Please note that WSDL 2.0 is undergoing a second last call review period. A new last call issues list is available.
This is the last call issues list for the 2004-08-03 drafts of:
Please send comments about those documents to the mailing list (see public archive).
Issues list for other deliverables of the WG can be found on the WS Description WG Issues List.
This document is live and can change at any time.
Color key: error warning note
Id:Title | State | Type | Open actions | Ack. |
LC1 : Property Requiredness | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
LC2 : Editorial: Issue 177 Implementation | agreed | error | Agreement | |
LC3 : {namespace name} property | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC4 : Table of components/properties | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC5a : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, intro and conformance issues (a) | agreed | clarification | Objection | |
LC5b : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, intro and conformance issues (b) | agreed | clarification | ||
LC5c : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, intro and conformance issues (c) | declined | clarification | ||
LC5d : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, intro and conformance issues (d) | agreed | clarification | ||
LC5e : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, intro and conformance issues (e) | agreed | clarification | ||
LC5f : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, intro and conformance issues (f) | agreed | clarification | Objection | |
LC5g : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, intro and conformance issues (g) | agreed | clarification | ||
LC5h : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, intro and conformance issues (h) | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC5i : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, intro and conformance issues (i) | agreed | clarification | ||
LC5j : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, intro and conformance issues (j) | agreed | clarification | ||
LC5k : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, intro and conformance issues (k) | agreed | clarification | ||
LC5l : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, intro and conformance issues (l) | agreed | clarification | ||
LC6a : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, Technical comments (a) | agreed | error | Agreement | |
LC6b : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, Technical comments (b) | declined | error | Agreement | |
LC6c : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, Technical comments (c) | declined | request | Agreement | |
LC6d : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, Technical comments (d) | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
LC7 : QA Review on WSDL 2.0 Part 1, Editorial comments | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC8 : Permit URI References instead of URIs | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC9 : How does the Operation Name Mapping Requirement (Part 1, section relate to interface inheritance? | agreed | clarification | Proposal incorporated | |
LC10 : Two typos in Bindings | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC11 : Consistent naming of fooDefault/defaultFoo | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC12 : "whttp:location" attribute is missing | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC13 : HTTP Operation Component ? | agreed | error | Agreement | |
LC14 : Mapping ref attribute to {fault reference} - Type Mismatch | agreed | error | Agreement | |
LC15 : Editorial: {http location} feature | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC16 : Interface = design of the application ?? | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC17 : URI Serialization: Order may be Lost | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC18 : Relationship between Features and SOAP Modules ?? | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC19 : Fault Component Re-usable Across Interfaces | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC20 : Feature Composition Edge Cases | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC21 : Multipart Style and {direction}=out | agreed | request | Agreement | |
LC22 : URI Style and SOAP Response Pattern | subsumed | clarification | ||
LC23 : Elaborate: Cannot be Serialized as XML 1.0 | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC24 : "ad:mustUnderstand" - ?? | subsumed | request | ||
LC25 : What is a feature-binding? | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC26 : wsdlLocation on the chopping block ? | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC27 : Property Composition Edge Cases | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC28 : HTTP Transfer Coding and 1.0 | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC29a : Review of WSDL 2.0 Pt 3 Last Call WD (a) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC29b : Review of WSDL 2.0 Pt 3 Last Call WD (b) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC29c : Review of WSDL 2.0 Pt 3 Last Call WD (c) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC29d : Review of WSDL 2.0 Pt 3 Last Call WD (d) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC29e : Review of WSDL 2.0 Pt 3 Last Call WD (e) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC29f : Review of WSDL 2.0 Pt 3 Last Call WD (f) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC29g : Review of WSDL 2.0 Pt 3 Last Call WD (g) | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC29h : Review of WSDL 2.0 Pt 3 Last Call WD (h) | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC30 : use of provider agent & requestor agent terms in the spec | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC31 : WSDL conformance & XML Schema conformance | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC32 : Part 3 examples 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3 errors | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC33 : Part 3 SOAP Binding: default HTTP method | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
LC34a : Completing Part 1 Appendix C: URI References for WSDL constructs (a) | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC34b : Completing Part 1 Appendix C: URI References for WSDL constructs (b) | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC34c : Completing Part 1 Appendix C: URI References for WSDL constructs (c) | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
LC34d : Completing Part 1 Appendix C: URI References for WSDL constructs (d) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC35 : Part 1 editorial comments | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC36 : Part 3 organization: wsdls:* versus xs:* | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC37 : Part 3 3.6.4 Mapping Between HTTP Operation's XML Representation to Component Properties and default values | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
LC38 : Part 1: DTD as the schema language for WSDL | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC39 : Part 2 editorial comment | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC40 : typo | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC41 : Clarification for use of xs:include | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC42 : error in part 2, section 3.1.4 | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC43 : Rename <definitions> to <description> | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC44 : Part 3 editorial comment: 3.8.1 not written in terms of component model | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC45 : Part 3 section 3.6.2: {http location} not necessarily a template | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC46 : Issue: missing "type" attribute in schema for wsdl:binding | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC47 : Issue: describing the HTTP error text for faults | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC48a : XMLP Review of WSDL 2.0 Part 2 LC WD (a) | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC48b : XMLP Review of WSDL 2.0 Part 2 LC WD (b) | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC48c : XMLP Review of WSDL 2.0 Part 2 LC WD (c) | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC48d : XMLP Review of WSDL 2.0 Part 2 LC WD (d) | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC49 : Clarify whether Parts 2 & 3 MUST be supported | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC50 : Message Exchange Patterns -- p2c and/or p2e | agreed | error | Agreement | |
LC51 : Editorial last call review comments | agreed | editorial | Objection | |
LC52a : Last call review comments (a) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC52b : Last call review comments (b) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC52c : Last call review comments (c) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC53 : Optional predefined features in Part 2 | subsumed | clarification | ||
LC54 : WSDL Last Call issue | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC55 : binding/operation/infault|outfault? | agreed | error | Agreement | |
LC56 : Clarification for binding fault | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC57 : typo in part 3 section 2.1 | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC58 : typo in part 3, section 2.7.2 | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC59a : Bindings for 4 remaining MEPs | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC59b : Support attachments | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC59c : Differences between WSDL 1.1 and WSDL 2.0 | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC59d : Clarify wsdlLocation | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC59e : Clarify serialization | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC59f : Support compositors | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC60 : Can multiple inline schemas have same targetNamespace? | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC61a : comments on the wsdl 2.0 working drafts (a) | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC61b : comments on the wsdl 2.0 working drafts (b) | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC61c : comments on the wsdl 2.0 working drafts (c) | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC61d : comments on the wsdl 2.0 working drafts (d) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC61e : comments on the wsdl 2.0 working drafts (e) | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC61f : comments on the wsdl 2.0 working drafts (f) | subsumed | clarification | ||
LC62a : issues with wsdl:endpoint@address (a) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC62b : issues with wsdl:endpoint@address (b) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC63 : Mixing Schema Languages | subsumed | clarification | ||
LC64 : URI References for Schema Components | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC65 : Editorial: imported schema vs. namespace | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC66 : Editorial: schema vs. schema document | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC67 : Editorial: more .. schema vs. schema document | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC68 : Editorial: missing antecedent | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC69a : XForms comments on (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 3: Bindings (a) | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC69b : XForms comments on (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 3: Bindings (b) | declined | clarification | Agreement | |
LC70 : Pluggability of Schema Languages in WSDL | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC71 : default interface/operation/@pattern | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC72 : Faults that are not described in WSDL? | declined | clarification | Objection | |
LC73 : Raising an ugly issue again | declined | request | Objection | |
LC74 : Idle question | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC74a : I18N Comments, WSDL 2.0 Part I (partial) (a) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC74b : I18N Comments, WSDL 2.0 Part I (partial) (b) | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC74c : I18N Comments, WSDL 2.0 Part I (partial) (c) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC74d : I18N Comments, WSDL 2.0 Part I (partial) (d) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC74e : I18N Comments, WSDL 2.0 Part I (partial) (e) | subsumed | clarification | ||
LC74f : I18N Comments, WSDL 2.0 Part I (partial) (f) | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC74g : I18N Comments, WSDL 2.0 Part I (partial) (g) | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC75a : Faults and Messages should be similar (same level, etc.) | declined | request | Agreement | |
LC75b : Referencing faults by QName (editorial) | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC75c : Remove {safety} property | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC75d : Require explicit type for each input/output? | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC75e : Move RPC style to Part 2 | agreed | request | Agreement | |
LC75f : Allow extension attributes on RPC local element children | declined | clarification | ||
LC75g : RPC should allow element wildcards | agreed | request | Agreement | |
LC75h : Disallow multiple returns in RPC | declined | clarification | Agreement | |
LC75i : Disallow only <infault>, <outfault> | agreed | error | Agreement | |
LC75j : {safety} has a default, @safety doesn't | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC75k : Allow multiple children in soap:body | declined | request | Agreement | |
LC75l : Make messageLabel mismatch an error | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC75m : Inconsistent value for {operation reference} | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC75n : Allow multiple interfaces per service | declined | request | Agreement | |
LC75o : Remove "if any" from Table 2-13 | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC75p : Make address a binding-specific extension | declined | request | Agreement | |
LC75q : Disallow XML 1.1 | agreed | request | Agreement | |
LC75r : Remove conformance requirement on XML Schema | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC75s : Add table showing which schema components are visible to WSDL | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC75t : Make wsdl:include transitive | agreed | request | Agreement | |
LC75u : Add wsdl:documentation to the component model | declined | clarification | Agreement | |
LC75v : Remove "Processor Conformance" | agreed | request | ||
LC75w : Allow non-dereferencable includes | agreed | request | Agreement | |
LC75x : Complete or remove App D | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC76a : MEPs should support addressing mechanism | agreed | request | ||
LC76b : Define "propagate" | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC76c : WSDL 2.0 LC Comments (Part 2) (c) | agreed | request | ||
LC76d : Replace ADD with header construct | agreed | request | Objection | |
LC77a : Namespaced elements and urlformencoded | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC77b : Drop HTTP binding | declined | request | Agreement | |
LC78 : Editorial comments on WSDL 2.0 Part 1 | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC79 : Make sure in-only mep is supported in wsdl soap12 binding | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC80 : Extension Components are not Described | declined | error | No reply from reviewer | |
LC81 : The Component Model is Underconstrained wrt the WSDL 2.0 Schema | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC82 : Operation Name Mapping Requirement Bug | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
LC83 : The Component Model Does Not Enforce Component Nesting | subsumed | request | ||
LC84a : Operation Name Mapping Requirement is ambiguous | subsumed | clarification | ||
LC84b : Operation Name Mapping Requirement has the wrong granularity | declined | clarification | Objection | |
LC84c : Operation Name Mapping Requirement doesn't go far enough | declined | clarification | Agreement | |
LC85 : HTTP binding's MEP use description | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC86 : Pseudo-schema inconsistencies | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC87 : Component Designators - what's the unique identifier? | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC88 : Editorial: Typo in Section 3.7.3 Part 2 - HTTP Fault | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC89a : Clarify schema validity conformance requirement | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC89b : Don't introduce new abstract datatypes | agreed | request | Agreement | |
LC89c : Drop XML 1.1 support | agreed | request | Agreement | |
LC89d : Disabling a feature on a specific operation | declined | request | Agreement | |
LC89e : Properties are runtime and shouldn't be in WSDL | declined | request | Agreement | |
LC89f : Strengthen conformance re: syntax | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC89g : Bleed between XML representation, infoset, pseudo-schema, component model | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC89h : Use XML Schema, not pseudo-schema | declined | request | Agreement | |
LC89i : Need primer | agreed | request | Agreement | |
LC89j : Use namespaces to avoid local-name conflicts | declined | request | Agreement | |
LC89k : Inheritance unnecessary | declined | request | Agreement | |
LC89l : Drop component model | declined | request | Agreement | |
LC89m : Clarify "directly include" | declined | clarification | Agreement | |
LC90 : XML Schema comment on WSDL 2.0 | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC91 : XML Schema comment "T2" on WSDL 2.0 | agreed | clarification | Objection | |
LC92 : wsdl:include semantics is different from xs:include | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC93 : Editorial: In section 2.15.3, "and" should be "or" | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC94 : Clarification needed: Part 3 sec 2.8.1 and 2.8.2: soap fault codes | declined | clarification | Agreement | |
LC95 : Editorial: Typos | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC96 : wsdl:import semantics is different from xs:import | subsumed | clarification | ||
LC97 : Editorial: Setting Default Values | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC98 : {soap mep} property and SOAP 1.1 Binding | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC99 : Message Reference Component is Underspecified | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC100 : The WSDL 2.0 XSD for Root Element is Too Loose | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC101 : message level binding? | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC102 : What is the SOAP MEP for In-only | subsumed | clarification | ||
LC103 : {message label} property of Binding Message Reference Component Should be REQUIRED | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC104 : Proposed Changes to the Interface Component, Features and Properties | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC105 : Proposal for Simplifications to the Component Model | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC106 : Revisit LC21 resolution | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
LC107 : Consistency of WSDL Component property names | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC108 : Part 3, SOAP Binding - Editorial Issues | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC109 : Multiple input and output elements for an operation | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC110 : WSDL 2.0 Part3, Sec. 3.4 | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC111 : HTTP Error code for faults (part3, sec 3.7) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC112 : New LC issue: XML Schema required (appears twice) | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC113 : Feature and Property Composition for Binding Operation Omits Interface Operation | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC114 : In-Multi-Out MEP [was "WSDL 2.0 specification"] | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC115 : Re: a WSDL whatsit? (conformance terminology) | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC116 : RE: Is schemaLocation Required When Importing Inline Schemas? | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC117 : Problem with Service References: elementFormDefault="qualified" prevents restriction | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
LC118 : New Issue RPC Style (and proposed fix) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
LC119 : Misc Part1 editorial issues | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC120 : Contradictions regarding transitivity of wsdl:import | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
LC121 : Editorial: Ambiguous use of the terms "include" and "import" | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC122 : Part 2 editorial issue: "binding" versus "binding extension" | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC123 : Another part 1 typo | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC124 : Support of evolution of messages described in Schema 1.0 | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC125 : Inconsistent Component Names | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC126 : Clarification for wsdl:required attribute needed | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC127 : Editorial Comment: wsdl:include | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC128 : MEP template | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC129 : The description of wsdli:wsdlLocation attribute is limiting (Editorial Item) | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
LC130 : binding fault defaulting? | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
LC131 : Consistent use of pseudo-notation | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
LC132 : WSDL 2.0 2005-05-10 Working Draft Discrepancies | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer |
I continue to believe that the "required" flag on properties is NOT necessary. Property values/constraints simply make the specified values available to the runtime. If you think about why you would ever want to require setting a particular property, you can achieve the same result by simply requiring a component (feature/module/binding) which uses that property. Any binding or SOAP module which utilizes particular properties will be able to pull the values/constraints for those properties out of the component model. Certain specs may have defined default values for properties, so if values for those properties are not expressed in the WSDL, they would take on the defaults. If a property is needed by a given feature/binding/module and NOT specified in the WSDL, then this would be an error, but I don't think that a "required" flag on the property value/constraint helps this situation at all. Understanding a particular feature/binding/module implies understanding the property set which is required. I propose we pull this out of the spec, which would simplify both the prose and the model.
RESOLUTION: to remove the required flag on property element and make appropriate changes to the component model.
Implement above resolution.
ref: issue 177 [1] On July 8th, we adopted [2] Jonathan's proposal [3]. I have one editorial issue with 177 implementation. The types of the following properties in Part 3, SOAP Binding, are defined using prose instead of wsdls:* types. I request the following property-type associations, {soap underlying protocol} => wsdls:anyURI SOAP Module.{uri} => wsdls:anyURI SOAP Module.{required} => wsdls:boolean {soap fault code} => wsdls:QName {soap fault subcodes} => list of wsdls:QName {soap mep} => wsdls:anyURI {soap action} => wsdls:anyURI Rationale (a) Consistent with Part 1 and HTTP Binding (b) Otherwise, we will be using two similar types (xs:QName vs. wsdls:QName) in the component model (c) Equivalence in Part 1 is defined using wsdl simple types (d) Part 3 is refuting Part 1 claim, "The component model uses a small set of predefined simple types, such as boolean, string, token. In order to avoid introducing a dependency on any particular serialization of the component model, this specification provides its own definition of those types" [5] [1] [2] [3] [4] type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#string_type [5] type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#simpletypes
RESOLUTION: proposal accepted.
