Opening Up A Staircase Before And AfterClosed To Open Staircase RemodelOpen Staircase Before And AfterHalf Enclosed StaircaseSmall Open Staircase IdeasOpening A Closed StaircaseOpen Up Basement StaircaseSteep Staircase RemodelOpen Enclosed StaircaseOpening Up A Staircase Before And AfterBefore and after staircase opened up- added landing at the bottom and rebuilt staircase so it is less steep525
Closed In Staircase IdeasEnclosed Stairwell DecorOpen Stairway To BasementEnclosed Staircase IdeasEnclosed StairsClosed Staircase IdeasClosed StaircaseEnclosed StaircaseStairs EntrywayClosed In Staircase Ideas55
Cabin Staircase IdeasStairs Between Kitchen And Living RoomEnglish Cottage StairsStaircase Middle Of HouseOpening Up A Staircase WallFinishing Stairs Basement StepsWalled In StaircaseCompact Staircase IdeasEnclosed Stairs IdeasCabin Staircase IdeasLinda on Instagram: "Always loved a twisty staircase…we had one in the summer kitchen of a former home and now this one as well. I’m picturing some fresh greens hanging from the sconce and candles on the steps for the holidays. #dreamingandscheming #oldhouselove #staircasedesign #bookstagram #booksandnooksdecor #booklovers #silouette #sconce #pleatedlampshade #fabriclampshades #countryhousestyle #countryhome #wallpaper #vintagestyle #spotmycottage #myheartandhomestyle #homeandgardenig…351
Stacked StaircaseOpen Tread StaircaseEnclosed StaircaseOpen StairsTreads And RisersStack OverflowStair RailingsStair HandrailNewel PostsHalf open half closed stair railingI finished up installing flooring and stair treads and want to replace the stair railings. What used to be there is similar to the blue line shown below. The bottom open half had risers/guards abou...1
Build A Half WallOpen Basement StairsHalf Wall IdeasBasement StairwayBasement StaircaseDiy Stair RailingBasement StairOpen BasementStairway IdeasHalf wall with Cap and Oak rail to basement - "We don't just build homes - we build COMMUNITIES"This looks so much better than the silly railing I have now....Half wall with Cap and Oak rail to basement6.6k
Enclosing StaircaseOpen Concept With Stairs In MiddleNarrow Enclosed Staircase IdeasOpen Stairs In Living RoomEnclosed Staircase IdeasEnclosed StairsLiving Room With StairsClosed StaircaseBar Under StairsEnclosing Staircase8
Replacing Stair Railing BanistersHalf Wall Instead Of RailingStair Railing Half WallWall Instead Of RailingHalf Wall With SpindlesKnee Wall StairsHalf Wall By StairsHalf Wall Banister IdeasHalf Wall Staircase RailingsHow to Replace Banister with Half Wall on a StaircaseSwitch out a dated banister. This guide will help you in building a half wall at the top of the stairs.108
Enclosed Staircase IdeasEnclosed StairsStairs With RunnerRailing WallEnclosed StaircaseHallway Ideas DiyStairs Makeover IdeasBasement StepsLoft StaircaseEnclosed Staircase IdeasEnclosed staircase with foot lights356
Half Wall At Top Of StairsHalf Wall LoftOpen Staircase To Basement Half WallsOpen Stairwell To Basement Half WallsLoft With Half WallHalf Wall StairsHalf Wall Staircase IdeasPartially Open StaircaseWall At Top Of Stairshalf wall stair at loftThis new home features a large open multi-purpose second-floor loft, brightened with huge windows on the front, and a half wall and window at the side stairs. It's a great space for working, playing music, and simply relaxing. #Stairdesign #stairwindow #loftspace #EveryDesignTellsAStory #LetUsTellYourStory #1212Architects36
Floor Vase DecorStaircase StylesIsland Beach HouseEscalier DesignFarmhouse Side TableFoyer DecoratingStair CaseUnderstairs StorageStair Storage2015 Home Goals : Design Plan | Life On Virginia StreetI'm being proactive and setting up my 2015 Home Goals for the year! I have a lot of ideas that I want to tackle before we hit 2016!114