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Version: 2.x


The following benchmarks are freely available to run on your hardware with sbt "zioJsonJVM/jmh:run -prof gc" and can be extended to include more niche libraries. We only compare zio-json against Circe and Play as they are the incumbent solutions used by most of the Scala ecosystem.

zio-json, when used in legacy mode (i.e. using a StringReader), is typically x2 faster than Circe and x5 faster than Play. When used with Loom, zio-json has finished its work before the others even begin. The following benchmarks are therefore only for legacy mode comparisons.

There are two main factors to consider when comparing the performance of JSON libraries: memory usage and operations per second. We perform measurements in one thread at a time but in a real server situation, there are multiple threads each consuming resources.

Here are JMH benchmarks (higher ops/sec is better, lower MB/sec is better) on a standard Google Maps API performance-testing dataset (stressing array and number parsing). Note that a better metric for memory usage might be MB per decode or encode, since it can be misleading to have the same MB/sec but be processing more JSON: the library that consumes the least amount of memory is likely to have highest throughput.

       Decoding                    | Encoding
ops/sec MB/sec | ops/sec MB/sec
zio 15761 ± 283 1633 ± 29 | 14289 ± 84 2214 ± 12
circe 8832 ± 269 1816 ± 55 | 11980 ± 142 2030 ± 24
play 5756 ± 47 2260 ± 19 | 6669 ± 160 2677 ± 64

on a standard Twitter API performance-testing dataset (stressing nested case classes with lots of fields)

       Decoding                    | Encoding
ops/sec MB/sec | ops/sec MB/sec
zio 16989 ± 113 827 ± 6 | 23085 ± 641 1791 ± 50
circe 16010 ± 72 1349 ± 6 | 15664 ± 209 1627 ± 22
play 5256 ± 165 1231 ± 39 | 15580 ± 314 2260 ± 45

on a standard GeoJSON performance-testing dataset (stressing nested sealed traits that use a discriminator)

       Decoding                    | Encoding
ops/sec MB/sec | ops/sec MB/sec
zio 17104 ± 155 2768 ± 25 | 5372 ± 26 817 ± 4
circe 8388 ± 118 2879 ± 41 | 4762 ± 47 592 ± 6
play 704 ± 9 3946 ± 55 | 2587 ± 24 1091 ± 10

and on a standard synthetic performance-testing dataset (stressing nested recursive types)

       Decoding                    | Encoding
ops/sec MB/sec | ops/sec MB/sec
zio 59099 ± 1307 2108 ± 46 | 32048 ± 240 2573 ± 19
circe 19609 ± 370 2873 ± 53 | 13830 ± 109 1730 ± 14
play 9001 ± 182 3348 ± 67 | 14529 ± 200 3533 ± 48

zio-json easily wins every benchmark except ops/sec for the Twitter test data where Circe matches ops/sec but loses heavily on memory usage. Play loses on every benchmark.

Even More Performance​

If zio-json isn't fast enough for you, then try out jsoniter-scala; whereas zio-json is fully integrated into ZIO, including streams and pipeline support, jsoniter is library agnostic.

JSON is an inefficient transport format and everybody would benefit from a port of this library to msgpack or protobuf. For legacy services, a port supporting XML is also be possible.