Implement above resolution.
"2.18 QName resolution In its serialized form WSDL makes significant use of references between components. Such references are made using the Qualified Name, or QName, of the component being referred to. QNames are a tuple, consisting of two parts; a namespace name and a local name. For example, in the case of an Interface component, the namespace name is represented by the {namespace name} property and the local name is represented by the {name} property." I can't find any {namespace name} *property* (component). Perhaps it is the {targetNamespace}? I see lots of references to [namespace name] Infoset properties. Ah, I see in 2.17: "Within a symbol space, all qualified names (that is, the combination of {name} and {target namespace} properties) are unique. Between symbol spaces, the combination of these two properties need not be unique. Thus it is perfectly coherent to have, for example, a binding and an interface that have the same name." This suggests that it is {targetNamespace}.
RESOLUTION: proposal accepted.
Implement above resolution.
I would find a table/index of components and component properties very handy (perhaps in the Primer). (E.g., something like: Whoa, they liked it so much that the did it twice: If people thought it was worth having, I'd volunteer to compile such an index.)
RESOLUTION: Will generate such a table automatically using a stylesheet. Subject to sufficient resources (Bijan) forthcoming.
Bijan to create stylesheet to generate a table of components and properties.
Jonathan to create stylesheet to generate a table of components and properties.
Editors to incorporate the table into the draft.
Document conformance "Note that the WSDL language is defined in terms of the component model defined by this specification. As such, it is explicitly NOT a conformance requirement to be able to process documents encoded in a particular version of XML, in particular XML 1.1 [XML 1.1]." is both very hard to read, and probably in contradiction with the header "document conformance"; I guess this needs clarification It is particularly unclear to me that defining conformance for an "element information item" has any sense at all.
RESOLUTION: Change the above paragraph to something like: "Since this spec is defined in terms of the infoset, it is not a requirement to support any particular serialization of the infoset. For instance, a conformant processor might only support XML 1.0."
I would have put that section in the section conformance rather than introduction, though.
Sustained the current design.
Implement above resolution.
Also, section 1.2 ("Notational conventions") adds the definition of "valid/not valid WSDL document", with important conformance requirements. I suggest it should be moved to the conformance section, and the normative schema should be referenced from there. Additionally, while using the content-negotiated URI as a namespace URI is a good idea, I suggest referring explicitly the schema URI (with the .xsd extension) would be better when talking about the schema itself.
RESOLUTION: Accept proposal to remove discussion of validity from table in section 1.2, add link to schema to "Document Conformance", and add .xsd extension to all links to schemas.
Additional acknowledgement requested.
Additional acknowledgement received.
Implement above resolution.
It would be interesting to list (maybe in an appendix) what constraints are not translated in the provided XML Schema
RESOLUTION: We already plan to provide this info in a Test Assertion Document. An appendix is therefore redundant and not cost effective.
Additional acknowledgement requested.
Additional acknowledgement received.
Processor conformance """This section defines a class of conformant WSDL processors that are intended to act on behalf of a party that wishes to make use of a Web service""" I suggest that you give a specific label to this class of WSLD processors, a la "WSDL 2.0 requesting processor" - you'll probably find something better.
Change the first paragraph of section 8.3 to:
This section defines conformance of a WSDL processor. In this section, the term "WSDL processor" refers to a processor that is acting on behalf of a party that wishes to make use of a Web service (i.e., the requester entity or requester agent, rather than the party that implements the Web service (i.e., the provider entity or provider agent).
Additional acknowledgement requested.
Additional acknowledgement received.
Implement above resolution.
"a conformant WSDL processor MUST accept any legal WSDL document": what is a legal WSDL document? I suggest saying "conformant WSDL document" - but I'm still unclear whether you define that at all in the section above
Add a definition of WSDL Document as a wsdl:definitions element and its descendents and we may want to put it in the notational conventions section (1.3) and then simplify 8.1 accordingly and we want to change "legal" to "conforming" wsdl document.
Additional acknowledgement requested.
Additional acknowledgement received.
Implement above resolution.
You use both the expressions "a processor MUST fault" and "a processor MUST fail"; do they mean the same thing? In any case, I think you should clarify what is meant by those (i.e. what consist failing/faulting in?), and if they mean the same thing, only use one of the expressions; also, since the name 'fault' is used in a very well defined context in the spec, I think you should avoid using the verb 'fault' unless it relates to the said context; more generally, I think developing the notion of error handling for a WSDL processor would be benefitial
Accepted proposal, including option A, at, replacing point 7 with "Thus, the meaning of the element cannot be determined without understanding the attached extension" plus other editorial license as necessary. Issue LC5f Closed.
I think dropping the notion and conformance rules for a processor is probably a loss for the specification, but maybe the group doesn't have enough implementation experience to define one or several classes of products for WSDL processors? I guess the point I'm trying to make is, when a customer wants to buy an interoperable solution using WSDL, she'll need to know how to name this or this type of software, and this naming ought to be done in the specification IMO.
FWIW, the introduction still says "It also defines criteria for a conformant processor of this language" and there are still a few places where conformance requirements are set for processors (e.g. "All WSDL 2.0 processors MUST support XML Schema type definitions").
Sustained the current design.
Roberto to classify our errors as fatal or non fatal.
Implement above resolution.
"a conformant WSDL processor MUST either agree to fully abide": I think this an abusive usage of MUST, since "agreeing" is not an operation that a WSDL process does; I would suggest "a conformance WSDL processor MUST immediately cease processing (fault) if it doesn't agree to fully abide ...."
Accept the reviewer's proposal: "a conformant WSDL processor MUST immediately cease processing (fault) if it doesn't agree to fully abide ...."
Additional acknowledgement requested.
Additional acknowledgement received.
Implement above resolution.
"that it does not choose to implement." -> "it chooses not to implement", or maybe "it doesn't implement"
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Implement fix or return to WG.
The "Note:" under this defines conformance requirements for a provider agent, which is out of scope for the given section; I suggest creating a different section, even if that's the only requirement for it
Delete the note from the conformance section (as redundant), and promote the material on optional extensions into its own section, and add "See section ___ for further explanantion".
OK; I guess I'll wait and see what the actual implementation in the spec looks like; could you ping me when you have something I can look at? I think this shows there are still some conformance requirements needed for server processors, but this may be proved to be wrong when reading the actual text.
Changes resolving LC5f have made this point moot.
Additional acknowledgement received.
Implement above resolution.
The section 6.1 on mandatory extensions adds requirements both for requesting and providing processors; most are duplicated in the conformance section, but I think a few are not (e.g. "the provider agent MUST support every extension, Feature or Property that is declared as optional in the WSDL document"); I suggest they should be added to the conformance section
Resolved by resolution to issue LC5i.
OK; I guess I'll wait and see what the actual implementation in the spec looks like; could you ping me when you have something I can look at? I think this shows there are still some conformance requirements needed for server processors, but this may be proved to be wrong when reading the actual text.
Changes resolving LC5f have made this point moot.
Additional acknowledgement received.
Implement above resolution.
Likewise, section 4.1 makes a suggestion for processors: "Processors are encouraged to keep track of the source of component definitions, so that multiple, mutual, and circular includes do not require establishing identity on a component-by-component basis." Maybe this could be added as a SHOULD in the conformance section
Delete the text, because it is only advice to implementers.
Please don't; I was simply suggesting this would make a useful SHOULD, but I'd rather see it in its current shape than not seeing it at all.
Changes resolving LC5f have made this point moot.
Additional acknowledgement received.
Implement above resolution.
Section 1.1 reads "All parts of this specification are normative, with the EXCEPTION of notes, pseudo-schemas, examples, and sections explicitly marked as "Non-Normative"."; some of the "Note:"s include normative-like language, e.g. "Support for the W3C XML Schema Description Language [XML Schema: Structures],[XML Schema: Datatypes] is required of all processors." or "If a WSDL document declares an extension or feature as optional, then if that extension or feature could apply to messages sent by the provider agent as well, then the provider agent MUST NOT send any messages that requires the requester agent to support that extension or feature." Please fix.
Leave the Note, but change "processors" to "conformant processors" (and link to the conformance section), and explain this to the reviewer. Make the Note in 6.3 normative, and rephrase as "Extensibility elements SHOULD NOT alter the existing semantics in ways that are likely to confuse users."
Additional acknowledgement requested.
Additional acknowledgement received.
Implement above resolution.
The {name} property of the feature and property component uses URIs, while all the other {name} properties use QNames; I guess my preference would be to have all the {name} properties be URIs, but at the very least, I find it confusing to have this inconsistency in the model: what's the reasoning behind it? maybe instead of using {name} for those, you should use {identifier}?
Change {name} in F&P to {uri}.
Implement above resolution.
Is there any reason why the {value constraint} in properties components (2.8) is represented in XML as an element rather than an attribute? given its content model (xs:QName), an attribute would look more "natural" (and more in-line with the other representations in WSDL)
Purely cosmetic: why 'wsdlLocation' as attribute name, rather than simply 'Location', since the attribute is namespace qualified (in wsdli: ) ?
C.2 defines fragment identifiers compatible with the XPointer Framework; I suspect this means you're defining a new scheme for XPointer, in which case this should be said explicitly; also, it would probably be wise to mention that at the time of this document, only the application/wsdl+xml MIME-type references this scheme as a possible xpointer scheme - i.e., I don't think a WSDL resource served as application/xml can ben resolved using this XPointer scheme.
Make explicit that we are defining a new XPointer scheme. In addition, rename the schemes to use a "wsdl." prefix to distinguish them visually from other fragment schemes and reduce the possibility of name clashes. Nothing precludes a client from processing one of our schemes on resources served up as application/xml if they so desire - that's the way XPointer works.
Editors to make explicit that we are defining a new XPointer scheme.
JMarsh to take issue LC6d to XML Core WG.
Editors to add "wsdl." to XPointer syntax.
Editorial issues: a) section 1.3 (WSDL terminology) has only one item; I would find surprising that this specification only defines one new concept; e.g. a 'Web Service Component' would probably deserve to be defined here; also, linking to the WS Glossary may be a good idea b) section 2's title is "Component Model" and uses these phrases a few times, but doesn't define it c) section 2 has most of the meaty stuff (the component model), but it is somewhat diluted by the XML serialization formalism; I wonder if moving the XML serialization in a different section (or in an appendix) would enhance the readability of the spec; d) I suggest marking up and styling appropriately (or maybe capitalizing?) words that are used in a very specific way in the specification; e.g. in 2.1.1 "At the abstract level, the Definitions component is just a container for two categories of components; WSDL components and type system components." would better read IMHO as "At the abstract level, the Definitions Component is just a container for two categories of component: WSDL Components and Type System Components" (I used capitalization in this case, but italicizing may work better). e) the document introduction still calls Part 2 "Message Exchange Patterns", although it's now called Predefined extensions f) the document refers to the language as "WSDL"; since WSDL has been available in several versions, I suggest using "WSDL 2.0" instead - if not everywhere, at least in the introduction g) in 2.1.1 "Note that it is RECOMMENDED that the value of the targetNamespace attribute information item SHOULD be a dereferencible URI and that it resolve to a WSDL document which provides service description information for that namespace"; the "SHOULD" is not needed since the sentence is preceded by "RECOMMENDED" h) I suggest linking the XPointer scheme definition for WSDL (appendix C) from section 2.1.1., where dereferenceability of components is mentioned i) there are only 2 examples of complete WSDL definitions in the whole spec (one in an appendix); adding a few simple examples in the course of the spec may help the reader a bit more; more generally, having a bit more illustrations of what WSDL is about would help [I see that a primer is in preparation; still, I don't think a few included examples would hurt] Also, the first example (in should declare that <definitions> (and its children) are in the WSDL namespace The second example (in C.4) uses a relative URI as its xsi:schemaLocation; any reason to use "wsdl20.xsd" instead of ""? j) section introduces the notion of style, which is only explained later in; would be good to make a link from the former to the latter k) section 2.4.2 reads "If the Interface Operation component uses a {message exchange pattern} for which there is no output element, such as ''"; but according to the paragraph above "The RPC style MUST NOT be used for Interface Operation components whose {message exchange pattern} property has a value other than '' or ''.", this should not be "such as", but "i.e."; or did I miss something? l) starts with "The wrpc:signature extension AII MAY be be used": what is AII? "be" is repeated twice thereafter, it uses the notion of a function signature, without much introduction; since "RPC" is never translated into "Remote Procedure Call", it looks a bit awkward m) in section 2.5.1 "by the global element declaration reference by the {element} property.", "reference" should read "referenced" n) section 2.8.2 reads "An OPTIONAL required attribute" which contradicts the model described in 2.8.1 where {required} is REQUIRED o) 2.17, "the combination of these two properties need not be unique" , "need" should read "needs" p) in section 3, "W3C XML Schema Description Language" isn't a proper way to refer to XML Schema; use "W3C XML Schema" or 'W3C XML Schema language' q) section 4.2 uses "DOES NOT" (upper case), as if it was an RFC Keyword; IT'S NOT r) the document references XML 1.0 Second Edition, while the third has been published earlier this year s) it also references outdated versions of XML Infoset and WebArch (see [1]) t) the table of contents should use real markup, rather than &nsbp;; I've provided a patch to xmlspec for this purpose [2] u) a few typos: "compomnent", "dereferencible" (should be dereferenceable AFAIK), "implicitely" (implicitly), "requestor" (requester) based on the spell checker [3] 1. TR references checker: %2F07%2Freferences-checker& -20040803%252F& 2. 3.
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Implement the fix or return to WG.
Mostly fixed. Per editor's call we won't fix 70 or 7t. 7k, 7l already done.
Look at 7n, 7r, 7s.
In sections 2.7 and 2.8, we use URIs to identify Features and Properties. For example, section 2.7.1 says: [[ {name} REQUIRED. A wsdls:anyURI as defined in 2.15.4 anyURI Type. ]] and anyURI is defined as: [[ 2.15.4 anyURI Type The value space of the wsdls:anyURI type consists of all Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) as defined by [IETF RFC 2396] and amended by [IETF RFC 2732]. ]] I think we should allow these to be URI References instead restricting them to be only URIs. (I.e., allow them to contain fragment identifiers.) That would permit multiple, related Features or Properties to be described in the same document, using different fragment identifiers to distinguish them, such as: This would also allow conformance to the practice that some recommend for the Semantic Web, of using fragment identifiers when identifying things that are not documents, such as abstract concepts.
Allow # (URI -> URI Reference) everywhere but targetNamespace.
Clarify our using of anyURI is actually URI reference except targetNS.
I'd like to see further clarification of the relationship between the Operation Name Mapping Requirement (Part 1, section and interface inheritance (Part 1, section 2.2.1). Specifically, I have three questions: Can a derived interface meet the Operation Name Mapping Requirement using a mechanism different from the mechanism(s) used by its base interface(s)? If not, is it a requirement that a derived interface only extend base interfaces that use the same mechanism to meet the Operation Name Mapping Requirement? If so, is it then the case that a single derived interface can not extend multiple base interfaces that use different mechanisms to meet the Operation Name Mapping Requirement?
The answer to the first question is yes, see section 6 which should make this clear. For the last question, we'll move paragraph preceeding section and whole to service section, make clear that this applies to the interface component of the service component, and indicate that any in-scope feature or extension (scoping of extensions left as an exercise to the author) may satisfy the ONR. The prose in list item 1 of " Operation Name Mapping Requirement" should NOT refer only to properties of the interface component, due to the F&P inheritance rules defined in e.g. " Feature Composition Model".
I'm not sure whether this really addresses my concern or not. I see two obvious ways to handle the ONM: a unique GED for every operation or the WS-Addressing Action header (wsa:Action). Obviously other approaches are possible.
In my perfect world, people would do both, but there's certainly not reason why they have to. What I worry about, though, is that some interfaces may use unique GEDs but the same action (maybe none or "") and others may use duplicate GEDs and different actions (this is mandatory if you use #any or #element for any operations). What happens if a service wants to implement interfaces of both sorts? Because a service can only specify one mechanism to meet the ONM requirement, will it even be possible out of the box? Or will someone have to make up a new mechanism that relies on some weird combination of GED and action header?
