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Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 7.2.0

A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 7.2.0.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3), thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. More about Zabbix license.

Este documento contém as notas de lançamento do Zabbix 7.2.0. Para efetuar o download clique aqui.

As seções a seguir descrevem o lançamento em detalhes e fornecem as informações mais recentes ou outras informações que complementam a documentação principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-9555 Implemented host override possibility in datasets of Graph widgets Frontend
ZBXNEXT-7689 Implemented Top items widget Frontend
ZBXNEXT-9340 Implemented URL links for modal configuration forms Frontend
ZBXNEXT-9533 Added support of configuration parameters specified by environment variables Agent Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-9233 Added LLD optimizations to perform discovery of 2M items/triggers/graphs within reasonable time limits, removed 30K dependent item limit API Server
ZBXNEXT-9459 Renamed Item history widget labels from "Columns" to "Items" and "Data" to "Item" Frontend
ZBXNEXT-9588 Added subsystem support for SSH item Server
ZBXNEXT-8690 Implemented a new filter in media types list view to display actions based on the scope of their media type usage API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-9228 Implemented automatic selection of the first element of a broadcast-capable widget Frontend
ZBXNEXT-9232 Implemented the sparkline chart component and added it to the Item value widget and Top hosts widget Frontend
ZBXNEXT-599 Implemented logarithmic scale for SVG graph widget Frontend
ZBXNEXT-9086 Implemented Host card widget Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-9452 Removed deprecated API parameters API
ZBXNEXT-9471 Added support for CP_SPIN cpu state on OpenBSD Agent Templates
ZBXNEXT-9229 Added support for {FUNCTION.VALUE<1-9>} and {FUNCTION.RECOVERY.VALUE<1-9>} macros to expression macros API Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-9199 Implemented new column configuration options in Top hosts widget and support for binary item display Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-9404 Enabled usage of the mediatype.get method for users with the User role with a limited field scope API
ZBXNEXT-8571 Added support for LLD MACRO {#UNIT.SERVICETYPE} in systemd.unit.discovery for Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBXNEXT-9249 Added new items and trigger for disk space usage in LXC containers for Proxmox VE by HTTP template Templates
ZBXNEXT-9563 Increased the maximum number of lines for widgets displaying data in rows Frontend
ZBXNEXT-9405 Added pagination for collecting VMware events based on free shared memory Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-9448 Implemented new {EVENT.UPDATE.ACTIONJSON}, {XXX.TIMESTAMP}, {SERVICE.ID} and improved {HOST.PORT} built-in macros Server
ZBXNEXT-8914 Reworked Oracle plugin queries to use variable binding Agent
ZBXNEXT-9557 Added Website certificate by Zabbix agent 2 active template Templates
ZBXNEXT-9549 Added active agent templates for LAMP stack monitoring Templates
ZBXNEXT-9382 Added Nutanix template Templates
ZBXNEXT-9058 Updated VMware Hypervisor template for ability to work as a standalone template Templates
ZBXNEXT-9532 Updated maximum supported TimescaleDB version to 2.17 Server
ZBXNEXT-9238 Updated maximum supported PostgreSQL version to 17 Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8397 Updated operational data hint-box to display full value Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8139 Added 'Hypervisor maintenance mode' item to the VMware Guest template Templates
ZBXNEXT-9375 Added/removed and modified table titles related to the action column and fixed broken layouts in multiple tables Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8139 Added vmware.vm.hv.maintenance item with HV maintenance status to VM level Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8656 Added PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes SSH public key algorithm configuration option Server
ZBXNEXT-9326 Made items become unsupported when there are no pollers Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-9297 Improved Clock widget (type - digital) elements sizing API Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-8993 Improved Availability report page filter and refactored legacy code Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-9176 Removed support of Oracle DB API Frontend Installation Proxy Server

