Glowing Ring

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This page is about the Object in Breath of the Wild. For other uses, see Ring (Disambiguation).

Glowing Rings are Objects in Breath of the Wild.[1] They are exclusive to The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack.

Location and Uses

Glowing Rings appear during the "EX Champion Daruk's Song", "EX Champion Mipha's Song", "EX Champion Revali's Song", and "EX Champion Urbosa's Song" Main Quests. They are referred to in the Unfinished Song that Kass sings, where they are part of the Divine Beast Tamer's Trials that the Champions undertook 100 years ago.[2][3][4][5] Glowing Rings appear in two forms. One is stationary, requiring Link to solve a puzzle in order to reach them. The second type appears during races, where Link will have a limited time to reach them before they disappear. When Link solves these puzzles or completes these races, an Ancient Shrine will appear.

Two of the tasks during "EX Champion Daruk's Song" involve Glowing Rings. On top of Death Mountain, Link will find the first in a series of Glowing Rings that he must follow by both gliding with his Paraglider or climbing. When he reaches the final Ring, Sharo Lun Shrine will emerge from the ground. The second task occurs at Darb Pond, where Link finds the Goron Blood Brothers preparing to train where Daruk used to.[6] They point out the Glowing Ring on top of the Pond to Link, explaining it is their target.[1] Link can reach this Ring by pushing the rocks in the Lava with metal boxes. Once he touches it, Rinu Honika Shrine will emerge from the ground.

An additional two tasks from "EX Champion Mipha's Song" make use of Glowing Rings. For the first task, Link will find Muzu and Tottika overlooking the Lanayru Sea. Muzu recounts a phrase from Mipha's notes that describes one of the tasks she undertook during her Divine Beast Tamer's Trial.[7] At sunrise, a Glowing Ring will appear in the Water between Ankel Island and Tingel Island. Passing through it will cause Kee Dafunia Shrine to emerge from the Water. The next task starts at Mikau Lake, where Link will find a series of Glowing Rings leading up the Waterfall all the way to Ploymus Mountain. When Link Swims through the final Ring, Mah Eliya Shrine will rise from the ground.

"EX Champion Revali's Song" has one task that includes Glowing Rings. Near Hebra Peak, he will find the beginning of a trail of Glowing Rings that he must Shield Surf through. The Rings lead down into the Pikida Stonegrove. Once Link surfs through the final Glowing Ring, Kiah Toza Shrine will emerge from the snow.

Finally, one task during "EX Champion Urbosa's Song" involves Glowing Rings. A series of Glowing Rings will appear in the West Barrens. Link must use a Sand Seal to pass through all of the Rings. He can rent one from the Sand-Seal Rental Shop Southeast Booth, which are trained to be faster and wait if Link leaves them.[8] Alternatively, Essa will appear outside of Gerudo Town during this Main Quest, where she is attempting to tame wild Sand Seals.[9] Link can take one of her Sand Seals, but they are not trained like the ones in Town.[10] When Link passes through the final Glowing Ring, Takama Shiri Shrine will rise from the sand.


  • The Sheikah text found on most Glowing Rings reads "9876543210."[11] However, the Glowing Rings at Darb Pond and in the Lanayru Sea instead read "0123456789."[12]


Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. 1.0 1.1 You see that glowing ring in the lava? Think of it as a target, and... stand on the lava, brother! — Heehl (Breath of the Wild)
  2. ♪Crawling flame on a mighty peak.
    Rudania's Champion, never weak.♪
    ♪The hero's power shall grow.
    Seek trials monuments show.♪
    ♪One, stop a titan of molten stone.
    Two, follow rings of light alone.♪
    ♪Three, survive lava's fiery fate.
    Champion, trials await!♪
    — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  3. ♪Reaching skyward from waters blue.
    Ruta's Champion a heart true.♪
    ♪The hero's power shall grow.
    Seek trials monuments show.♪
    ♪One, find what the light's path shows.
    Two, conquer ancient foes.♪
    ♪Three, chase rings of the waterfall.
    Champion, the trials call!♪
    — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  4. ♪Wind's ally soars the land of cloud.
    Medoh's Champion, swift and proud.♪
    ♪The hero's power shall grow.
    Seek trials monuments show.♪
    ♪One, shoot the flame dragon's horn.
    Two, race down a peak rings adorn.♪
    ♪Three, shoot four targets to win.
    Champion, the trials begin!♪
    — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  5. ♪Lightning king of the desert.
    Naboris's Champion, the stalwart.♪
    ♪The hero's power shall grow.
    Seek trials monuments show.♪
    ♪One, fight the brute of the sand.
    Two, chase rings upon the land.♪
    ♪Three, throw the orb underground.
    Champion, trials abound!♪
    — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  6. Do ya know why Champion Daruk chose this place to train, brother? ...Neither do we! But us Goron Blood Brothers are gonna find out by completing the training ourselves! — Bayge (Breath of the Wild)
  7. Princess Mipha's notes had this phrase... "While the morning sun is newly born, follow the path of light to the trial." — Muzu (Breath of the Wild)
  8. The sand seals in town were all trained by Frelly. They're faster, and they'll wait for you to return to them. — Essa (Breath of the Wild)
  9. Frelly asked me to go recruit some wild sand seals. — Essa (Breath of the Wild)
  10. By comparison, the ones outside who haven't been trained will just run off the moment you dismount. — Essa (Breath of the Wild)
  11. 9876543210 — N/A (Breath of the Wild)
  12. 0123456789 — N/A (Breath of the Wild)