In short, I'm afraid that ONM may leave us in a world where there are different types of interfaces and a service can't derive from two different types. Worse, the difference between the types will be subtle indeed. As far as I can tell, specifying the ONM mapping on the service doesn't solve that problem. It just moves it away from the interfaces.
Additional explanation.
Subsumed by the removal of the Operation Name Mapping Requirement.
Clarify spec about operation name mapping requirements by moving paragraph preceeding section and whole to service section, and clear up the text.
Hi, two typos (maybe) in WD-wsdl20-bindings-20040803 : In 3,2 you say "whttp:methodDefault", but later you use "whttp:defaultMethod" (3.3 and 3.5.3). In example 3.3 you forgot an empty line in both parts of multipart/form-data after the header Content-Type:
Fixed by editors.
Implement the fix or return to WG.
In preparation for discussing LC10 in today's call, I have noticed that we are inconsistent in our naming of elements for default values. Frank Ellerman points out at [1]: > In 3,2 you say "whttp:methodDefault", but later you use > "whttp:defaultMethod" (3.3 and 3.5.3). Putting this one aside, we also have: - wsoap:mepDefault - whttp:defaultTransferCoding I guess that the typo Frank is reporting reflects this lack of consistency. It would be good if we were using the same convention in all the bindings: wbinding:fooDefault or wbinding:defaultFoo. I have a very slight preference for the former FWIW. 1.
Rename defaultTransferCoding to transferCodingDefault and fix any typos to do with defaultFoo.
Implement above resolution.
Ref: the XML Syntax Summary
Add whttp:location to section 2.1, the binding operation element (same place as whttp:defaultTransferCoding)
Implement the fix or return to WG.
ref: Actually, there isn't anything close to HTTP Operation Component in Part 3. I found 5 occurrences of the phrase "HTTP Operation Component". These are just remains from the old text. AFAIK, there is a binding operation component. And, HTTP binding adds a set of properties - {http location}, {http method}, {http input serialization}, {http output serialization}, {http fault serialization}- to this binding operation component.
Editors to change use of HTTP Operation Component to something like Binding Operation Component augmented by HTTP properties.
Editors to change use of HTTP Operation Component to something like Binding Operation Component augmented by HTTP properties.
ref:, Mapping, "{fault reference} = The actual value of the ref attribute information item" Component description, "{fault reference} REQUIRED. An Interface Fault component in the {faults} property of the parent Interface Operation component's parent Interface component. Identifying the Interface Fault component therefore indirectly defines the actual content or payload of the fault message." Actual value is a QName. But, {fault reference} is a component. Hence, the mismatch.
Fix the mapping to say the value is the component.
Editors fix the places described in issue 14 to say the value is the component.
This is an editorial issue. I am writing it on behalf of Wes Moulder, webMethods. ref: The last para in this section describes the use of {http location} feature within SOAP binding: "When the SOAP Message Exchange Pattern is the SOAP Response MEP, the Binding Operation may use the {http location} property defined in 3.6 Binding Operations. When such a location is specified, the Endpoint component also follows the rules for constructing the address from the {address} property and the {http location} property values."
To avoid confusion, we request you to list {http location} as the fifth bullet along with, {http version} {http transfer coding} {http cookies} {http authentication scheme}
Delegated to editors.
Implement the fix or return to WG.
I am writing this issue on behalf of Christopher St. John, webMethods. ref: "2.2.1 The Interface Component An Interface component describes sequences of messages that a service sends and/or receives. It does this by grouping related messages into operations. An operation is a sequence of input and output messages, and an interface is a set of operations. Thus, an interface defines the design of the application." This paragraph defines the design of the application. It appears that this para is moving too fast. It provides some evidence. But, its conclusion - "Thus, .." - does not carry sufficient evidence. Then again, WSDL does not have to say anything about the design of the application. Perhaps, the design of an interface. We suggest getting rid of the last sentence.
Accept the proposal to remove the sentence: "Thus, an interface defines the design of the application."
Editors to remove the sentence "Thus, an interface defines the design of the application" in section 2.2.1
I am writing this e-mail on behalf of Wes Moulder, webMethods. ref: "Uncited elements with list values are serialized as one name-value parameter pair per list value. The name of each parameter is the name of the uncited element, and the value of each parameter is the corresponding value in the list."
Is the order of the list value significant? If it is, this is a problem for a class of implementations: say implementations that use certain frameworks, such as servlet. Servlet framework does not capture the order. Particularly, this is an issue if my SOAP node is an intermediary and MEP is response pattern.
Proposed resolution from Sept 16 FTF: Clarify section to state that for list values, the order of the values in the list are preserved in the url parameters. Same for auto-generated params.
Accept the proposed resolution above.
Implement resolution above.
ref: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Reading thru parts 1, 2 and 3, my question is what is the relationship between Features and SOAP Modules? I do not see any concrete text that establishes any relationship between Features and SOAP Modules. However, the application data feature and application data module [3][4][5] assumes that there is a relationship. If there is a relationship, shall we describe it clearly in part 1 and 3? As an implementer, I would like to see it.
Add text stating that a SOAP abstract feature is also (by definition) an abstract WSDL feature).
Implement above resolution.
I am writing this issue on behalf of Christopher St. John, webMethods ref: Today, fault components are scoped to an interface component, aka interface component.{faults} Similar to element declaration components in message reference component.{element}, we would like to re-use fault components across interfaces. This usage naturally maps to many programming languages. We request the WG to elevate fault components as first class daughters of definition components. This will also eliminate unnecessary best practice statements such as, "For the above reason, it is considered good practice to ensure, where necessary, that the {name} property of Interface Fault components within a namespace are unique, thus allowing such derivation to occur without inadvertent error."
ref: Does our feature composition model capture all possible cases? I am not sure.
Here is a sample edge case,
<interface name="Bank"> <!-- All implementations of this interface must be secure --> <feature uri="" required="true"/> .. </interface> <interface name="OpenBank" extends="Bank"> <!-- we don't give a damn --> <feature uri="" required="false"/> .. </interface>
According to Interface Component, "{features} = The set of Feature components corresponding to the feature element information items in [children], if any, plus the set of Feature components in the {features} property of the Interface components in {extended interfaces}, if any." According to our equivalence rules, feature declared in Bank interface is not equivalent to the feature declared in Open Bank interface. Because, the value of {required} property is different. If these two feature components are present in interface component.{features}, what is the net effect? Secure channel is an optional feature! That confuses me. Please revisit our feature composition model and flush out all such edge cases. Also, shall we provide a special rule for computing the equivalence of feature components?
Partial Resolution from 2005-01-19: "true" values intersect, that is, "true" trumps.
ref: "The Multipart style is selected by assigning the Interface Operation component's {style} property the value The Multipart style may only be used for Interface Operation components whose {message exchange pattern} property has the value '', '' or ''. Use of this value indicates that XML Schema [XML Schema Structures] was used to define the schemas of the {element} properties of all Message Reference components of the Interface Operation component with {direction} property in. Those schemas MUST adhere to the rules below"
Why is multipart style limited to {direction}=in? Shall we allow multipart style for all message reference components with {direction}=out? If positive, then proposed change is, <proposed> Use of this value indicates that XML Schema [XML Schema Structures] was used to define the schemas of the {element} properties of all Message Reference components of the Interface Operation component. Those schemas MUST adhere to the rules below. .., </proposed>
The Working Group found that there is utility in specifying the Multipart style on both inputs and outputs, and that separate control was desirable. It also envisions that this capability might be useful to style developers. Accordingly it agreed to: 1) move {style} from operations to message reference components, 2) change operation/@style to operation/@styleDefault and update the infoset mapping for message reference {style} to combine the value of this attribute with messageReference/@style, 3) change the Multipart and URI styles to be direction independent, and 4) make corresponding changes elsewhere in the documents.
Note that this issue was revisited in LC106.
Implement above resolution.
Implement above resolution.
Add the other MEPs (except for robust-in-out and robust-out-in) to the list of supported MEPs in our HTTP binding, and add some text that additional info is necessary to use anything other than the three we currently have listed.
Remove 2nd paragraph of 3.9.1 and 3.9 2 (Part 3) - mep dependency.
ref: [1], [2] "If the {soap mep} property of the Binding Operation component has the value "" then the URI to execute the HTTP GET against MUST be generated using the HTTP binding's rules for generating a URI for HTTP GET (see 3. WSDL HTTP Binding). The input serialization format of x-www-form-urlencoded is the only supported serialization format for HTTP GET in the SOAP Response Message Exchange Pattern." [1] "This serialization format is designed to allow a Web Service to produce a URI based on the instance data of input messages. It may only be used for interface operation using the URI Style format as defined in 3.9.1 URI Style."
It appears to me that there is a strong relationship between the value of Message Reference.{style} and {soap mep} properties. Particularly, if {soap mep} has the value "" then {style} must be Is that true? If so, shall we state it? And, shall we establish a default binding rule? Are there too many iffs?
I am writing this issue on behalf of Christopher St. John, webMethods. ref:, "This document does not specify a means of producing an XML Infoset representation from a given set of WSDL components. Furthermore, given a particular serialization, not all valid sets of components need be serializable to it. For instance, due to the use in the component model of types that cannot be described using XML schema (.e.g wsdls:string), it is possible to come up with a valid set of WSDL components that cannot be serialized as an XML 1.0 document."
Last two sentences (above) sound very serious. I understand the issue and reasoning behind it. But, this paragraph does not provide sufficient information to first time readers. I request the editors to elaborate on why components cannot be serialized as an XML 1.0 doc and provide a link to the section that describes wsdl simple types.
We will rework this text to make it clear that we are talking about the version of XML, and to clarify that this is due to unserializable constructs in the XML itself, and not related to validity under a particular version of XML Schema.
Implement above resolution.
ref:, "You may choose to decorate your application data element declarations with an attribute with the namespace '' and the local name "mustUnderstand". This indicates at the abstract level that the particular element thus decorated is mandatory, and implementations of this feature which support expression of mandatory data (i.e. the Application Data SOAP Module, see 3.2 Application Data Module) should mark them as mandatory in an appropriate way." I haven't come across any use case where a receiver would say thou must say that I must understand. Are there any use cases? I heard someone say 'versioning'. Powerful keyword! Doesn't connect in this context tho'. Also, how does ad:mustUnderstand annotation map to HTTP feature-binding, ? What is a feature-binding? That is another issue. I request the WG to remove ad:mustUnderstand annotation attribute.
ref: "3.3 Application data serialization as HTTP headers 3.3.1 Name This feature-binding is identified with the URI ''"
Part 2 introduces a new concept, feature-binding. This is in addition to Features and SOAP Modules. What is a feature-binding? Please clarify.
Add a formal definition of feature-binding in the spec; and check on consistent use of the term feature-binding and module throughout the section.
Implement above resolution.
I am writing this issue on behalf of Wes Moulder, webMethods. ref: wsdlLocation [1] looks and smells like xsi:schemaLocation. But, I do not have any concrete use cases. Are there any? I read thru some of the other WS specifications - BPEL4WS [2], Choreography [3] and WS-Addressing [4] - mentioned at the F2F meeting [5]. None of these specs have use cases for wsdlLocation. WS-Message Delivery [6] uses wsdlLocation. But, this functionality will be replaced with parts from WS-Addressing. Plus, the opening statement in Section 7, "WSDL documents or fragments or references to WSDL components (via QNames) MAY appear within other XML documents" [ref] - do we allow WSDL component references via wsdlLocation? In the absence of concrete use cases, this appears to be a cool solution looking for a killer problem. We request the WG to re-consider wsdlLocation.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
The Working Group still sees a use for wsdlLocation and so it will remain. We will reword the first paragraph of Section 7 so that it's clear, esp. in terms of using WSDL component designators in wsdlLocation - wsdlLocation locates a WSDL document, aka <wsdl:definitions>, so component identifiers (which point to something else) are not presumed to work.
Implement above resolution.
ref: Does our property composition model capture all possible cases? I am not sure.
Here is a sample edge case,
<interface name="Bank"> <!-- capable of accepting Kerberos v5 token --> <property uri=""> <value>wsse:Kerberosv5TGT</value> </property> .. </interface> <interface name="OpenBank" extends="Bank"> <!-- capable of accepting x509 certificate --> <property uri=""> <value>wsse:X509v3</value> </property> .. </interface>
According to Interface Component, "The set of Property components corresponding to the property element information items in [children], if any, plus the set of Property components in the {properties} property of the Interface components in {extended interfaces}, if any." According to our equivalence rules, property declared in Bank interface is not equivalent to the property declared in Open Bank interface. Because, the value of {value} property is different. If these two property components are present in interface component.{properties}, what is the net effect? This will be further complicated if I use {value constraint}. Do we have a notion of type equivalence (for {value constraint})? Please revisit our property composition model and flush out all such edge cases. Also, shall we provide a special rule for computing the equivalence of property components?
Partial Resolution from 2005-01-19: value sets intersect.
ref: "3.10.1 Description Every Binding Message Reference component MAY indicate which transfer codings, as defined in section 3.6 of [IETF RFC 2616], are available for this particular message." This feature does not apply to HTTP 1.0 And, when {http version}="1.0" and {http transfer coding} claim is made, is that an error or should the processors safely ignore it? I prefer the latter. Please clarify.
Adopted proposal.
Implement above proposal
Section 2 WSDL SOAP Binding "Notice that there are no default binding rules defined for Interface Fault components by this binding. Thus, if a given Interface component has any Fault components, then such Interface components MUST be bound via Binding components which indicate a specific interface and contain as many Binding Fault components as there are Fault components in the Interface Fault component." Comment: It's unclear why default binding rules are not defined for fault components. The additional information that would be required is minimal and this feature would be useful.
Add a rationale to the spec explaining there is no good default value for code and subcode.
Implement above resolution.
Section 2.6 Declaring SOAP Modules Comment: The relationship between SOAP Modules declared in the binding and features declared in the interface is unclear. From the SOAP 1.2 Rec (section 3.3): "A SOAP module realizes zero or more SOAP features". I would expect a similar relationship in WSDL such that a SOAP module in a binding would reference one or more features in the interface, a module being the binding of those features to the protocol.
Add text stating that a SOAP abstract feature is also (by definition) an abstract WSDL feature).
Implement above resolution.
Section 3 WSDL HTTP Binding "Notice that there are no default binding rules defined for Fault components by this binding." Comment: Similar to the case for the SOAP binding, it's unclear why the extra step was not taken to define such default binding rules.
Similar fix as LC29a.
Implement above resolution.
Section 3.3 Default Binding Rules "Mechanisms that are outside the scope of this specification MAY modify the serialization format of the instance data corresponding to the output message. An example of such modification is the combination of the serialization as application/x-www-form-urlencoded and the SOAP-Response Message Exchange Pattern ([SOAP 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts], Section 6.3)." Comment: More detail required here, it's not clear what the example is trying to illustrate.
Adopted clarified wording as proposed in DaveO's proposal.
Implement above resolution.
Section Case of elements cited in whttp:location attribute "When constructing the request URI, each pair of curly braces (and enclosed element name) is replaced by the corresponding content of the element." Comment: What is the expected behavior when the element is not present in the instance data or is nil. The rules in section 3.9.1 appear to allow both things to happen.
Make it an error for instance documents to have elements with xsi:nil=true. Make it an error to have nil values when trying to auto-generate parameters.
Add as 1st bullet of that it is an error for instance documents to have elements with xsi:nil=true.
Change first bullet of section to say "Uncited non-nil elements with a possibly empty single value are serialized ..."
Also extend this treatment to uncited elements per
Section 3.8.3 Serialization as "multipart/form-data" Comment: What is the expected serialization of an element that is nil in the instance data ? An empty part, an omitted part ?
Close 29f with the same resolution as 29e (add bullet to 3.8.3).
Add as 1st bullet of 3.8.3 that it is an error for instance documents to have elements with xsi:nil=true.
Section 3.9 Operation Styles Comment: The relationship between the operation styles defined in this section to the serializations defined in section 3.8 would be clarified by listing the permitted serializations for each style. Currently the serializations list the allowed style but not the other way round. Consider switching the order of 3.8 and 3.9.
