Zabbix nabízí bezplatné webináře, jejichž témata pokrývají oblasti jako je architektura Zabbix monitoringu, možnosti nastavení, oblasti aplikace, škálovatelnost a výkon, to vše o možnosti Zabbix služeb.
Všechny webináře jsou určeny pro širokou veřejnost, ale v některých případech může být vyžadována předchozí znalost Zabbix monitoringu, abyste obsahu plně porozuměli, mohli se zapojit do diskuse a webináře tak pro vás byly skutečně přínosné.
Webináře probíhají online na platformě Zoom. Zatímco přednášející prezentuje, účastníci webinářů jsou vítáni klást své otázky pomocí chatu.
Zabbix - API One of the most powerful features to automate your workflow is the Zabbix API. It can be daunting at first, but once you’ve followed this webinar you know where to start and how to build your workflows using that API. We promise you: It’s easier than you might expect! Brian van Baekel
Brian Van Baekel
Consultant, Opensource ICT Solutions
After working with Zabbix for several years (started with Zabbix 1.8), Brian started his own company Opensource ICT Solutions in the Netherlands and United States. From that moment the main focus is a consultancy, support and training on the product Zabbix.
In this role, he is seeing, building and maintaining Zabbix environments all over the world for various customers. This means the level of experience is getting higher and higher by the day. During his trainings, his aim is to transfer as much of this knowledge as possible to the attendees.
Certified Trainer
Opensource ICT Solutions LLC,
United States
Certified Partner
Services a SLA v Zabbixu 7.0 Tento webinář vysvětluje integraci služeb a dohod o úrovni služeb (SLA) v rámci Zabbixu. Vysvětluje, jak lze Zabbix použít k monitorování výkonu a dostupnosti kritických IT služeb a zajistit, aby splňovaly předem definované SLO. Tomas Hermanek
Workshop: Manuelle Benutzereingaben in Frontend-Skripten: Automatisierung in Zabbix 7.0 verbessern Entdecken Sie die neue Unterstützung für manuelle Benutzereingaben in Frontend-Skripten, die in Zabbix 7.0 eingeführt wurde. In dieser Sitzung wird das Konzept der manuellen Host-Aktionen und manuellen Ereignis-Aktionen, wie es in früheren Versionen verwendet wurde, erklärt. Anschließend wird die neue Funktionalität ausführlich behandelt, die zeigt, wie manuelle Eingaben nun direkt in Ihre Automatisierungs-Workflows integriert werden können. Stefan Matzek
Stefan Matzek
IntelliTrend GmbH
With a solid IT background and his experience as an IT consultant, Stefan Matzek started working with Zabbix several years ago as a Zabbix Consultant at IntelliTrend GmbH. In this role he implemented and supported Zabbix in many customer projects, such as new installations, migrations and extensions of existing installations. This often included explanations of various concepts in Zabbix and workshops to train administrators on the new monitoring infrastructure. In 2022, due to his experience and communication skills, he became a certified Zabbix Trainer - a decision he has never regretted.
Зачем нужен мониторинг Мониторинг не ограничивается сбором информации. Существует множество аспектов мониторинга - от работы с данными до обнаружения проблем, визуализации состояния инфраструктуры и многое другое. Присоединяйтесь к нам и узнайте о различных аспектах мониторинга, а так же о том, какую пользу может принести надежное решение для мониторинга вашей организации. Aleksandrs Petrovs-Gavrilovs
Aleksandrs Petrovs Gavrilovs
Technická podpora, Trenér, Zabbix SIA
Aleksandrs has more than 10 years of experience in IT, providing support on the vast list of services, starting with basic technical support while deploying and administering web hosting services and moving to support of streaming technology equipment, data, optical systems, and network communication systems.Eventually, the wish of providing high-quality support in a constantly evolving environment of Zabbix led to the path of a Support Engineer for Zabbix customers, which was followed by Zabbix Certified Specialist, Professional and Expert certifications, to allow sharing experience and knowledge of Zabbix all around the globe.
Training Technical Administrator, Trainer
Zabbix SIA,
Zabbix - SNMP traps, tips and tricks Once you’ve got the hang of SNMP polling, it’s time to add traps into the mix. But what’s going on with that perl script, snmptrapd and itemkeys in the frontend?
