A Note for the Nit-Pickers
A note for the nit-pickers: it may be argued that I've stretched the definitions of both "Disney" and "villain" in certain cases here, and I call blogger's privilege. Some purists may object to the inclusion of Pixar characters, but I think far more will be disappointed by their omission. There are no Marvel (with the possible exception of Big Hero 6), Star Wars, or Muppet characters. That would be stretching things too far. Also, yes, some may say that some of the characters are too nice to be here, for example: Mr. Smee may seem like an okay guy on the surface, but he's still made some questionable decisions when it comes to the company he keeps, so for the purposes of this blog, he, and others like him, do not get a pass. Neither do villains who redeem themselves or reform. If you still feel like picking at my nits, I advise you to step back, relax, and check back tomorrow. Remember that, first and foremost, this is for fun. Enjoy.