Delegated to editors.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Section 3.9 Operation Styles Comment: Should there be a style defined to match the serialization defined in 3.8.2 ?
The part1 spec (in the mandatory extensions section and the conformance section) uses the terms "provider agent" and "requestor" agent. IBM would like to see these terms removed as they are not used elsewhere in the specs.
Use the terms "Web service" and "consumer"/"client" consistently throughout.
Use the terms "Web service" and "consumer"/"client" consistently throughout.
Use the terms "Web service" and "consumer"/"client" consistently throughout.
Part 1 says, talking about the WSDL 2.0 XML Schema in Table 1-1: WSDL documents that do NOT conform to this schema are not valid WSDL documents. It then says in section 2: it is possible to come up with a valid set of WSDL components that cannot be serialized as an XML 1.0 document. It is therefore possible to have a document which does not conform to the schema, such as an valid XML 1.1 serialization, and is yet a valid WSDL document. I think that the following in section 8 may also be an issue for XML 1.1 serializations: An element information item whose namespace name is "" and whose local part is definitions conforms to this specification if it conforms to the XML Schema for that element as defined by this specification family and additionally adheres to all the constraints contained in this specification. We need to make it clearer that XML Schema conformance only works for documents for which XML Schema 1.0 is applicable, i.e. XML 1.0 documents. This comment also applies to section 1.1 Part 3, which is basically similar to Part 1's Table 1-1.
Remove text regarding schema validity from section 1.2 and add text to describe schema is for the conformance of XML 1.0 serialisation and the intent is it may be applied to other future serialisations such as XML 1.1
Make clear that mapping to XML is 1.0 specific.
Implement above resolution in Part 1.
Implement above resolution in Part 2 (if necessary).
Moot point since XML 1.1 support has been removed.
Implement above resolution in Part 3.
Moot point since XML 1.1 support has been removed.
Because the URI and Multipart styles both say: The localPart of input element's QName MUST be the same as the Interface operation component's name. examples 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3 are wrong. They say, taking example 3-1 as an example: The following instance data of an input message <data> <town>Frejus</town> <date>2004-01-16</date> <unit>C</unit> </data> with the following operation element <operation ref='t:io' whttp:location='temperature/{town}' whttp:method='GET' /> The operation element's ref attribute should be t:data.
Fixed by editors.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Section 2.3 says: HTTP Method Selection. This default binding rule is applicable when the value of the {soap underlying protocol} property of the Binding component is "". If the {soap mep} property of the Binding Operation component has the value "" then the default value of the {http method} property is POST. If the {soap mep} property of the Binding Operation component has the value "" then the default value of the {http method} property is GET. The binding doesn't provide HTTP method selection as I read it. Therefore, those values are not defaults and fixed values.
Remove 'default' from text in bullet item "HTTP Method Selection"
Editors to remove 'default' from text in bullet item "HTTP Method Selection".
First, I believe that we should point to Appendix C every time we talk about not being able to a component by a simple QName, such as in sections 2.3.1, 2.4.1 and 2.14.1, but there may be others that I have missed.
Add links to sections of specification where we note that QName is insufficient to identify a component.
Implement above resolution.
Implement above resolution elsewhere throughout the core spec.
Second, section C.2 is lacking references for the following components in order for us to fulfill R120, "The description language MUST ensure that all conceptual elements in the description of Messages are addressable by a URI reference"; I am proposing some solutions: - message reference: messageref(interface/operation/direction/label); - fault reference: faultref(interface/operation/direction/label/ref); - binding fault: bindingfault(binding/ref); - binding operation: bindingoperation(binding/ref); - binding message reference: bindingmessageref(binding/operation/direction/label).
Accept proposal in general, include F&P additions too.
Arthur will scrub the proposed syntax and create Features and properties syntax.
Editors to implement the restriction that feature and property URIs must be unique in a scope.
Third, some of the construct names in the first column are not corresponding exactly to components names: - s/operation/interface operation/; - s/fault/interface fault/.
Accept the proposal - change names to match component names in table C-1.
Arthur to revamp table C-1 with component names.
Finally, I find the the x / y convention hard to read. What about something like: endpoint: _endpoint_ being the {name} property of endpoint and _service_ being the {name} property of parent service: endpoint(_service_/_endpoint_) with _foo_ being typographically different, e.g. in italic?
Table will be reworked to be more readable when new components are added.
App C editors to rework table to be more readable when new components are added.
Below is a list of typos and editorial fixes I noted in Part 1: - section 2: s/.e.g/e.g./. - section 2.1.1: s/and that it resolve/and that it resolves/. - section 2.4.2: s/such as ''/i.e. when ''' is in use/; indeed, this is the only possibility. - section s/AII/&AII;/ and s/be be/be/. - section s/whether the operation is safe or not/whether the operation is declared to be safe or not/; indeed, safe='false' doesn't mean that the operation isn't safe, but that it hasn't been declared as such as per 2.4.1. - section 2.5.1: s/wsdls:token/wsdls:Token/. - section s/fault attribute information item/ref attribute information item/. - section the example is missing the WSDL default namespace. - section 10.1: I don't think that the RDF mapping is a normative reference; it is an informative one. - sections A and A.2: there are editor's notes remaining that should be removed. - section D.1: "This section will provide some rationale for it and provide hints on how to work around some scenarios."; they are missing.
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Implement fix or return to WG.
The following is editorial. Part 1 does a good job of presenting properties and their types in the Relationship to WSDL Component Model section, and an XML 1.0 serialization using XML Schema types in the XML Representation section. This isn't the case of Part 3, which uses wsdls:* in the XML Representation section, and uses xs:* in the pseudo-schema only. This needs to be fixed by: - adding wsdls:* types in the Relationship to WSDL Component Model section. - changing wsdls:* by xs:* in the XML Representation section.
Fixed by editors.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Section 3.6.4 doesn't talk about default values in the mapping: - {http method}: should use whttp:methodDefault as a default, if it is present. - {http input serialization} and {http output serialization}: should use the default corresponding to the given HTTP method as the default.
Accommodate the method default and input serialization default in part 3, section 3.6.4
Editors to redo Part 3 Section 3.6.4 to accommodate method and input serialization defaults.
Section E.1 reads: A DTD may be used as the schema language for WSDL. and then: The prefix, dtd, used throughout the following is mapped to the namespace URI "". It is not clear whether this whole section is provided for real use, which seems like it according to the level of details, or as an example, which the example namespace URI suggests. I would suggest picking a real URI on for this section.
Use a URI instead of
Hugo to get a URI to use for DTD example in Appendix E.1.
Change to the URI provided by Hugo.
Section 3.2 says: This module is identified with the URI... I would suggest s/module/SOAP module/ as this isn't any kind of module that is defined here, but a SOAP 1.2 module.
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Part 2, Section 3.1.2: s/The senders/The sender/
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Part 1 section 3.1.2 states: "Inside an embedded XML schema, the xs:import and xs:include element information items MAY be used to refer to other XML schemas embedded in the same WSDL description, provided that an appropriate value is specified for their schemaLocation attribute information items. The s emantics of such element information items are governed solely by the XML Schema specification [XML Schema: <> Structures]." It doesn't say anything about what's the "appropriate value" and implies that it's the question for schema spec. I searched our mail archival, there were many messages exchanged about this but seems no conclusion was drawn about what the "appropriate value" should be for @schemalocations in the following example? <type> <xs:schema targetNamespace = "a"> ....</schema> <xs:schema targetNamespace = "b"> <xs:import namespace = "a" schemalocation = "???"/> ... </schema> <xs:schema targetNamespace = "a"> <xs:include schemalocation = "???"/> ... </schema> <type> Some suggested that for the xs:import in "b", the @schemalocation should not present (it's optional anyway). But nothing has been said about the case for the second "a" which xs:includes the first "a". is it legal (the spec quoted above implies yes)? if so, what's the right value for xs:include@schemaLocation(not it's a required attribute ) ? Any one can help? Since this a confusing area, I am thinking to include something in the Primer.
Add ", such as fragment identifiers (see Schema 4.3.1)," and a similar statement to section 3.1.1 about importing schema.
Implement above resolution.
The namespace value of "myDataType" is inconsistent in the example (see bold text). Proposal: change the second case to : xmlns:foo="" <types> <schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" xmlns:ad=""> <!-- Define the data type we'll use later --> <complexType name="myDataType"> <sequence> <!-- These elements are our data --> <element name="isGoldClubMember" type="xs:boolean" ad:mustUnderstand="true" /> <element name="promotionalCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> </sequence> </complexType> </schema> </types> <interface name="customerService"> <operation name="reserveCar"> <input element="myNS:reserveCarRequest"> <property uri=""> <constraint xmlns:foo=""> foo:myDataType </constraint> </property> </input> </operation> </interface>
Make namespaces consistent as proposed.
Implement above resolution.
Since WSDL is the Web Services Description Language, it is natural to make its root element <description>. A WSDL document describes a Web service. The document is therefore a description. This change would make our names more consistent with XSD, i.e it is XML Schema language its root element is <schema>. The Definitions component should be called the Description component.
Proposal accepted.
Change "definitions" to "description" everywhere (syntax and components.
I noticed an editorial issue with Part 3 section 3.8.1 Serialization as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". It talks about the whttp:location attribute and the location attribute information item when I think it should be talking about the {http location} property.
Resolved by editor.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Section 3.6.2 of Part 3 says: {http location}, a wsdls:anyURI. The value of this property specifies a template for the relative portion of the request URI for an operation. This URI is combined with the base URI specified in the {address} property of the endpoint element to form the full URI for the HTTP request to invoke the operation. Actually, this is a template only for the application/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization, and is defined as such in section 3.8.1. It isn't a template for other serializations we define. I suggest dropping the following sentence: The value of this property specifies a template for the relative portion of the request URI for an operation.
Accept option 2 described in
Implement above resolution.
In the normative WSDL schema at [1], the wsdl:bindingType type fails to define a required attribute of name "type" and type xs:anyURI, contradicting the specification [2]. [1] [2]
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Implement fix or return to WG.
As discussed at the f2f, when binding a fault to the HTTP protocol, we need to be able to specify the error text in addition to the HTTP status code. The rationale is that the client may want to use the error text to distinguish between faults with the same status code.
Accept DaveO's proposal.
Implement above resolution.
Editorial - mismatched document scope WSDL Part 1 introduction describes Part 2 as "The WSDL Version 2.0 Part 2: Message Exchange Patterns specification [WSDL 2.0 Predefined Extensions] defines the sequence and cardinality of abstract messages sent or received by an operation." However the Part 2 abstract section describes itself more broadly than MEPS: "describes extensions for the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 . These extensions include Message Exchange Patterns (MEPs), features, SOAP modules, and bindings of features". Recommendation: revise Part 1 Introduction text, moving the abstract text from Part 2 into the Intro of Part 1 for consistency and accuracy.
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Clarification request in section 2 - 'Predefined Message Exchange Patterns' The relationship between WSDL defined MEPs and SOAP defined MEPs is unclear: "WSDL message exchange patterns describe the interaction at the abstract (interface) level, which may be distinct from the pattern used by the underlying protocol binding (e.g. SOAP Message Exchange Patterns)." Recommendation: Could you clarify the relationship between abstract WSDL MEPs and SOAP bindings MEPs? An important aspect of the clarification is the disposition of WSDL-defined faults (Fault Propagation Rules) in light of the SOAP processing model.
Add text to part 2 and 3 about WSDLMEP and SOAP mep mapping that ponts to section 2.3 of part 3.
Implement above resolution.
Editorial - sections 2.1.[12] The cardinality of faults is raised, yet the patterns do not define message cardinality. Perhaps this is an old artifact when message cardinality was defined. Recommendation: remove references to message cardinality.
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Editorial - section 3.1 Application Data Feature General editorial comment. The rationale for AD is 'to enable the description of application-defined additional data declarations outside of the normal data channel (e.g. the SOAP body).' This is in line with the notion of 3. Predefined Features: "(WSDL) features (hereafter 'features') define pieces of extended functionality which typically affect message exchanges. Examples may include "reliability", "security", or "correlation", among others." Yet the AD example is used to convey seemingly very SOAP body relevant data - 'isGoldClubMember' and 'promotionalCode' in a 'reserveCar' operation. Recommendation: use a more compelling example - or perhaps I am missing the point with AD?
Add text along the lines of "There is a pre-existing "reserveCarRequest" XML data type, which is to be sent as the body of a WSDL operation. Unfortunately, the designers of this type did not leave any extensibility hooks in the schema. The WSDL designer desires to send two pieces of additional data..... " to clarify AD example, explain in intro to AD feature what the intended use is, and add that it SHOULD be used at interface level while discouraging use at binding level.
Implement above resolution.
Part 1 Section 8.3[1] should clarify whether the Part 2 Predefined Extensions and Part 3 Bindings must be supported by a conformant WSDL processor. Section 8.3 says that "a conformant WSDL processor MUST accept any legal WSDL document as defined by this specification", but it isn't clear whether "this specification" refers to all of Parts 1, 2 & 3 taken together, or only Part 1. References 1.
Issue closed by:
Implement parts 1, 3, 4 above.
Implement part 2 above.
As currently defined, the WSDL 2.0 in-out MEP[1] requires the service to send the response message back to the original requester agent, as illustrated by pattern p2e[2] in "MEPs versus IOPs". (This is in contrast with pattern p2c[3], which permits the response to go to a third party.) I think the WG should either: a. Add a pattern like p2c[3] to the MEPs in part 2, in addition to the existing in-out MEP; b. Replace the existing in-out MEP with a pattern like p2c[3]. RATIONALE Suppose a service wishes to permit the response to be sent to a third party. For example: requester agent A sends a request to service S, which sends the response to agent B (by use of an addressing extension, for example). What should service S do, given that the semantics of the in-out MEP require the response to be sent back to A? How should service S be described in WSDL? It could: a. modify the semantics of WSDL 2.0 by use of a required extension (wsdl:required = "true"); b. use an MEP that is not pre-defined in WSDL 2.0, such as p2c[3]; or c. violate the WSDL 2.0 specification. Pattern p2c[3] was considered earlier by the WG, when the WG discussed MEPs, and I think the main reasons for adopting p2e[2] instead were: - It captures the intent of many common interactions. - It permits a requester toolkit to generate code that supports a very simple, function-like usage style, independent of what binding is used: Reply message = service.send(requestMessage); while not precluding an event-driven implementation style that would be needed by p2c[3]. However, I believe two things have changed since the WG made that decision: 1. The WG became more permissive about the set of MEPs that it defines in Part 2, adding MEPS for additional fault treatments (Robust-In-Only, Robust-Out-Only) and optional responses (In-Optional-Out, Out-Optional-In). 2. The use of Web service addressing extensions is now receiving more attention. For example, the W3C is now considering creating a Web services addressing WG. 3. A requester toolkit could have an option (for each operation) to generate code in the function-like usage style shown above, even if the service specifies pattern p2c[3], and it could even be the default option. (In this case, the requester toolkit would hide the fact that A and B need not be the same in p2c[3].) Others may correct my memory, but I don't think this possibility was considered at the time when the MEP TF was discussing the pros and cons of p2c versus p2e. Incidentally, one potential argument for adopting BOTH p2e[2] and p2c[3] is that p2e[2] also allows the *service* toolkit to optimize interactions because it knows that the reply always goes back to the same agent that sent the request. For example, it permits a single HTTP interaction to transmit both the request and the response. This is a further consideration that I don't remember discussing during the MEP TF. References 1. WSDL 2.0 in-out MEP: or: 2. p2e: or: 3. p2c: or:
Adopt proposal for definition of "node" at, adding "Note:" before second sentence.
Implement above resolution.
