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Zhuo Li


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PEMT: Multi-Task Correlation Guided Mixture-of-Experts Enables Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning
Zhisheng Lin | Han Fu | Chenghao Liu | Zhuo Li | Jianling Sun
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) has emerged as an effective method for adapting pre-trained language models to various tasks efficiently. Recently, there has been a growing interest in transferring knowledge from one or multiple tasks to the downstream target task to achieve performance improvements. However, current approaches typically either train adapters on individual tasks or distill shared knowledge from source tasks, failing to fully exploit task-specific knowledge and the correlation between source and target tasks. To overcome these limitations, we propose PEMT, a novel parameter-efficient fine-tuning framework based on multi-task transfer learning. PEMT extends the mixture-of-experts (MoE) framework to capture the transferable knowledge as a weighted combination of adapters trained on source tasks. These weights are determined by a gated unit, measuring the correlation between the target and each source task using task description prompt vectors. To fully exploit the task-specific knowledge, we also propose the Task Sparsity Loss to improve the sparsity of the gated unit. We conduct experiments on a broad range of tasks over 17 datasets. The experimental results demonstrate our PEMT yields stable improvements over full fine-tuning, and state-of-the-art PEFT and knowledge transferring methods on various tasks. The results highlight the effectiveness of our method which is capable of sufficiently exploiting the knowledge and correlation features across multiple tasks.


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Self-Edit: Fault-Aware Code Editor for Code Generation
Kechi Zhang | Zhuo Li | Jia Li | Ge Li | Zhi Jin
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated an impressive ability to generate codes on competitive programming tasks. However, with limited sample numbers, LLMs still suffer from poor accuracy. Inspired by the process of human programming, we propose a generate-and-edit approach named Self-Edit that utilizes execution results of the generated code from LLMs to improve the code quality on the competitive programming task. We execute the generated code on the example test case provided in the question and wrap execution results into a supplementary comment. Utilizing this comment as guidance, our fault-aware code editor is employed to correct errors in the generated code. We perform extensive evaluations across two competitive programming datasets with nine different LLMs. Compared to directly generating from LLMs, our approach can improve the average of pass@1 by 89% on APPS-dev, 31% on APPS-test, and 48% on HumanEval over nine popular code generation LLMs with parameter sizes ranging from 110M to 175B. Compared to other post-processing methods, our method demonstrates superior accuracy and efficiency.


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机器音译研究综述(Survey on Machine Transliteration)
Zhuo Li (李卓) | Zhijuan Wang (王志娟) | Xiaobing Zhao (赵小兵)
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics


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Graph Enhanced Contrastive Learning for Radiology Findings Summarization
Jinpeng Hu | Zhuo Li | Zhihong Chen | Zhen Li | Xiang Wan | Tsung-Hui Chang
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The impression section of a radiology report summarizes the most prominent observation from the findings section and is the most important section for radiologists to communicate to physicians. Summarizing findings is time-consuming and can be prone to error for inexperienced radiologists, and thus automatic impression generation has attracted substantial attention. With the encoder-decoder framework, most previous studies explore incorporating extra knowledge (e.g., static pre-defined clinical ontologies or extra background information). Yet, they encode such knowledge by a separate encoder to treat it as an extra input to their models, which is limited in leveraging their relations with the original findings. To address the limitation, we propose a unified framework for exploiting both extra knowledge and the original findings in an integrated way so that the critical information (i.e., key words and their relations) can be extracted in an appropriate way to facilitate impression generation. In detail, for each input findings, it is encoded by a text encoder and a graph is constructed through its entities and dependency tree. Then, a graph encoder (e.g., graph neural networks (GNNs)) is adopted to model relation information in the constructed graph. Finally, to emphasize the key words in the findings, contrastive learning is introduced to map positive samples (constructed by masking non-key words) closer and push apart negative ones (constructed by masking key words). The experimental results on two datasets, OpenI and MIMIC-CXR, confirm the effectiveness of our proposed method, where the state-of-the-art results are achieved.


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Identifying Important Features for Graph Retrieval
Zhuo Li | Sandra Carberry | Hui Fang | Kathleen McCoy
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers