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This work presents mineralogical and chemical characteristics of weathering crusts developed on sandstones exposed to various air pollution conditions. The samples have been collected from sandstone tors in the Carpathian Foothill and... more
Black limestone, also known as black “marble”, was widely used in the Polish small-scale architecture and art of the 17th and 18th centuries. Besides the Devonian limestone from Dębnik near Krakow, also popular were the Netherlandish... more
The collapsing of the south-east wing of Kapelania at the Św. Józef Church of the Bernardine Convent started in 2010, causing fracturing of the walls around the garden, and especially the cellar rooms under the buildings near the Church.... more
In the Foothill of the Polish Flysch Carpathians numerous sandstone tors occur. The outer, exposed parts of the rocks are often covered by crust which is up to several centimeters thick. This crust, usually laminated, forms as a result of... more
In the Foothill of the Polish Flysch Carpathians numerous sandstone tors occur. The outer, exposed parts of the rocks are often covered by crust which is up to several centimeters thick. This crust, usually laminated, forms as a result of... more
The study was aimed at min er al og i cal and geo chem i cal char ac ter is tics of sec ond ary phases re lated to de te ri o ra tion of his - toric build ing ma te ri als. The in ves ti ga tions, car ried out in the Holy Trin ity Ba sil... more
Pickeringite, ideally MgAl2(SO4)4•22H2O, is a member of the halotrichite group minerals XAl2(SO4)4•22H2O that form extensive solid solutions along the joints of the X = Fe-Mg-Mn-Zn. The few comprehensive reports on natural halotrichites... more
The investigations focused on the façade of the 17th-century Myszkowskis chapel at the 13th-century Church of the Holy Trinity in Cracow, Poland. Most of the chapel's façade is made of rusticated limestone blocks, but its lower part is... more