Hi all, finally reading (most of) the Last Call drafts of WSDL 2 I have the following editorial comments (at least I think they are editorial). Every comment starts with the number of the relevant section. PART 1: 2. "independent of any particular serialization" - should mention XML 1.0/1.1 as rationale 2.1.1 after "i.e. they define the [local name], [namespace name], [children] and [attributes] properties of an element information item" add that this is equivalent to XML Schema global element declarations. Also might want to add the type definitions, i.e. they define the [children] and [attributes] properties, because type definitions are also relevant. table 2.1 doesn't mention {type definitions} 2.8.1 {value constraint} doesn't refer to {type definitions} - it is the only user thereof, so it probably should 2.1.1 "The target namespace URI SHOULD point to a human or..." should probably be combined with next sentence/paragraph because they are closely related. 2.3 faults should be moved after 2.4 operations, because it makes more sense - operations are more important, right? Same in other listings containing the two. 2.4.1 {safety}: 2 references to web architecture redundant 2.4.2 before bullet list the "MUST be" should be rephrased as "are" expand the acronym AII {rpc-signature} ... of type wsdls:QName (as defined in 2.15.4 anyURI type) - mismatch QName and 2.15.4 anyURI reference bullet 3 uses d0, d1, bullet 2 uses u0, u1 etc. missing fault reference components in second bullet list, fault reference components can also have f&p, right? "iso9001" *space* *comma* - drop the space 2.13.2 note about service references at the end of the section deserves more visibility, like its own subsection on "reusing <service> type for service references" appendix D must be finished appendix D: services limited to single interface - split WSDL 1.1 services into multiple WSDL 2 services appendix D: transformed RPC style and removed encoded use - don't use latter, transform schema for former PART 3: 2.1: multiple cases of "??" lacking preceding closing double quote: "xs:string?? 2.2 "identifying a soap binding" (should be "THE soap binding"?) 2.6.2 should say {soap modules} is a set of SOAP Module components as defined in 2.6.3.
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Some not done. More details forthcoming.
Insufficient information provided to act on the objection.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Implement fix or return to WG.
PART 1: 2.1.1 "The components directly defined within a single Definitions component are said to belong to the same target namespace." -- what about included components in the same namespace?
Adopt proposal in
Implement above resolution.
PART 1: 2.5.1 how does {message content model} (in particular, #element) relate to the use of other data models (3.2)? (text should probably be added after properties bullet list that {message content model} is not present in that case)
{message content model} is optional, missing when a different type system is in use. See also LC70.
part1 editors to check the consistency of statements related to {message content model} in the message ref component definition and the mapping table.
PART 3: 2: rationale for not defaulting fault binding (at latest in 4th para)? Is it just faultCodes not being defaultable? Should be mentioned in the text.
Clarify that fault codes not being defaultable is indeed the reason.
Implement above resolution.
We took the decision on 8 July 2004[1] to adopt the AD proposal as an optional feature. However, the example in part 2[2] does not declare the use of the feature, and it is basically unclear reading the introduction to predefined features[4] or the definition of the AD feature[5] whether: - our predefined features (which is just the AD one at this point) are required or not; the only text which is related to this is: "The Web Services Description Working Group provides the following predefined features and SOAP modules for two reasons - we encourage implementors to support these features as we believe they offer important functionality"; we should probably add some text making it clear that they are optional. - the use of an optional, predefined feature needs to be declared in a WSDL document before setting some of its properties. 1. 2. 4. 5.
WSDL 2.0 does not have a mechanism for a WSDL receiver to determine if a new interface that extends another interface is compatible or incompatible with the original interface. Proposed solution WSDL interface extends attribute is split to 2 attributes, extends and imports. A new interface that is compatible with another interface may use the "extends" attribute. Compatibility means that a requesting agent using the original interface can successfully use the derived interface as if it were the original interface. The definition of "extends" is along the lines of "lists the interfaces that this interface compatibly derives from". A new interface that is incompatible with another interface must use the "imports" attribute. The definition of "imports" is along the lines of "lists the interfaces that this interface uses but are not compatible with". A new component property called "imported interfaces" is introduced.
In the LC version of Part 1 [1], <infault> and <outfault> element information items are no longer listed among the children of the XML representation of the Binding Operation component. Is there a reason why they fell out? I can't find any reference to changes to that area since the removal of binding/operation/infault|outfault@messageReference in the 2004/12/04 teleconference minutes. [2] What I would like to be able to do is specify a soap:module [3] in a binding for an output fault message for specific operations. [1] [2] [3]
Roberto's proposal at {} accepted, along with three amendments: a) Bring Message Reference Component into line with Roberto's proposal {} b) Fix feature and property composition models to accomodate the new component. c) Clarify that QNames refer to interface fault.
Implement above resolution.
Unlike interface faults, no binding operation level <infault> and <outfault> constructs are provided in the LC draft. I don't recall and can not trace discussion on the rationale for such in-symmetric desgin from the mail archival. Since Faults have been changed so many times, I would like to make sure we still have a common understanding about how it should work and that no problem are introduced here. Without corresponding <infault>/<outfault> in the binding level, here is how I see it works: 1. How can one figure out which fault an binding operation uses? This seems do-able without binding level <infault>/<outfault>. Since a binding operation refers to an interface operation, one should be able to get the fault message reference from the interface operation, and then look up the binding <fault> corresponding to the interface <fault> to figure out. It's do-able, but convoluted. 2. How can one specify a different fault code, soap module, and maybe custom binding extensions for infault and outfault of an binding operation? This is also do-able, but again cumbersome - one has to define different interface <fault>s for infault and outfault even if they share a same fault message. If this correctly reflects the group's thinking, I will add some text in the primer accordingly.
Dupe of LC55. Roberto's proposal at {} accepted, along with three amendments: a) Bring Message Reference Component into line with Roberto's proposal {} b) Fix feature and property composition models to accomodate the new component. c) Clarify that QNames refer to interface fault.
In the "note" following the example, it says: The double question marks ("??") after the attributes in the whttp namespace indicates that those optional attributes only make sense if the when the SOAP binding uses HTTP as the underlying protocol, ... "if the" should be removed. (Please ignore if already reported - I didn't find it in the LC issue list at a quick browser.)
Fixed by editor.
Implement fix or return to WG.
first bullet - s/operation/operations faults are reusable by multiple operations (Please ignore if already reported - I didn't find it in the LC issue list at a quick browser.)
Fixed by editor.
Implement fix or return to WG.
We would like to see the Web Services Description Working Group define bindings for the 4 remaining MEPs for which no bindings have been defined or we would like them removed from the specification.
WSDL2.0 is unclear about it's support for attachment technologies and this is a concern to us. We would like to see some clarity with respect to what and how attachment technologies will be supported. We have spent some time looking at the WS-I AP1.0 profile as an exemplar and would greatly appreciate clarity on what you intend to support and how it might differ from AP1.0.
We recommend that a section is added describing the differences between WSDL1.0 and WSDL2.0. This should include differences in MEP's between the two specifications.
We seek clarification in the text of WSDL2.0 as to the use of wsdlLocation.
Accepted proposal to add additional usage motivation.
Implement above resolution.
We seek clarification in the text of WSDL 2.0 for component-to-XML InfoSet mapping, to address issues such as how serialization is performed in a manner compatible with XML Schema.
Close with no action, we have added constraints to the component model to ensure it can be serialized, we provide a mapping to XML which works both ways, and we don't see value in providing a canonical serialization.
We noted that the previous composistors work within WSD WG has not made it into the last call document, and similar to point 6, this is a capability that we need and would use if it were present.
I would appreciate it if you could address the following issue that I have seen in WSDLs of 2 customers in the past month. One vendor's SOAP stack is creating WSDLs with multiple inline schemas that have the same namespace. Here's an example: <wsdl:definition> <wsdl:types> <xs:schema targetNamespace="a"> types and elements </xs:schema> <xs:schema targetNamespace="a"> different types and elements </xs:schema> <xs:schema targetNamespace="b"> whatever </xs:schema> </wsdl:types> ... <wsdl:definition> It's not clear to me whether the above is legal or not (two schemas with the same targetNamespace="a"). Should XML parsers for WSDL be smart enough to handle the above? Or should parsers report errors?
Add clarification that two inlined schemas from the same targetNS are OK. Note that we rely on schema processors to sort out a coherent set of schema components.
Implement above resolution.
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language Operation Style I think having the interface writer specify the applicable style on an interface or operation is a bad approach. Is the interface writer aware of the possible styles that exist? In addition the style is optional, so tools will still need to function in the absence of the style attribute. Furthermore, specifying the style of the interface blurs the line between interface and binding. I think a better approach would involve supporting extensible interface/message structure constraints via the binding. Using this approach, when the wsdl processor encountered a binding that referenced an interface it would utilize the constraints associated with the specific binding to validate interface.
Move all the styles and RPC signatures section to part 2. This address the perception concern, no change to the use of the styles.
Add all the styles and RPC signatures section to part 2.
Remove all the styles and RPC signatures section to part 2.
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language 2.3 Interface Fault Why are fault messages considered 'reusable' but input / output messages are not? This seems inconsistent. A major improvement over WSDL 1.1 is the removal of the top level 'message' components. From my experience there's little benefit to specifying 'named' messages. If these do exist why are they specified within an interface? IMHO the complexities introduced by named messages outweigh any convenience of reuse.
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language 2.5.2 XML Representation of Message Reference Component I don't see any use in the inclusion of a 'messageLabel' attribute. Are there any examples where this is not redundant (deducible from the context)? I think the inclusion of optional attributes/elements in the spec that have no clear usefulness is terribly detrimental and one of the regrettable weaknesses of wsdl 1.1
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language 2.9.2 XML Representation of Binding Component Seems odd that the binding lacks infault and outfault. I'd assume that the structures should be symmetric? These sort of mysterious differences make the spec feel clumsy.
Dupe of LC55. Roberto's proposal at {} accepted, along with three amendments: a) Bring Message Reference Component into line with Roberto's proposal {} b) Fix feature and property composition models to accomodate the new component. c) Clarify that QNames refer to interface fault.
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language 2.9 Binding I'm struck the variety of places where we expect the wsdl author to specify binding related information. An interface has a 'style' (though optional). The binding has a 'type' then there are 'extensibility attributes' used to specify a soap protocol. Then there are 'extensibility elements' and of course this does not include possible use of 'features' and 'properties'. IMHO there are too many mechanisms at play here. I'd suggest returning to the simplicity of the wsdl 1.1 and its use of the extensibility element. Here's a summary of the constructs I feel should be removed and how ... The binding's type attribute. This could be deduced by the namespace of the child extensibility element (e.g. wsdl 1.1). The binding's style attribute. Unneeded .... see comments above on The binding's extensibility attributes. Don't encourage their use. Why not just utilize the attributes of the extensibility elements (e.g. wsdl 1.1).
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 3: Bindings I don't see any description or examples of how to specify the content of a SOAP header? Is the editor's copy incomplete ... I must confess I couldn't make much sense of it. I think having examples included in the Primer would go a long way to making the design clearer.
Issue 1: the spec and the schema is inconsistent. In the spec, address is an "optional" attribute of endpoint <endpoint name="xs:NCName" binding="xs:QName" address="xs:anyURI"? > <documentation />? [ <feature /> | <property /> ]* </endpoint> The address attribute is not defined in the schema @ <> <xs:complexType name="EndpointType" mixed="false"> <> - <xs:complexContent> <> - <xs:extension base="wsdl:ExtensibleDocumentedType"> <> - <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:element name="feature" type="wsdl:FeatureType" /> <xs:element name="property" type="wsdl:PropertyType" /> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:choice> <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName" use="required" /> <xs:attribute name="binding" type="xs:QName" use="required" /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
Optional on purpose. Close the issue 62a by fixing the schema. Editorial fix to clarify the specification why it is optional intentionally.
Implement above resolution.
Issue2: why the address attribute is optional? The spec doesn't say anything about under what situation the address attribute may be left out. What's an endpoint without a network address?
WSDL allows (unintentionally) users to mix components from different schema languages for XML - say, DTD, XML Schema, Relax NG, etc. How? Via WSDL import statements -,, and Example, <definitions xmlns="" xmlns:xs=""> xmlns:dtd=""> xmlns:rng=""> <types> <xs:import namespace="uriA" schemaLocation="a.xsd"/> (XSD) <dtd:import namespace="uriB" location="b.dtd"/> (DTD) <rng:include namespace="uriC" href="c.rng"/> (RNG) <xs:schema targetNamespace="uriA"> <!-- defs and declarations --> </xs:schema> </types> <definitions> At the component model level, these components map to Definitions.{element declarations} and {type definitions} properties. We request you to say how it works, or refer to a definition of how it works, or else to rule out mixing schema languages.
Appendix C, "This appendix provides a syntax for URI references for named components found in a WSDL document. This includes the top level components: interface, binding and service and the subordinate components: operation, fault, and endpoint." - Element declarations and type definitions are top level components in WSDL definitions component, that is, Definitions.{element declarations} and {type definitions}. What are the URI references for these schema components?
Accepted proposal, including "wsdl.description()", plus uri will be absent (not merely optional) for XML Schema, and the uri parameter will come second.
Implement above resolution.
Part 1 says: "The schema components defined in the imported schema are available for reference by QName (see 2.18 QName resolution)." - If you are really trying to clone xsd semantics, then this should say: "The schema components defined in the imported >namespace< are available for reference by QName (see 2.18 QName resolution). " xs:import fundamentally brings into scope a namespace, not a schema. The schemaLocation, if present, suggests a possible sort of definitions and declarations that might be useful in building a schema, and only in that sense is a schema imported.
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Part 1 says: "Embedding an XML schema uses the existing top-level xs:schema element information item defined by XML Schema [XML Schema: Structures]. It may be viewed as simply cutting and pasting an existing, stand-alone schema, to a location inside the types element information item." - Should say: "Embedding an XML schema uses the existing top-level xs:schema element information item defined by XML Schema [XML Schema: Structures]. It may be viewed as simply cutting and pasting an existing, >schema document<, to a location inside the types element information item." or if you prefer: "Embedding an XML schema uses the existing top-level xs:schema element information item defined by XML Schema [XML Schema: Structures]. It may be viewed as simply cutting and pasting >an existing XML representation of schema information<, to a location inside the types element information item." Note that the terms schema [.1] and schema document [.2] are rigorously defined in the schema recommendation, and the term "XML Representation" is widely and uniformly used; we request that these terms be used correctly. [.1] [.2]
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Part 1 says: "The schema components defined in the embedded schema are available to WSDL for reference by QName (see 2.18 QName resolution). Note that only components defined in the schema itself and components included by it via xs:include are available to WSDL. Specifically components that the schema imports via xs:import are NOT available to WSDL." - - we think it should say: "The schema components defined >and declared< in the embedded schema >document< are available to WSDL for reference by QName (see 2.18 QName resolution). Note that only components defined >and declared< in the schema itself and components included by it via xs:include are available to WSDL. Specifically components that the schema imports via xs:import are NOT available to WSDL."
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Implement fix or return to WG.
"XML Schema MAY be used as the schema language via import or embedding. Each method defines a different element information item for use within a types element information item." - The antecedent for the phrase 'each method' is missing. Also, what does it mean?
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Implement fix or return to WG.
In 3.8.1 Serialization as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" it states that escaping MUST be defined as in XForms, so not much difference here. However, WSDL uses the ampersand (&) character as a separator between pairs of parameters. XForms allows the specification of either ampersand (&) or semi-colon (;) as the separator with semi-colon being the default [2]. This choice was introduced following comments on the Last Call Draft published in January 2002. [2]
Accept Hugo's proposal.
Implement above resolution.