Correções de bugs

ZBX-25686 Fixed an SQL error in network discovery action processing Server
ZBX-25664 Fixed nested transactions on Zabbix proxy when using hybrid buffer Proxy
ZBX-25562 Fixed Zabbix agent build problem on NetBSD due to zbxsysinfo issue Agent
ZBX-25043 Added config parameter validation in case of an empty value Agent
ZBX-25604 Fixed LLD item prototype removal from graph prototypes Server
ZBX-24866 Added trigger name prefixes Templates
ZBX-22350 Fixed aggregations for datasets in SVG graph widget API Frontend
ZBX-25404 Fixed issue of trapper item failing when space character is used in the 'Allowed hosts' field Agent
ZBX-7846 Removed confirmation when changing the status of a single object in a list Frontend
ZBX-24600 Added exit code description to Zabbix get man page Documentation
ZBX-25322 Fixed action command sending to proxies assigned to proxy group Server
ZBX-25479 Improved asynchronous pollers to count as busy when maximum capacity has been reached Proxy Server
ZBX-25463 Fixed an endless loop in the report manager Server
ZBX-25050 Improved preprocessing manager memory consumption by starting 16 preprocessing workers by default and releasing reserved memory daily Proxy Server
ZBX-25477 Fixed the crash occurring when a calculated item contained large value Server
ZBX-21618 Fixed the layout of multiple list pages when displaying long entity names Frontend
ZBX-25444 Fixed missing maintenance data in maps for map-type elements Frontend
ZBX-24994 Removed UUIDs for host elements in the default data Installation Templates
ZBX-25397 Fixed events not being suppressed during maintenance if a deadlock occurred Server
ZBX-24614 Fixed unidirectional SSL shutdown being performed by both sides resulting in RST packets during communication between Zabbix components Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-25096 Fixed performance counter query in MSSQL by ODBC template; updated documentation in MSSQL by Zabbix agent 2 template Templates
ZBX-24410 Prevented occasional mismatch of preprocessing step order in inherited items when linking a template to a host API
ZBX-25455 Fixed reserving too much memory for preprocessing and tags in the configuration cache Proxy Server
ZBX-24954 Removed references to GnuTLS from the configuration file Agent
ZBX-25301 Removed redundant message size check on 32-bit platforms when sending TCP message Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-25208 Fixed merging of user macros in the `Inherited and host/template/host prototype macros` mode; fixed resolving of user macros with unquoted context started with "regex:" Frontend
ZBX-24972 Fixed the inability to open links from host-type map elements in a new tab Frontend
ZBX-25305 Fixed the timeout not being applied to Zabbix agent passive checks Proxy Server
ZBX-25024 Updated Zabbix proxy to use history write time instead of the value timestamp when discarding old values Proxy
ZBX-25465 Fixed action notifications with Convert to cause option selected being mixed with other actions Server
ZBX-20767 Removed the unnecessary Discard with heartbeat preprocessing step from discovery rules in Linux and Nextcloud templates Templates
ZBX-23949 Fixed processing of the `host` parameter for trigger prototypes API
ZBX-25320 Improved the error message for errors related to dashboard formatting as PDF Server
ZBX-25273 Fixed the incorrect vertical scale for s-units in graphs Frontend
ZBX-24528 Prevented SQL errors from being displayed to non-authorized users API Frontend
ZBX-25324 Fixed FreeTDS ODBC login with special characters in the password field Server
ZBX-25034 Fixed discovery rule export issue where host prototypes with template override defined used template’s visible name API
ZBX-20848 Fixed multiselect not suggesting a just-removed record Frontend
ZBX-21503 Prevented creation of audit logs for media type objects on updates without actual changes API Frontend
ZBX-24633 Fixed code error when viewing graph and trigger lists with discovered objects set to expire Frontend
ZBX-25139 Prevented sending of empty query fields, headers, or parameters for item testing Frontend
ZBX-24846 Fixed checking for orphaned maintenances when deleting a host or host group API
ZBX-23676 Fixed incorrect displaying of rebranded sidebar logotypes Frontend
ZBX-25091 Fixed colors of the selected read-only radio buttons Frontend
ZBX-25392 Fixed description of Microsoft 365 reports by HTTP template Templates
ZBX-24698 Fixed loading of SSL certificate and key in the poller process for HTTP agent checks Proxy Server
ZBX-25393 Fixed unwanted page scrolling when editing text in multiline text fields Frontend
ZBX-24582 Truncated the error message for testing items with a value type mismatch Server
ZBX-24894 Optimized database queries in lld lost resource handling Server
ZBX-23227 Fixed issue where using an empty array or string value for parameter filtering in get methods returned all records API Frontend
ZBX-25140 Updated configure to reject TLS-unaware compilers Agent Installation Proxy Server
ZBX-25149 Fixed Zabbix agent build on AIX and Solaris Agent
ZBX-23881 Dropped preference list when searching for compiler Installation

Notas de instalação e atualização


Veja Manual do Zabbix para maiores detalhes.


Veja Procedimento de atualização for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 7.2.0.

Suporte comercial

A empresa Zabbix fornece uma completa Serviços profissionais. Também fornecemos sem problemas Serviço de atualização para uma migração fácil de versões anteriores do Zabbix. Por favor Contato de vendas para preços e mais detalhes.


Zabbix 7.2 Manual

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O Zabbix é um software gratuito e de código aberto. Sem limites ou custos ocultos.