Join this webinar and you know how to get snmp traps into your Zabbix environment in a efficient way! Brian van Baekel
Brian Van Baekel
Consultant, Opensource ICT Solutions
After working with Zabbix for several years (started with Zabbix 1.8), Brian started his own company Opensource ICT Solutions in the Netherlands and United States. From that moment the main focus is a consultancy, support and training on the product Zabbix.
In this role, he is seeing, building and maintaining Zabbix environments all over the world for various customers. This means the level of experience is getting higher and higher by the day. During his trainings, his aim is to transfer as much of this knowledge as possible to the attendees.
Certified Trainer
Opensource ICT Solutions LTD,
United Kingdom
Certified Partner
Nasadenie Zabbixu v prostredí KubernetesNovinka Pripravili sme pre vás webinár, na ktorom si ukážeme, ako nasadiť Zabbix v prostredí Kubernetes. Prevedieme vás procesom od inštalácie až po základné nastavenia Zabbix komponentov, zároveň si ukážeme nasadenie rônzch verzií Zabbixu. Tento webinár je ideálny pre každého, kto chce začať s nasadením Zabbixu skúsenosti so Zabbixom v modernom cloudovom prostredí. Peter Langoš
Peter has been immersed in IT since 2011, beginning his journey in monitoring with proprietary solutions like IBM Tivoli and HP OpenView. Over time, he discovered Zabbix and developed a strong passion for open-source solutions, remaining dedicated to them ever since. Currently, he is working as a Senior Consultant with Axians Slovakia s.r.o.
Zabbix Certified Professional
Axians Slovakia s.r.o.,
Premium Partner
Zabbix - an introduction to SNMP If you are using Zabbix and planning to start monitoring network equipment, you will come to the topic of SNMP. In this webinar we will give you a brief overview of what SNMP is, and how to use it within Zabbix in an efficient way to get the most valuable information! Brian van Baekel
Brian Van Baekel
Consultant, Opensource ICT Solutions
After working with Zabbix for several years (started with Zabbix 1.8), Brian started his own company Opensource ICT Solutions in the Netherlands and United States. From that moment the main focus is a consultancy, support and training on the product Zabbix.
In this role, he is seeing, building and maintaining Zabbix environments all over the world for various customers. This means the level of experience is getting higher and higher by the day. During his trainings, his aim is to transfer as much of this knowledge as possible to the attendees.
Certified Trainer
Opensource ICT Solutions LLC,
United States
Certified Partner
Обзор системы мониторинга Zabbix Откройте для себя основные концепции работы с системой мониторинга Zabbix и почувствуйте уверенность при использовании ключевых функций, зная архитектуру системы. Aleksandrs Petrovs Gavrilovs
Aleksandrs Petrovs Gavrilovs
Technická podpora, Trenér, Zabbix SIA
Aleksandrs has more than 10 years of experience in IT, providing support on the vast list of services, starting with basic technical support while deploying and administering web hosting services and moving to support of streaming technology equipment, data, optical systems, and network communication systems.Eventually, the wish of providing high-quality support in a constantly evolving environment of Zabbix led to the path of a Support Engineer for Zabbix customers, which was followed by Zabbix Certified Specialist, Professional and Expert certifications, to allow sharing experience and knowledge of Zabbix all around the globe.
Training Technical Administrator, Trainer
Zabbix SIA,
Workshop: Manuelle Benutzereingaben in Frontend-Skripten: Automatisierung in Zabbix 7.0 verbessern Entdecken Sie die neue Unterstützung für manuelle Benutzereingaben in Frontend-Skripten, die in Zabbix 7.0 eingeführt wurde. In dieser Sitzung wird das Konzept der manuellen Host-Aktionen und manuellen Ereignis-Aktionen, wie es in früheren Versionen verwendet wurde, erklärt. Anschließend wird die neue Funktionalität ausführlich behandelt, die zeigt, wie manuelle Eingaben nun direkt in Ihre Automatisierungs-Workflows integriert werden können. Stefan Matzek
Stefan Matzek
IntelliTrend GmbH
With a solid IT background and his experience as an IT consultant, Stefan Matzek started working with Zabbix several years ago as a Zabbix Consultant at IntelliTrend GmbH. In this role he implemented and supported Zabbix in many customer projects, such as new installations, migrations and extensions of existing installations. This often included explanations of various concepts in Zabbix and workshops to train administrators on the new monitoring infrastructure. In 2022, due to his experience and communication skills, he became a certified Zabbix Trainer - a decision he has never regretted.