WSDL 2.0 makes no mention of "multipart/related", we do not know if this is a problem but it is supported by XForms [3] [3]
It feels like there is an unclear break between WSDL and XML Schema. It seems obvious that the idea was to allow multiple schema languages for XML to be used within the context of WSDL, however we find several concerns over this. 1) The spec requires anything which understands WSDL to understand XML Schema. This means that anything which could gain by being decoupled from XML Schema (IE platforms which do not have a schema processor) immediately takes that hit, because it has to support XML Schema. XML Schema has been reified into the Object Model for the Type System that WSDL uses, with loose words about how to deal with DTDs and Relax NG. Reference - "Note: Support for the W3C XML Schema Description Language is required of all processors." - 2) This feels a bit like inventing how these two xml schema languages are used in WSDL rather than standardizing what has been done (see Having actual implementations of a WSDL Generator and a WSDL Processor which actually use these and interoperate with each other should be a requirement before we include them in the final version of the spec. 3) We are still unclear on what should happen if more than one schema language is used. What if they say different things? 4) Overloading the use of the element AII for Message Reference Components, to refer components from different schema languages, seems like a "bad thing"(tm). If a WSDL processor only understands XML Schema, and it goes to retreive the element AII from a Message Reference, and it is not a QName that refers to a Schema component, it will cause confusion and delay. (Yes, Wes's son is a Thomas fan.) To counter all of this we have two alternate proposals and one requirement. Proposal a) Break out XML Schema from the spec. Introduce a schema language "binding" (terribly overloaded term at the moment). Describe in the Types section (part 1 section 3) the part of this binding that belongs here. Describe in the Message Reference Component section (part 1 section 2.5) the part of this binding that belongs here. Say nothing about XML Schema in the spec. Introduce an AII on the types section which defines which schema language binding is in use, and state that a processor which does not understand the value of this AII must fault. Have the wsdl processor fail if it does not understand the referenced schema language binding. Introduce an adjunct to the spec defining the XML Schema schema language binding, making it optional. Proposal b) Drop RelaxNG and DTD from the spec and stay coupled to XML Schema. Requirement) WSDL WG should demonstrate that such schema languages within WSDL are implementable and there are at least two different interoperable implementations of DTD and Relax NG type systems within WSDL. Having actual implementations of a WSDL Generator and a WSDL Processor which actually use these and interoperate with each other should be a requirement before we include them in the final version of the spec. If proposal A is adopted or status quo prevails, please record this as one of the CR exit criteria.
2005-02-24: WG agreed to move DTD and RelaxNG from the spec and publish as a note
2005-02-24 Agreed to move this material into a separate note.
Clarify in sec 2.1.3 and elsewhere that there is only a single element declaration in the set for each QName. Add text along the lines suggested by David - "include a note in the spec saying that if someone combines multiple schema languages may be a problem, and we have not solved this problem."
Implement above resolution.
Remove DTD/RelaxNG appendix.
We would like to see the "pattern" attribute of "operation" elements defaulted based on the contained <input> and <output> elements for those patterns where that is unambiguously possible. The component model will continue to have the current behavior - this is only a syntactic convenience. Requiring all users to remember the values of the pattern URIs when the value is patently obvious from the <input> and/or <output> elements makes the language overly cumbersome with no value. We would like this extra complexity removed. Note that this is only a default - if someone else were to define a pattern with only one <input> and no <output>s then they can still live happily with the user explicitly setting the value.
Make pattern default to in-out.
Implement above resolution.
Part 1 section 2.3.1 says "Note that faults other than the ones described in the Interface component can also be generated at run-time, i.e. faults are an open set.". I think this needs clarification. How can a client application or Web service know what additional faults to expect, and what message schemas would describe such faults?
By Design. Close with no action.
WG did not feel it needed to add text characterizing (possibly wrongly) undeclared faults.
I apologize in advance for raising this ugly issue again. Perhaps I just don't understand the model well enough, and maybe you can explain it to me, but I'm really concerned about the "one interface per service" constraint. The SOA architecture requires that a web service expose multiple interfaces: - its functional interface - a management interface (WSDM, WS-Management, etc) - a metadata discovery interface (WS-MetadataExchange, etc) - an interactive interface (WSRP, etc) - potentially others I have clients that also require that a web service support versioning, in which case the service will expose multiple versions of its functional interface. How does WSDL 2.0 support these basic SOA requirements if a service definition is constrained such that it implements at most one interface?
Insufficient interest in reopening the issue. Closed with no action.
Editors to call out the difference between WSDL 1.1 and 2.0 in respect to single interface per service, and indicate alternatives.
So, can a WSDL 2.0 document import or include a WSDL 1.1 document? Presumably, 1.1 cannot import 2.0.
Add "2.0" appropriately in the document.
Implement above resolution.
Section 2.1. In the following quote, the reference to URI should explicitly include IRIs (as the type xs:anyURI allows for these). In fact, there should be some care taken to clarify that URIs in this document mean IRIs, if possible: <quote> Note that it is RECOMMENDED that the value of the targetNamespace attribute information item SHOULD be a dereferencible URI and that it resolve to a WSDL document which provides service description information for that namespace. </quote>
Partial resolution: Change URI to IRI throughout except URI attr and prop on featiures and properties and SOAP module, which becomes "ref"; exempt appendix E where we talk about namespace URIs, and section 4.11.2 in adjunct spec.
In addition to the above partial resolutions, we also accept Hugo'sproposal.
Implement above resolution in Part 1
Implement above resolution in Part 2
Section 2.1. Name uniqueness. While QName's definition provides for uniqueness in an internationalized way, it may be useful to reference what makes a name unique in this document. In particular, there is a gap that surrounds QName in that, although it is based on NCName and thus is "include normalized" according to the rules in CharMod:Normaliation, there is no requirement that the name itself be in a normalized form (i.e. Unicode Normalization Form C, which is recommended by but not required by XML 1.0/1.1) Some consideration for matching QNames should be made. This is a low-priority comment, since other groups are struggling with this issue (unsuccessfully). <quote> Each WSDL or type system component MUST be uniquely identified by its qualified name. </quote>
Section 2.1.2, Section 5.0. The <documentation> element presents a number of internationalization concerns to us. Here is some of the text of Section 5: <quote> WSDL uses the optional documentation element information item as a container for human readable and/or machine processable documentation. The content of the element information item is arbitrary character information items and element information items ("mixed" content in XML Schema[XML Schema: Structures]). The documentation element information item is allowed inside any WSDL element information item. </quote> The problem here is that the documentation is supposed to describe, either in plain-text or in markup, aspects of the WSDL for documentation purposes. Human readable text has two problems here. First, it need to be tagged with the natural language (by referencing xml:lang, xsi:language, or by directly referencing RFC 3066 or its successors) and second, it may need to be repeated in different languages (which may be but are not necessarily translations). We suggest that: a) The <documentation> element require an xml:lang attribute. The attribute may be empty (xml:lang="") b) The <documentation> element be allowed to be repeated, provided the xml:lang attributes in each of the elements be unique. You may wish to reference the <documentation> element (under annotations) in XMLSchema, although it is not as clear about the above as we would probably like :-).
Change the recurrence of wsdl:documented in DocumentedType to *, add attribute extensibility DocumentationType, let usage of multiple documentation elements be determined in practice, add text to suggest using xml:lang.
Implement above resolution.
Section 2.4.2. RPC Style. There is a requirement on the local part of the output element name that says: <quote> The LocalPart of the output element's QName is obtained by concatenating the name of the operation and the string value "Response". </quote> We understand that this is historically the way that it has been done and that some implementations, at least, rely on this. However, while it seems reasonable at first glance that, say, for operation "foobar", the response is called "foobarResponse", it may be less helpful in cases where the original operation name is non-ASCII in nature. It isn't clear why the name needs to be quite so determinate (and thus a concatenated construct) in the first place. Is there some reason why the return message needs a name based on the request message's plus some English ("Programmer-ese") token? Since in the RPC style the "out" message is presumably the response, can this requirement be relaxed?
Drop "The LocalPart of the output element's QName is obtained by concatenating the name of the operation and the string value "Response"" from RPC style"
Implement above resolution.
Section 2.15. Simple Types. This section gave us a great deal of concern. In this section WSDL defines seven simple types used in the component model of WSDL 2.0. These types are: string, Token, NCName, anyURI, QName, boolean and int. The argument presented in this section is that these needed to be redefined because "the types defined here go beyond the capabilities of XML Schema to describe." We are not sure why you consider this to be the case (our suspicion is that it is to ensure XML 1.1 compatibility). However, the definitions presented here are much less mature than those in XML Schema for internationalization purposes. We would strongly urge you to reconsider and use the XML Schema definitions directly. If there is a good reason not to use XML Schema directly, then we urge you to import, fully, the definitions in XML Schema for each of these types. A cursory review of our issues with the types you define are: 5a. string. The definition includes all code points between U+0000 and U+10FFFF. It doesn't deal with illegal characters in XML, such as surrogates, unassigned, or non-characters (like U+FFFF or U+10FFFF). XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 define various productions that can be used to avoid this problem, but we don't see why you don't just use the definition found in 5b. Token. This definition is similar to the one in XML Schema, but leaves out the prohibition on character #0xD. It is not usefully different than the one in XML Schema. QName, NCName. The NCName and QName definitions say more-or-less what they are, but the productions cited in XML Schema (Namespaces in XML, should be explicitly cited. 5c. anyURI. This implicitly disallows IRIs. You should include the text from the second and subsequent paragraphs in XML Schema's defintion. In particular, anyURI in XML Schema represents the *unescaped* sequence (it is, effectively, an IRI). 5d. int. This is problematic on two fronts. First, it is different from the "int" type in XML Schema (it is very similar to the "integer" type: "int" in XML Schema is derived from "long", which is derived from "integer" and has a maximum and minimum value corresponding to an integer type of a specific size). Second, you don't define the lexical representation, which may present problems for internationalization. One presumes that the lexical description is the same...
We are removing these definitions, reverting to describing our component model in terms of the XML Schema 1.0 datatypes. This means new XML 1.1 features will not be directly usable within WSDL until the XML Schema WG sorts out how to deal with them.
Section 1.1. (non-i18n) The various terms defined in this section should be made into glossary references, since these are the Ur-definitions used in WSDL.
Section 2.0 (editorial) Capitalization of 'schema' in last paragraph of this section.
Accept editor's resolution.
Editors to fix or return to WG.
Section 2.3: Fault declarations should be moved down into interface/operation, and not be defined as first-class components of interface. Fault references ought to work as message references do: * The following argument from Section 2.3.1 applies equally well to messages. Why aren't they treated consistently? "The Interface Fault component provides a clear mechanism to name and describe the set of faults an interface may generate. This allows operations to easily identify the individual faults they may generate by name. This mechanism allows the ready identification of the same fault occurring across multiple operations and referenced in multiple bindings as well as reducing duplication of description for an individual fault." * Interface Fault Components are not globally reusable. The solution is half-baked. * Interface Fault Components do not provide any practical re-use. The 99% case just renames @element. * Interface Fault Components are awkward because they cannot be bound within the context of an operation, preventing, for example, the assignment of a different reason string to the 'same' fault within different operations. Making these 'error messages' clear for debugging scenarios will require creating Interface Fault Components that are otherwise identical. * It would be much cleaner if the Interface Operation and Binding Operation components had parallel properties. As it is, only one has {fault references}.
Section 2.3.1 states: "Interface Fault components are local to Interface components; they cannot be referred to by QName..." However, Section 2.6.3 states that "{fault reference}" is "the actual value of the ref attribute information item", an xs:QName. Please make this consistent here and for the other components throughout the document which have this inconsistency.
Accept editor's resolution.
Editors to fix or return to WG.
Section 2.4.1 defines a {safety} property and a corresponding safe attribute. These constructs should be removed. Tooling can't analyze developer code for the purpose of automatically setting the safe attribute, so by default "safety" will be set to false. We expect developers to have little incentive to set the safety property manually, and even when they do we are not convinced they will be able to do so correctly. In addition it's not clear why safety is singled out as the only semantic declaration worthy of inclusion in the WSDL core.
put safety in its own namespace, modify the HTTP binding defaulting rules to say that if no method is specified and the @ext:safety attribute is used in the operation, then the method is GET.
Remove safety.
Add safety and defaulting as indicated above.
Section 2.4.2 states: "If elements with the same qualified name appear as children of both the input and output elements, then they MUST both be declared using the same type." Does this imply that an explicit type must be declared for all child elements? If so it should be stated explicitly.
Change "same type" to "same named type".
Implement above resolution.
Section 2.4.2 RPC Style defines an extension for use in the {style} property (see section As an extension this should be moved to Part 2.
Section 2.4.2 RPC Style is unclear as to whether local element children may contain extension attributes. Such attributes should be explicitly allowed; for instance as identifiers to enable the element to be signed (xml:id, wsu:Id).
The spec does not preclude extension attributes. We don't list things that are unconstrained by the RPC style. Close with no change.
Agreed to change spec as commenter desired.
Section 2.4.2 RPC Style does not appear to allow element wildcards. Such wildcards are necessary to enable versioning.
Proposal accepted.
Implement above resolution.
Section allows multiple returns. Why? Is the expectation that one would generate an (anonymous?) struct to hold the result? We'd prefer that the signature was restricted to a single return.
WG felt that many popular languages support multiple return values, and the burden on languages that don't is small.
Add to rpc style rationale on allowing multiple returns.
Section 2.4.3 states: "At least one of the [children] MUST be an input, output, infault, or outfault element information item." Allowing an operation to only have an infault or outfault child doesn't make sense. Suggest removing infault and outfault from this list.
Agree to remove "infault" and "outfault" from this list.
Implement above resolution.
Section says that the safe attribute has no default value, yet Table 2-5 says the {safety} property does. While this is not in direct conflict, it could be clearer that the first case is talking about an attribute default, and the second is not really a default at all, but a guaranteed result of the transformation from Infoset to the Component Model. There may be similar occurrences of the word "default" in relation to the component model elsewhere in the spec.
Section 2.5.1 Message Reference Component allows message content models to consist of any single element, any named element, or none. The restriction of messages to a single element child is not derived from SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2. Multiple element children is a type of message exchange currently in use. (Microsoft supports this in ASMX.) We request the facility to specify a sequence of named or unnamed elements to enable WSDL to be used to describe such message exchanges.
Table 2-6 and Table 2-7 specify that an error results if the messageLabel attribute doesn't match the MEP. However Table 2-13 suggests it's not an error if the messageLabel attribute doesn't match the MEP. It's not clear whether there is a reason for these to be inconsistent. Please make it an error throughout the spec if the messageLabel does not match the MEP.
Make the message label property of the binding message reference component required AND substitute an error for empty in the text in the message label mapping in table 2-13.
Implement above resolution.
Table 2-12 says the {operation reference} is the actual value of the ref attribute. However, the {operation reference} property is earlier defined (2.11.1) to be an Interface Operation Component. Furthermore Section 2.4.1 states that Interface Operation Components cannot be referred to unambiguously by QName, which is not reflected in the mapping in Table 2-12. Please make these sections consistent.
Editors to fix.
Implement above resolution.
Section 2.13: Service Components implement a single interface. This change from WSDL 1.1 impacts tooling negatively. Tooling exists for WSDL 1.1 that serializes a single service element with ports bound to more than one portType. There may also be tooling that serializes multiple service elements to separate ports on some basis other than whether they implement the same portType. A service serializing its description as multiple service elements (as this change requires) forces it and its client implementations to add an additional layer of identification to equate the service element QNames.
Table 2-13 implies there may not be any endpoints in a service (it says "if any"). However Section 2.13.2 states that there are always "one or more endpoint[s]". The "if any" thus appears to be in error and should be removed.
Remove "if any".
Implement above resolution.
Section 2.14 builds the address into the WSDL core rather than expressing it through a binding-specific extension (as in WSDL 1.1). This also constrains address to a URI. We expect bindings that require alternate forms of address (e.g., WS-Addressing Endpoint Reference).
Section 2.15: Support for versions of XML other than XML 1.0 complicates the spec substantially without providing corresponding benefits in interoperability. Until a version of XML Schema that provides facilities for handling XML 1.1 is developed and deployed there is little real utility in building support for XML 1.1 into WSDL. The introduction of new simple types for schema in section 2.15 should be removed completely, and references to these types should revert to the corresponding XML Schema 1.0 types. Section 2 can likewise be greatly simplified.
We will removing these definitions, reverting to describing our component model in terms of the XML Schema 1.0 datatypes. This means new XML 1.1 features will not be directly usable within WSDL until the XML Schema WG sorts out how to deal with them.
Remove abstract types supporting XML 1.1.
Editors of other parts should replace the namespace prefix wsdls: with xs:.
Section 3 states: "Note: Support for the W3C XML Schema Description Language [XML Schema: Structures],[XML Schema: Datatypes] is required of all processors." We consider it sufficient to just say what it means when XML Schema is used, and whether it was used correctly.
Section 3.1 and 3.2 describe rather intricate rules for which schema components are visible to the WSDL. A table or diagram would help greatly in communicating this information.
Agreed to add a table with rows "import", "include" and columns "directly in WSDL", "in schema".
Implement above resolution.
Section 4.1 describes wsdl:include as non-transitive, that is, you can't refer to components in an included document that have themselves been included. This is inconsistent with xs:include, as well as restricting the options available for modularization of WSDL files. Please remove the restriction making wsdl:include non-transitive. (Note that wsdl:import should remain explicitly non-transitive, just as xs:import is.)
