Red Chuchu

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Red Chuchus,(MMMajora's Mask | MM3DMajora's Mask 3D | TWWThe Wind Waker | TWWHDThe Wind Waker HD | TMCThe Minish Cap | PHPhantom Hourglass | STSpirit Tracks | SSSkyward Sword)[1][name references needed] also known as Red Chus,(TPTwilight Princess | TPHDTwilight Princess HD)[1] are recurring Enemies in The Legend of Zelda series.


Majora's Mask

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That's a Red Chuchu. It's nothing really to be afraid of! It's not unusual to find something in its stomach that might be of use.

In Majora's Mask, Red Chuchus are commonplace to Termina Field, and carry Hearts in their bodies which they drop when defeated.

The Wind Waker

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A Red ChuChu!

Pulverize it and collect red Chu Jelly!

In The Wind Waker, Red Chuchus are among the most commonly encountered type of ChuChus, and can be found on Pawprint Isle and Dragon Roost Cavern, as well as in the Forest Haven, the Earth Temple and the Wind Temple. They are the lowest form of ChuChu and possess no unique traits, and are thus the easiest to slay. Sometimes forming groups of three, their attacks deal little damage. As simple as they are, they are valuable as they can be slain for Red Chu Jelly, which can make health-replenishing Red Potions.

The Minish Cap

In The Minish Cap, Red Chuchus are common to Mount Crenel. They are the most basic varieties, and attack simply by jumping. Red Chuchus are often found in small groups.

Red Chuchus also come in an additional variant called Rock Chuchus. Appearing in Veil Falls, they wear a rocky helmet over their face. When their helmets are destroyed, they turn into regular Red Chuchus.

Twilight Princess

Phantom Hourglass

In Phantom Hourglass, Red Chuchus can be found in mountainous regions as well as most Dungeons.

Spirit Tracks

In Spirit Tracks, Red Chuchus are the most basic and common variety, appearing as early as the Tunnel to the Tower.

Helmet Chuchus are Red Chuchus that wear protective helmets.

Skyward Sword

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Target lock: Red Chuchu

The red Chuchu has an exceedingly high body temperature. Avoid all physical contact, or your clothing and shield may burst into flames.

In the event you are set on fire, I recommend you quickly extinguish the flames by performing a roll.

In Skyward Sword, Red Chuchus are most commonly found in the Eldin Volcano area and can ignite Link on contact with them, due to their extremely high body temperature.[2] They are also no longer the weakest Chuchu variety, as that role has been taken up by the Green Chuchus.

Other Appearances

Nintendo Land

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Hyrule Warriors Legends

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.


Names in Other Regions
赤チュチュ (Aka Chuchu) (SSSkyward Sword)[7] 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Rode Chuchu (SSHDSkyward Sword HD)[10]Same as English.
The French Republic
Chuchu rouge (SSHDSkyward Sword HD)[9]Same as English.
The Federal Republic of Germany
Roter Schleim (SSHDSkyward Sword HD)[8]Red slime
The Italian Republic
  • ChuChu (Rosso) (MMMajora's Mask)[5]
  • ChuChu Rosso (TWWThe Wind Waker)[6]
  • Chuchu rosso (MM3DMajora's Mask 3D | SSHDSkyward Sword HD)[3][4]
  • ChuChu (Red)
  • Red chuchu
The Kingdom of Spain
Chuchu rojo (SSHDSkyward Sword HD)[11]Same as English.
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


See Also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 171 (MMMajora's Mask | MM3DMajora's Mask 3D | TWWThe Wind Waker | TWWHDThe Wind Waker HD | TMCThe Minish Cap | TPTwilight Princess | TPHDTwilight Princess HD | PHPhantom Hourglass | STSpirit Tracks | SSSkyward Sword)
  2. Target lock: Red Chuchu
    The red Chuchu has an exceedingly high body temperature. Avoid all physical contact, or your clothing and shield may burst into flames.
    In the event you are set on fire, I recommend you quickly extinguish the flames by performing a roll.
    — Fi (Skyward Sword)
  3. Bersaglio inquadrato: chuchu rosso. — Fi (Skyward Sword HD, Italian version)
  4. Ecco un chuchu rosso. — Tatl (Majora's Mask 3D, Italian version)
  5. Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 171
  6. Gelatina di ChuChu Rosso
    Contiene sostanze molto efficaci contro la fatica, ma non può essere utilizzata al suo stato naturale.
    — Collection Screen (The Wind Waker)
  7. Hyrule Encyclopedia, Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd., pg. 185
  8. Dies ist ein roter Schleim. — Fi (Skyward Sword HD, German version)
  9. La cible verrouillée est un Chuchu rouge. — Fi (Skyward Sword HD, European French version)
  10. Doelwit: rode Chuchu — Fi (Skyward Sword HD, Dutch version)
  11. El objetivo seleccionado es un chuchu rojo. — Fi (Skyward Sword HD, European Spanish version)
Recurring Enemies
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10+ Appearances
8+ Appearances
6+ Appearances