One of the first ever personal websites—long before the word “blog” was a mischievous gleam in Peter’s eye—was Justin Hall’s Linking was right there in the domain name.
I really enjoy sharing links on my website. It feels good to point to something and say, “Hey, check this out!”
Other people are doing it too.
- I really enjoy Neil’s links (RSS), always wrapped up with a quote of the day.
- Scott Boms’s Through Lines (RSS) are always packed with good stuff, along with new typeface releases.
- Jim Nielsen’s notes (RSS) are as valuable as his blog, which is to say, very.
- Then there’s Clive Thompson’s Linkfest (RSS)—it’s right there in the name.
Then there are some relatively new additions to the linking gang:
- Hidde’s links (RSS),
- Andy’s links (RSS), and
- Sophie’s links (RSS) batched into a weekly release.
There are more out there for you to discover and add to your feed reader of choice. Good link hunting!