Agree the difference in transitivity is a mistake. Accept proposed resolution in Also see LC92.
Implement above resolution.
Section 5: The wsdl:documentation element is not mapped into the WSDL Component model. This relegates information embedded there to the same status as an XML comment. If the wsdl:documentation element provides no semantic difference than an XML comment, we request that it be removed. But we prefer that the contents of the wsdl:documentation element be reflected in the Component model by adding a new property to each component (e.g., {documentation}) whose value is the XML Element Information Item of the wsdl:documentation element. This provides access to the contents of the documentation element, but also to annotations (specifically xml:lang) specified on that element.
Closed with no action. Documentation at the component model complicates calculation of component equivalence. Component model is not sufficient for complete round-tripping (e.g. XML comments are not implemented).
Section 8.3 on Processor Conformance is untestable (unlike Section 8.1). Document conformance is adequate for a specification that defines metadata rather than runtime processing. Remove section 8.3.
Section 8.3 states: "A conformant WSDL processor MUST fail if it processes an element containing a wsdl:include statement having a URI that is not dereferenceable to a legal WSDL document." What if it already happens to have a copy of the to-be-included (or to be imported) WSDL? The value of requiring a failure in this case is unclear, and we'd like this restriction to be relaxed.
Remove "is not dereferenceable or" from 4.1.1
Implement above resolution.
Appendix D is incomplete and therefore misleading about the amount of change required to migrate from WSDL 2.0 to 1.1. Please complete this section.
Remove Appendix D
Implement above resolution.
Section 2.1.1 Fault Replaces Message and 2.1.2 Message Triggers Fault don't allow a fault to go to an alternate location in the case where a wsa:FaultTo [WS-Addressing] header is specified. Generalize these rules so that addressing mechanisms can be accommodated without defining new MEPs.
Close LC76a by adding a clause to the fault rule set that says the destination of the fault may be modified by a binding or extension and to cite WSA as an informative example.
Adopted consistent descriptions.
Implement above resolution.
Section 2.1.2: What does the term "propagate" mean in the context of sending a fault? Please clarify.
Section 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 say that the fault message must be delivered. This implies that the endpoint does not have the option to generate but not send the fault. While always useful for debugging, faults are sometimes logged but not sent to prevent information disclosure and denial of service attacks. SOAP 1.2 allows this.
Proposal at accepted.
Added to text to satisfy commenter.
Implement above resolution
Section 3.1: The Application Data Feature should be replaced by a construct similar to the SOAP header binding extension in WSDL 1.1: * The intended semantic of the AD property URI suggests an architectural commitment beyond any required by SOAP -- application versus some other processing layer? Such distinctions are premature at this point in Web service development and have unclear implications on interoperability. * Wrapping the name of the XML Schema element for a header block with two elements and two attributes provides little additional information, sacrifices readability, and introduces opportunities for errors in WSDL generation and parsing. * The dataHeaders header block introduces descriptive markup in SOAP messages. Description languages should not introduce significant markup in the instances they describe. * The dataHeaders header block implies that endpoints will not be able to successfully exchange messages unless they agree on a WSDL 2.0 description. XML Schema does not impose this restriction on the use of XML. WSDL 1.1 does not impose this restriction on SOAP messages. WSDL 2.0 should not impose this restriction either. * The rules for when to include the dataHeaders block and what to include in it are underspecified. * While both the SOAP Module and the missing SOAP header construct declare a name for a header block (the former a URI and the latter a URI:local name pair), SOAP Module does not provide a structural description of the header block (e.g., an XML Schema element). This precludes tooling and intermediaries from serializing, deserializing, and/or validating the header without external header-specific knowledge. Such processing has proved useful for the SOAP Body and should be enabled for SOAP headers too. * The declaration of SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 headers in WSDL is currently in use. (Microsoft supports this in ASMX.) We expect this useful practice to continue going forward.
Accept proposal with the following amendments:
Unable to reach consensus to remove wsoap:mustUnderstand.
Commenter unsatisfied.
Implement above resolution in part 3.
Implement above resolution in part 2.
Part 2 and 3 merged, one action sufficeth.
Section 3.8.1: Serialization as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" does not appear to constrain XML elements to be unqualified, but neither does it explain how namespaced elements are to be serialized.
Clarify that since local names must be unique, there is no need to serialize the namespace URI.
Implement above resolution.
Microsoft does not currently plan to implement Section 3: WSDL HTTP binding. If there is only weak support from other implementers perhaps it would be wisest to drop this binding or factor it out into a Working Group Note.
Enclosed is a copy of the Part 1 WSDL 2.0 spec in Microsoft Word ormat, using the change tracking feature to highlight minor editorial issues within the document. These issues represent the compilation of editorial glitches identified by Jeffrey Schlimmer and other reviewers within Microsoft. I hope the editors find this to be a convenient format for walking through the suggestions; compiling a stand-alone list would be a considerable effort.
Accept editor's resolution.
Editors to fix or return to WG.
From Nov FTF, need to check that in-only mep is supported by the WSDL soap 1.2 binding.
There isn't a one-way SOAP MEP, we'll ask for one from the CG, and add an ednote about defaulting to such a MEP if one comes online in the spec.
Add ednote as above.
Part 1 mentions Extension components, but does not descibe them in any detail. For example, they are mentioned in the Operation Name Mapping Requirement [1] and in the Component URI References [2]. If Extension components are important, they should be defined. For example, I'd expect that they at least have a QName. [1] [2] And from Un-recognized required features result in components, un-recognized required element-based extensions don't. Why the difference?
As written, the Component Model is missing constraints that enable typical instances of the Component Model to be represented as WSDL 2.0 documents. This problem is over and above the differences in the character sets and name values allowed by the Component Model versus XML. For example, consider and Interface that extends no other Interfaces and that contains a single Operation. Both the Interface and the Operation have a QName. However, the Component Model does not constrain their namespace names to be equal, as would be the case if the Component Model instance came from a WSDL 2.0 document. I think there is no value in making the Component Model much more general than what can be expressed in WSDL 2.0 documents (except for the character issues). I recommend that the Component Model be tightened up to allow its instances to be represented by WSDL 2.0 documents, except when prevented by differences in character sets and name value spaces. (BTW, I am unconvinced that allowing any exceptions is very valuable.)
Editors may add constraints whereever needed to ensure component model allows no more than can be serialized as an XML document.
Editors to add constraints whereever needed to ensure component model allows no more than can be serialized as an XML document.
The Operation Name Mapping Requirement [1] has a bug. Consider an interface that has two operations that both return the same GED output message, e.g. a Car search service that has findByColour and findByHorsepower operations which both return ListOfCars. Assume this operation uses a request-response MEP so the response is always corelated with the request. According to the ONMR, these operations are ambiguous because they have the same GED for their output message. The Interface component must have either a Feature or an Extension element component that describes how the sender is enabling the recipient to distinguish the messages. This is a spec bug since in this case there is no ambiguity on the input messages. The requirement text needs to be corrected to restrict the case where the ONMR applies. Also, even those the output messages are the same, there is no amibuity since the output is corelated with the input. [1]
Accept Tom's proposal at
Incorporate above resolution.
No longer applicable to Part 1 (incorporated into primer by Umit.)
The Component Model does not enforce nesting. For example, consider two interfaces, that each have a single operation, e.g. interface TV { operation PowerOn; } interface Radio { operation PowerOn; } The TV and Radio interfaces each contain a PowerOn operation. Suppose that the properties of the PowerOn operations are identical in both cases. The Component Model allows there to be a single Operation component that appears in the {operations} property of each Interface component. This violates our intuition that operations are local to interfaces, and which is apparent in the XML syntax for WSDL 2.0. More seriously, this situation breaks the URI Reference specification since that assumes we can identify any component by build up a path of names of its ancestors. In this example, there is not unique path to the Operation component. I recommend that the Component Model should faithfully reflect the nesting structure of components that is apparent from the XML syntax of WSDL 2.0 documents. This translates to the constraint that every component, except the root Description component, have a unique parent. The parent of the component is the component that contains the definition of the component as in the XML syntax.
See referenced presentation.
See referenced presentation.
Close with no action.
WG declined to pursue moving @action from WS-A to WSDL.
See referenced presentation.
Based on our previous discussion[1], the HTTP binding supports 6 MEPs (In-Only, Robust In-Only, In-Out, Out-Only, Robust Out-Only, Out-In). It is not specifically specified how those map to HTTP request and responses. I would propose adding the following clarification: Each of the supported MEPs involve one to two messages or faults being exchanged. The first is transmitted using an HTTP request, and the second is transmitted using the corresponding HTTP response. In cases where only one message is being sent, the message body of the HTTP response MUST be empty. While reviewing this text, I noticed that section 3.7 "Specifying HTTP Error Codes for Faults" talks about HTTP error code sent by the service. Because of the out-first MEPs, we should remove "by the service", as it could be done by the client. 1.
Fixed by editors.
Editors to fix or return to WG.
WG noticed (esp. Asir) that the Part 3 pseudo schema is not consistent with Part 1 as it does not show where F&P can appear.
Editors to fix or return to WG.
Section C.2 of the latest editors draft says: "Columns two through five specify the identifiers that uniquely identify the component. Identifiers are typically formed from the {name} property, although in several cases references to other components are used." It is not immediately clear which property uniquely identifies the component, namely, is the {message label} a unique identifier for a message reference component? It's not called out as such in the description of that property, so it would be much clearer if we just said "it's the {name} property of component v,w,x, the {message label} property of component y, and the {blah} property of component z." Also might be best to say "uniquely identify the component within it's context."
Accept editor's resolution.
Editors to fix or return to WG.
Verify Arthur's resolution.
ref: "The XML representation for binding a SOAP Fault are two attribute information items with .." should say, " .. HTTP Fault .. "
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Editors to fix or return to WG.
1. Is schema-validity a conformance point, or not? The table entry for the "wsdl" namespace prefix mentions a normative schema, yet the conformance section talks about information model. These two items seem in conflict, and burying the schema mention as an aside in a listing of namespace prefixes makes it all too easy to dismiss. I could not find the schema in the documents, either.
Already have done so; to complete this work add a conformance section to the RPC extension.
Implement above resolution.
2. Abstracting away from XSD datatypes is a mistake. It is eminently reasonable to bind yourself to the official W3C schema and data- type language. IT seems foolish to introduce a new type suite (and terms such as "actual value") that will almost always map directly onto XSD. Does anyone in the WG know of any plans to do otherwise? This leads into my next point.
We will removing these definitions, reverting to describing our component model in terms of the XML Schema 1.0 datatypes. This means new XML 1.1 features will not be directly usable within WSDL until the XML Schema WG sorts out how to deal with them.
3. Abstracting away XML 1.x and 2.x is a mistake. There is too much tortured language and complexity by trying to support two incompatible formats called XML. I suggest that support for XML 2.0 is premature: it has no Infoset, no Schema, and (yes, because of no schema), no SOAP support -- let alone other web services related specifications such as XML Digital Signature. The hardest part of standardization is making the right trade-off. Defer XML 2.0 and you can lose the resultant complexity and type redundancy, and you'll be making the right exchange.
We will removing these definitions, reverting to describing our component model in terms of the XML Schema 1.0 datatypes. This means new XML 1.1 features will not be directly usable within WSDL until the XML Schema WG sorts out how to deal with them.
4. It doesn't seem possible to define a Feature (sec 2.8) at the Interface level, yet disable it for a specific operation. Unlike my other points, this is arguably more of a feature request. :)
5. Properties, which are relevant to a specific runtime instance, do not belong here, but rather in a separate file. WSDL is a network service contract; putting per-implementation information here, which may be completely inappropriate or wrong for two installations of the same runtime, only encourages non-portable service definitions.
6. Following on the previous item, syntax should dominate. The most important thing about WSDL should be that it is a *portable* description of a service interface. It is crucial that end-users be able to take a WSDL file from one platform and use it on another. Infosets are not portable; they are useful to runtime and compiler implementors here, not developers using WSDL. The conformance points must be strengthened, and end-users must have a clear understanding of what it means to write a conforming WSDL file.
Add "An XML 1.0 document that is valid with respect to the WSDL 2.0 XML Schema and that maps to a valid WSDL 2.0 Component Model is conformant to the WSDL 2.0 specification."
Implement above resolution.
7. The phrase "XML representation" as used throughout (e.g., sec 2.5.2) is wrong. The XML representation is the syntax; the Infoset is not a representation, it is a data set. Another confusion is the use of "[owner]" which looks like an Infoset item, but isn't. My point here is that there is much bleed-through, and a confusing mix between XML syntax (not enough), non-normative psuedo-schema, XML Infoset, and WSDL Component Model.
2005-03-04: Reclassified as editorial.
Accept editor's resolution.
Implement fix or return to WG.
8. Much redundancy and lack of clarity could be avoided by using XML Schema. Every (or almost every) section that describes a WSDL component follows the same outline: A short bit of prose Non-normative psuedo-schema Infoset description Component properties Almost all of the middle two sections could be removed by including normative XSD fragments. This would have the benefit of being both more precise and less verbose. I have heard the argument that the psuedo-schema is useful to most readers. My counter-argument is that this recommendation is targeted to WSDL developers, not casual web services developers (although I wish it otherwise), and familiarity with XSD can be assumed.
9. A primer is needed. This follows from #6. Just as SOAP and Schema have primers targeted toward end-users, so should WSDL. I'd argue, in fact, that while you can "hide" the details of SOAP from most end-users, you *cannot* do the same for WSDL.
10. The numerous "Note"'s about name uniqueness are a big warning sign that something is wrong. XML has the technology to avoid local-name conflicts, and the current scheme gives only the illusion of independent distributed service development. Proper use of namespaces can completely obliterate this problem area.
Our use of namespaces is similar to XML Schemas, and is natural in the syntax despite the component model notes. WG unable to envision a solution without severe consequences to the syntax. Closed with no action.
11. The inheritance model isn't necessary. Rather than cram everything into one target namespace, allow a service to implement multiple endpoints. The conformance point could be "at least one"; ability to support multiple namespaces is then a quality of implementation (i.e., marketplace) issue. This would also address #10.
12. The component model, necessary for equivalence, which in turn is necessary for the inheritance model, is a bad idea. Fixing #11 will partly remove the primary need for the component model. Adding some additional "ref" (or href/id) attributes to make all linkages explicit (those that don't follow the in-scope model), and the component model can be completely removed from the recommendation.
13. If I understand it correctly, then I am not sure the "directly include" concept is useful. If "a.wsdl" imports "b.wsdl", then the types section of the first must reproduce any imports in the types section of the second. If true, this isn't the way conventional programming languages work, and since XSD already has mechanisms to address multiple inclusion, it seems to needlessly require "a.wsdl" to have internal knowledge of "b.wsdl". necessary.
Fix rows 4,5 of table 2-1 to match the other rows.
Implement above resolution.
The following is a comment on the WSDL 2.0 last call [1] from the XML Schema WG. We very much appologize about the lateness of this comment. Paul Biron, for the XML Schema WG [1] Problem statement It is not uncommon for schema designers to architect systems with multiple schemas for a single namespace, with different defintions of identically (Q)named schema components (elements, types, etc.). A WSDL description currently allows only a single schema (in <wsdl:types>) and thus a single set of type components available for reference (e.g., in <wsdl:input>, <wsdl:output> and <wsdl:fault>). Therefore, WSDL is not currently able to describe a service where input and output share the same namespace but use conflicting schemas. Use cases 1. The prototypical case of multiple schemas for a single namespace is XHTML. All flavors of XHTML share the same namespace but there are three separate (and conflicting) schemas: strict, transitional and frameset. It is not currently possible to use WSDL to describe a service that takes XHTML transitional documents as input and output's an equivalent XHTML strict document. 2. Another case of multiple schemas for a single namespace arises from the common strategy of versioning a vocabulary by keeping the namespace constant and indicating the vocabular version as part of the document content (e.g., with a @version attribute, etc.). XSLT is the prototypical case of this versioning strategy. It is not currently possible to use WSDL to describe a service that takes an XSLT 1.0 stylesheet as input and outputing an similar XSLT 2.0 stylesheet (and vice versa). 3. Other cases of multiple schemas for a single namespace arise for any number of reasons, and the particular reasons why people have architected their vocabularies so as to have multiple schemas all sharing the same namespace are what really matters here. What does matter is that people are doing this and that all of these cases have one thing in common: that WSDL as it stands cannot be used to describe interactions where there is ANY conflict between the different input and output schemas for the same namespace. Proposed solution A possible solution to the above problem would be to provide a means of partitioning <wsdl:types> into a) input; b) output; c) fault and d) (possibly) "all" sections. Declarations within <wsdl:input> could reference only those components in the "input" partition (or the "all" partition if that were allowed); declarations within <wsdl:output> could reference only those components in the "output" partition, etc. Another more general solution might be to allow an arbitrary number of "labled" partitions (or, more correctly, schemas) which could then be referenced by any component in the WSDL description. The XML Schema WG considers this issue important but realizes that it is late in your rec-cycle. We hope you will consider the issue carefully and perhaps together we can arrive at a solution that works for everyone.
