

Checked in at De Koningshut. Bitterballen and beer

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

A banjo player, a fiddler, and a box player sitting at a pub table playing away.

Wednesday session

Friday, September 1st, 2023

Checked in at Mili. Seafood feast! — with Jessica map

Checked in at Mili. Seafood feast! — with Jessica

Monday, June 26th, 2023

Checked in at The Fiddler's Elbow. Monday night session 🎶🎻☘️ map

Checked in at The Fiddler’s Elbow. Monday night session 🎶🎻☘️

Wednesday, April 19th, 2023

Checked in at Fratelli Burgio. Pistachio croissant — with Jessica map

Checked in at Fratelli Burgio. Pistachio croissant — with Jessica

Sunday, March 12th, 2023

Checked in at The Bugle Inn. Sunday session 🎻🎻 map

Checked in at The Bugle Inn. Sunday session 🎻🎻

Thursday, March 2nd, 2023

Picture 1 Picture 2

Checked in at Jolly Brewer. Wednesday night session — with Jessica

Sunday, February 19th, 2023

These were my jams

This Is My Jam was a lovely website. Created by Hannah and Matt in 2011, it ran until 2015, at which point they had to shut it down. But they made sure to shut it down with care and consideration.

In many ways, This Is My Jam was the antithesis of the prevailing Silicon Valley mindset. Instead of valuing growth and scale above all else, it was deliberately thoughtful. Rather than “maximising engagement”, it asked you to slow down and just share one thing: what piece of music are you really into right now? It was up to you to decide whether “right now” meant this year, this month, this week, or this day.

I used to post songs there sporadically. Here’s a round-up of the twelve songs I posted in 2013. There was always some reason for posting a particular piece of music.

I was reminded of This Is My Jam recently when I logged into Spotify (not something I do that often). As part of the site’s shutdown, you could export all your jams into a Spotify playlist. Here’s mine.

Listening back to these 50 songs all these years later gave me the warm fuzzies.

Wednesday, February 1st, 2023

Checked in at Jolly Brewer. Wednesday night session — with Jessica map

Checked in at Jolly Brewer. Wednesday night session — with Jessica

Sunday, January 29th, 2023

Checked in at The Bugle Inn. Sunday session 🎶🎻 map

Checked in at The Bugle Inn. Sunday session 🎶🎻

Thursday, January 26th, 2023

Checked in at The Lord Nelson Inn. Thursday night session 🎶🎻 — with Jessica map

Checked in at The Lord Nelson Inn. Thursday night session 🎶🎻 — with Jessica

Wednesday, January 25th, 2023

Checked in at Jolly Brewer. Fiddletastic session — with Jessica map

Checked in at Jolly Brewer. Fiddletastic session — with Jessica

Wednesday, January 11th, 2023

Checked in at Jolly Brewer. Wednesday night session — with Jessica map

Checked in at Jolly Brewer. Wednesday night session — with Jessica

Friday, December 30th, 2022

Music in 2022

Usually an end-of-year music round-up is a list of favourite recordings released in the year. But in 2022 I wasn’t paying very much attention to new releases. I bought a few albums on Bandcamp. They were mostly of—surprise, surprise—traditional Irish music.

Still, I had a very music-filled 2022. Mostly I was playing mandolin in sessions, both here in Brighton and wherever else my travels took me.

These moments were undoubtedly highlights of the year for me.

Checked in at Jolly Brewer. Wednesday night session ☘️🎶🎻 — with Jessica Playing tunes. Checked in at The Lord Nelson Inn. Thursday night session ☘️🎶 Playing tunes on the street. Seamus Sands, James Kelly, and Antóin Mac Gabhann—amazing fiddlers, and it turns out they all use thesession.org! Playing in Friels. Checked in at Jolly Brewer. Wednesday evening session 🎻🎻🎻 — with Jessica Playing some lovely tunes. 🎻🎶 Checked in at The Bugle Inn. Playing some tunes with Rowan Playing in a session in Charlie’s, my old watering hole in Cork from my Art College days three decades ago. Lovely tunes at The Star tonight. Checked in at Dover Castle. A full house of fiddles! 🎶🎻🎻🎻🎻🎶 — with Jessica Checked in at The Bugle Inn. Sunday afternoon session 🎶🎻🎻🎻🎶 Playing tunes at a house session in San Diego. Checked in at Jolly Brewer. Wednesday night session 🎻🎶🎻 — with Jessica Checked in at The Corner House. Playing in a session led by Matt Cranitch! 🎶🎻 — with Jessica

Monday, October 24th, 2022

Checked in at Dover Castle. Sessioning — with Jessica map

Checked in at Dover Castle. Sessioning — with Jessica

Monday, July 4th, 2022

Checked in at Clery's. Pipers galore! — with Jessica map

Checked in at Clery’s. Pipers galore! — with Jessica

Sunday, March 6th, 2022

Both plagues on your one house

February is a tough month at the best of times. A February during The Situation is particularly grim.

At least in December you get Christmas, whose vibes can even carry you through most of January. But by the time February rolls around, it’s all grim winteriness with no respite in sight.

In the middle of February, Jessica caught the ’rona. On the bright side, this wasn’t the worst timing: if this had happened in December, our Christmas travel plans to visit family would’ve been ruined. On the not-so-bright side, catching a novel coronavirus is no fun.

Still, the vaccines did their job. Jessica felt pretty crap for a couple of days but was on the road to recovery before too long.

Amazingly, I did not catch the ’rona. We slept in separate rooms, but still, we were spending most of our days together in the same small flat. Given the virulence of The Omicron Variant, I’m counting my blessings.

But just in case I got any ideas about having some kind of superhuman immune system, right after Jessica had COVID-19, I proceeded to get gastroenteritis. I’ll spare you the details, but let me just say it was not pretty.

Amazingly, Jessica did not catch it. I guess two years of practicing intense hand-washing pays off when a stomach bug comes a-calling.

So all in all, not a great February, even by February’s already low standards.

The one bright spot that I get to enjoy every February is my birthday, just as the month is finishing up. Last year I spent my birthday—the big five oh—in lockdown. But two years ago, right before the world shut down, I had a lovely birthday weekend in Galway. This year, as The Situation began to unwind and de-escalate, I thought it would be good to reprieve that birthday trip.

We went to Galway. We ate wonderful food at Aniar. We listened to some great trad music. We drink some pints. It was good.

But it was hard to enjoy the trip knowing what was happening elsewhere in Europe. I’d blame February for being a bastard again, but in this case the bastard is clearly Vladimar Putin. Fucker.

Just as it’s hard to switch off for a birthday break, it’s equally challenging to go back to work and continue as usual. It feels very strange to be spending the days working on stuff that clearly, in the grand scheme of things, is utterly trivial.

I take some consolation in the fact that everyone else feels this way too, and everyone is united in solidarity with Ukraine. (There are some people in my social media timelines who also feel the need to point out that other countries have been invaded and bombed too. I know it’s not their intention but there’s a strong “all lives matter” vibe to that kind of whataboutism. Hush.)

Anyway. February’s gone. It’s March. Things still feel very grim indeed. But perhaps, just perhaps, there’s a hint of Spring in the air. Winter will not last forever.

Tuesday, January 4th, 2022

Plus Equals #4, December 2021

In which Rob takes a deep dive into isometric projection and then gets generative with it.