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The Strategic Services team crafts solutions to connect brands with Gen Z and Millennial consumers, uncovering meaningful insights to transform your youth strategy.
Are there aspects of young peoples’ lives that you want to explore more in depth? Are there youth movements you want to tap into, but don’t authentically know how? Are you developing new products and services for them? Are you questioning the assumptions your business currently holds about young people?
Our award-winning team of youth experts, data strategists, creative thinkers, and storytellers will help you design solutions that are tailored to your needs and collaboratively uncover findings that will empower your business decisions.
An 8-phase project leveraging quantitative, qualitative, behavioral, and ethnographic methods to understand Millennial and Gen Z Spotify users at scale.
One of our clients, Spotify, came to us with a simple question: How can we demonstrate that Spotify understands people through music? Equipping Spotify’s sales and marketing teams with the answer to this question fueled business growth, positioned Spotify as thought leaders within the music industry, and culminated in YPulse and Spotify being awarded the EXPLOR Award for Excellence in research innovation.
” [We worked with YPulse] because we knew they are really good at understanding Gen Z and Millennials. [They are] really good with penetrating their life to go deep down to the human needs and how they are consuming content and all the behaviors they have beyond digital.”
Marion Boeri
Global Leader, Thought Leadership, Spotify
We already know what’s driving youth through the more than 50 million data points we collect yearly via our Syndicated products. This means our custom conversations start with a deeply informed perspective on the youth trends and brand dynamics we’re already seeing and that can impact the success of your project.
The YPulse Strategic Services Team has extensive knowledge of youth audiences across quantitative, qualitative, and ethnographic techniques that will unlock massive opportunities, whether in the U.S. or around the globe, and at any age range that speaks to your needs.
By creating personal, two-way research experiences that meet young people at their level – through mobile interfaces, gamification, and more – we build authentic connections between brands and youth.
Data quality assurance
Market sizing
White space ideation
Concept testing
Qualitative Online Communities
Multi-generational comparisons
Focus Groups
In-Depth Interviews
Behavioral Tracking
Thought Leadership
Ad effectiveness
From infographics and white papers to sizzle reels and mini-sites, we find the optimal way to connect with your audience.
We can brainstorm solutions, discuss an existing RFP, or simply get to know each other better for the next time you need a custom resource!