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Xref events
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Find the answers you need

Who are you?


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How will the Xref process work for me?
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Who should I put as my reference provider?
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What happens once the reference has been completed?
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Can you contact my reference by phone?
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How do I stop reminder emails being sent to me or my reference?
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My reference is sick or on holiday and will not be able to complete my request until a later date, what do I do?

Technical help

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Why can't I access the login link?
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I entered the wrong information in step one - how do I amend this?
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My reference provider has not received an email from Xref, where is it?
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My reference has been listed as 'Unobtainable', can they still provide a reference for me?
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My link is invalid/expired, what do I do?
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How do I track the progress of my reference?
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How do I update/replace my reference?
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I have withdrawn my application - how do I cancel the request?
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I cannot find my email from Xref asking me to provide my reference details.


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How will the Xref process work for me?
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The details listed about me are incorrect (i.e Organisation, Job Title, etc).

Technical help

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I am having trouble accessing the link
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It will not let me submit my reference
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I accidentally declined, how do I restart the process?
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I’ve been told I will receive an email from Xref to provide a reference but nothing has come through yet.

Providing feedback

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This is against company policy, what should I do?
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Can I find out more information about the company/role the candidate has applied for?
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Can you contact me by phone?


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How do I create a new user?
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How can I edit the email address I have entered for my candidate?
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My candidate is yet to receive an email from Xref

Surveys and Questionnaires

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How do I set up a new survey template?
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How do I change an existing survey template?

Managing your Xref requests

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How do I cancel or delete a reference?
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Can I replace the candidate’s reference provider?
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How can I track the progress of a reference?
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Can a candidate add additional references to a request that has already been completed?
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What does ‘Unobtainable’ mean?
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Do candidates and references receive reminder emails?
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I can’t find a candidate in the system, what do I do?

Didn't find the answer you were looking for?

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