Johan Carlberger
Improving Precision in Information Retrieval for Swedish using Stemming
Johan Carlberger
Hercules Dalianis
Martin Duneld
Ola Knutsson
Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2001)
Granska–an efficient hybrid system for Swedish grammar checking
Rickard Domeij
Ola Knutsson
Johan Carlberger
Viggo Kann
Proceedings of the 12th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 1999)
Profet, A New Generation of Word Prediction: An Evaluation Study
Alice Carlberger
Johan Carlberger
Tina Magnuson
M. Sharon Hunnicutt
Sira E. Palazuelos-Cagigas
Santiago Aguilera Navarro
Natural Language Processing for Communication Aids