WG believes it has an existence proof that an extension could be done that satisfies the need. Implementers in the WG expressed no interest in providing support for such an extension (or similar functionality in the core) and thus thsi capability would be unlikely to meet our CR goals.
The following is a comment on the WSDL 2.0 last call [1] from the XML Schema WG. We very much appologize about the lateness of this comment. Xan Gregg, for the XML Schema WG [1] This is an editorial comment on the impact of xs:import in 3.1.1 and 3.1.2. 3.1.1 contains: Note that only components defined in the schema itself and components included by it via xs:include are available to WSDL. Specifically, components that the schema imports via xs:import are NOT available to WSDL. We think this is correct, but not all of us were sure of the intent at first reading, so we suggest wording along the following lines, which reinforces the idea that it is a namespace that is imported, not a schema. For 3.1.1 instead of the above two sentences: Note that only components in the imported namespace are available for reference in the WSDL document. For 3.1.2 instead of the similar two sentences, we suggest: Note that only components in the namespace corresponding to the targetNamespace attribute of the embedded schema element are available for reference in the WSDL document. (The latter also emphasizes that the targetNamespace is a property of the schema element and not of the schema itself.)
Proposed rewording accepted.
Agreed to make only minor changes to the affected text.
Implement above resolution.
[On behalf of the XML Schema WG] WSDL Part 1 says: "The WSDL include element information item is modeled after the XML Schema include element information item (see [XML Schema: Structures], section 4.2.3 "References to schema components in the same namespace"). " ...and... "Specifically, it can be used to include components from WSDL descriptions that share a target namespace with the including description. Components in directly included descriptions become part of the component model of the including description. Directly included means that component inclusion is not transitive; components included by one of the included documents are not available to the original including document unless the are included directly by that document. " - We have some comments based on our general experience with composition matters. These two WSDL statements are to some extent contradictory. In fact, XML schema inclusions are effectively transitive. The XML schema model is that a single schema (I.e. set of components) is composed from the transitive closure of the included documents (as well as, in our case, redefined documents, documents obtained through schemaLocation hints on an import or in the instance, supplied on a command line, etc.) QName references are uniformly resolved within this combined schema, regardless of the source of the definition or the identity of the file containing a QName reference. It would be nice if WSDL composition worked like XML Schema composition. If you decide to keep it as it is, we would like to make clear that WSDL mechanism is indeed different than XML Schema, and suggest that any comparisons you draw between the two be a bit clearer and more accurate.
Agree the difference in transitivity is a mistake. Accept proposed resolution in Also see LC75t.
Editorial: In content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#ncname_type [[ . . . tokens that do not contain the space (#x20) and ':' characters. ]] The word "and" should be "or".
Accept editor's resolution.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Regarding part 3 sec 2.8.1 and 2.8.2: soap fault codes, the meaning of the {soap fault code} seems unclear. Does the fault message type determine the soap fault code, or vice versa? For example, given the following: <binding . . . > <fault ref="tns:myFaultMessage" wsoap:code="foo" /> </binding which of the following interpretations applies? a. If the actual error condition causing the fault corresponds to SOAP code foo, then transmit a fault of type tns:myFaultMessage. b. If the actual error condition causing the fault corresponds to tns:myFaultMessage, then transmit SOAP code foo. If (a) is the correct interpretation, then what happens if an error corresponding to a different SOAP code occurs? Does this imply that a tns:myFaultMessage will NOT be sent if the SOAP code is NOT foo?
Typos: Part 3 sec 2.10.3 Default Binding Rules: s/Inteface Operation/Interface Operation/ Part 3 sec 2.9.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model: s/as defined by for this specific operation/as defined for this specific operation/ Part 1 sec 2.9.1: s/to accessing the service/to access the service/
Accept editor's resolution.
Implement fix or return to WG.
[On behalf of the XML Schema WG] WSDL Part 1 says: "The WSDL import element information item, like the include element information item (see 4.1 Including Descriptions) also allows for the separation of the different components of a WSDL description into independent descriptions, but in this case with different target namespaces, which can be imported as needed. This technique helps writing clearer WSDL descriptions by separating the definitions according to their level of abstraction, and maximizes reusability. The WSDL import element information item is modeled after the XML Schema import element information item (see [XML Schema: Structures], section 4.2.3 "References to schema components across namespaces"). Specifically, it can be used to import components from WSDL descriptions that do not share a target namespace with the importing document. Components in directly imported descriptions are part of the component model of the importing description. Directly imported means that component importation is not transitive; components imported by one of the imported documents are not available to the original importing document unless the are imported directly by that document. The imported components can be referenced by QName." Some background on XML Schema Import ------------------------------------ As with include, the comparison here seems to be based on some misconceptions about how XML Schema works. Let us briefly clarify the behavior of XML Schema xsd:import. First of all, xsd:include and xsd:import are different in XML schema, and not just because include works within a single namespace. The primary purpose of xsd:include is to bring in new components from another schema document; the primary purpose of xsd:import is to allow references to a foreign namespace from within a schema document. This function perhaps become clearer when one notices that the only mandatory information on an import is in the following form: <import namespace="nsUri" /> Note that there is no mandatory schemaLocation hint; whether the occurrence of this import causes "importation" of new components for namespace nsUri is at the discretion of the processor. What is mandatory is that an import appear for any referenced namespace. So, we have: Legal: <schema xmlns:ns="nsUri"> <import namespace="nsUri" /> <element name="e" type="ns:t"/> </schema> Not Legal: <schema xmlns:ns="nsUri"> <!--missing import --> <element name="e" type="ns:t"/> </schema> Where might the definition for type ns:t come from in the above example? A schema document containing the definition could have been named as an argument to the processor, could have been identified in an xsi:schemaLocation hint in an instance, or might have been imported as a side effect of processing some other schema document. The definition might also have been built into the processor (e.g. an HTML editor with built in knowledge of HTML validation.) In general, with the exception of <xsd:include> and <xsd:redefine>, XML processors can use most any policy for locating schema documents and components. Of course, there is a very commonly used strategy, which is to honor schemaLocation hints on an import: <schema xmlns:ns="nsUri"> <import namespace="nsUri" schemaLocation="> <element name="e" type="ns:t"/> </schema> Because many processors honor such hints, it's a common misconception that components are imported by import statements. That appears to be true of WSDL, but not of Schema. Also, as already noted in our comment on include, the visibility of global components in XML schema is pervasive. The ability to reference a global component does not depend on the schema location document in which the reference occurs. Insofar as components are brought in as a result of nested schemaLocation hints, the visibility is indeed (to use your term) transitive. This appears to be another difference between the WSDL and Schema designs. Suggested change ---------------- As with include, we think there would be some "least astonishment" value for users if WSDL were to follow Schema's lead, but we certainly don't insist that you do. As with include, we would like to understand the reasons for any differences that you decide to retain. We do feel it's appropriate to formally request that any comparisons drawn to the schema design be accurate, so we request that you either remove or correct the text that suggests that WSDL and Schema import behave similarly. As currently specified, it appears that they are different with respect both to the role of import in bringing components into a WSDL or Schema definition, and also in the degree to which such components are globally visible.
WSDL last call drafts use 4 different styles to set default values, [Style 1] In Part 1, default value is set via mapping "Mapping .. {safety} The actual value of the safe attribute information item if present, otherwise the value false." "Mapping .. {required} The actual value of the required attribute information item if present, otherwise "false"." [Style 2] In Part 3, SOAP Binding, default value is assumed "Mapping .. {required} The actual value of the required attribute information item." [Style 3] In Part 3, HTTP Binding, default value is set via component description "A [local name] of version A [namespace name] of "" A type of wsdls:string A default value of "1.1"" [Style 4] In Part 3, HTTP Binding, default value is spelled out in a separate table "{http output serialization} The actual value of the whttp:outputSerialization attribute information item, if present. Otherwise, the default value as defined in 3.3 Default Binding Rules." Of them, I like [Style 1] and [Style 3]. To be consistent, my suggestion is to use ONE style for setting default values.
See also further direction from WG.
Accept editor's resolution
Implement fix or return to WG.
Implement part 1 parts of Asir's proposal, using Style A.
Implement part 2 parts of Asir's proposal, using Style A.
Background Info "{soap mep}, a wsdls:anyURI, which is an absolute URI as defined by [IETF RFC 2396], to the Binding Operation component. The value of this property identifies the SOAP Message Exchange Pattern (MEP) for this specific operation. If no specific value is assigned, then the value assigned by the default rules apply (for SOAP 1.2, see 2.10.3 Default Binding Rules). It is an error for this property to not have a value (which MAY happen if the default rules are not applicable)." - Part 3 Last sentence, it is an error if {soap mep} property does not have a value. As I recall, this is the reason why I made up those spooky URIs for SOAP 1.1 Binding. At the last face to face, we decided to drop those URIs, ignore {soap mep} property, and rely on Interface Operation component's {message exchange pattern} property. Issue For SOAP 1.1 binding, {soap mep} property has no value. Per Part 3, it is an error if {soap mep} property does not have a value. Proposed Solution In Part 3, move this constraint from Binding Operations to SOAP 1.2 Binding section.
Accept proposal.
Implement above resolution
The Message Reference Component description [1] doesn't define the semantics of the message when the optional {message content model} property is absent. If the property is absent is that the same as #any? [1]
Add the "other" value added to component model, all values to have octothorpe stripped in component model.
Modified 2005-04-28, keep the octothorpe and add the #other value to the schema.
Implement above resolution
The wsdl20.xsd definition [1] for the root element doesn't constrain the order of the top level elements as described in the spec.[2] The current xsd is like: <xs:complexType name="DefinitionsType" mixed="false"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> Please refer to the WSDL 2.0 specification for additional constraints on the contents of this type. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="wsdl:ExtensibleDocumentedType"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:element ref="wsdl:import"/> <xs:element ref="wsdl:include"/> <xs:element ref="wsdl:types"/> <xs:element ref="wsdl:interface"/> <xs:element ref="wsdl:binding"/> <xs:element ref="wsdl:service"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> </xs:choice> <xs:attribute name="targetNamespace" type="xs:anyURI" use= "required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> It should be like: <xs:complexType name="DefinitionsType" mixed="false"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> blah, blah, blah ... </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="wsdl:ExtensibleDocumentedType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:element ref="wsdl:import"/> <xs:element ref="wsdl:include"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> </xs:choice> <xs:element ref="wsdl:types" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:element ref="wsdl:interface"/> <xs:element ref="wsdl:binding"/> <xs:element ref="wsdl:service"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="targetNamespace" type="xs:anyURI" use= "required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> [1] [2]
I took an action item in our last concall to open a new issue to catch the group's discussion around using different transport protocols for different messages of a binding operation. The issue was raised in discussion on LC50. Status Quo In the current WSDL2.0 draft, binding type and protocol are specified in the binding component level, - the binding component has a "type" property which indicates what kind of binding (e.g soap, http, etc) is used. - The soap binding extension adds a "protocol" property binding component to indicate what transport is used. Once their values are set, those properties are applied to all the operations and messages under that binding, and there is no build-in constructs to overwrite them in message level. In other words, by design, not only the input and output messages of an operation, but all the operations of a binding MUST use same binding type and protocol. Issue Practically, a typical web service will use the same binding (type, transport, etc) for all its input and output messages, but there are situations that a service may need to specify different bindings for different messages. Here are a few examples, - A service may prefer to use different transports for its "in" message and "out" message, e.g. to receive a request message over SOAP/HTTP and send the response via SOAP/SMTP. - A service may want to specify explicitly some aspect of a transport for individual messages. E.g. while most of the services that use an in-out MEP over HTTP may use the same HTTP connection, some services may prefer use different HTTP connections for the "in" message and the "out" message. - a service that supports ws-addressing replyTo and faultTo may want to use a different binding for such "re-direct"s. In such cases, they may count on WSDL to provide the legal binding candidates such "redirect" can use. The current spec is not clear/consistent about whether such cases are supported by WSDL2.0. Just by looking at the WSDL component model, they are NOT supported, but mandatory extensions may support them by overwriting the binding settings at message level. This inconsistency has already caused confusion in the web services community, including other W3C working groups.
Folks, It seems that we have a hole in our specification. We were trying to specify a WSDL interface that utilizes a single input message, i.e. with In-only MEP. Currently, per section 2.9.2 of Part3 [1] states the following: { {soap mep}, a wsdls:anyURI, which is an absolute URI as defined by [IETF RFC 2396], to the Binding Operation component. The value of this property identifies the SOAP Message Exchange Pattern (MEP) for this specific operation. If no specific value is assigned, then the value assigned by the default rules apply (for SOAP 1.2, see 2.10.3 Default Binding Rules). It is an error for this property to not have a value (which MAY happen if the default rules are not applicable). } We then looked at (Section 2.10.3 Default Binding Rules) which says: { SOAP MEP Selection. If the Interface Operation component's {message exchange pattern} property has the value "" then the default value of the {soap mep} property for the corresponding Binding Operation component is "" identifying the SOAP Request-Response Message Exchange Pattern as defined in [SOAP 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts]. If the Inteface Operation component has any other value for the {message exchange pattern} property, then no default value is defined for the {soap mep} property of the corresponding Binding Operation component. } This means that for an In-only MEP, we have no default SOAP MEP. However, it is an error for the property not to have a value. This means the user has two choices: -- Define a new SOAP MEP for an In-only MEP. Since there is no recommended SOAP input MEP that is defined in the SOAP Adjuncts, that is the only choice for the user. Right? -- Use a predefined SOAP MEP, such as request-response. But, this does not really match the abstract definition of the operation, as there will be a response. This means then I will have to change my interface to use a different MEP, that allows a response. Robust-In? What are we really suggesting the community to do in this case? This is rather disturbing to us. It is well known that some of our MEPs may not have corresponding SOAP MEPs or appropriate bindings that may be addressed by extension mechanisms, but In-only is a common WSD MEP that the community uses already. Did we miss a decision pertaining to this case? We don't think that expecting the users to define a new SOAP MEP is acceptable for interop purposes as currently the only MEP that is defined with the bindings is In-Out...
The {message label} property of the Binding Message Reference component [1] should be REQUIRED. This property always exists, however, it is allowed to be OPTIONAL in the XML infoset because it can be inferred in the case that there is exactly one message with the specified {direction} property in the MEP. It is OK to have it OPTIONAL in the XML infoset as an authoring convenience. But this property always has a definite value so it should be REQUIRED in the Component Model. [1]
This proposal is a follow-on to my note [1]. The {operations}, {faults}, {properties}, and {features} properties of the Interface component are defined as derived properties rather than as being directly mapped onto the XML infoset. The {operations} and {faults} include the Operation and Fault components directly defined in the Interface component and those inherited from any Interface components that this component extends. The {features} and {properties} similarly include all directly defined and inherited Feature and Property components. I recommend that we change the definition of the above properties to include only those components that are directly defined in the Interface, and introduce another set of derived properties that are computed from the directly defined properties as follows: {all operations} and {all faults} include those directly defined and those inherited from extended Interface components. {in-scope features} and {in-scope properties} include those directly defined, those inherited from extended Interface components, and those included from parent components. This is analogous to the [in-scope namespaces] property of the XML Infoset [2]. Furthermore, we should add {in-scope features} and {in-scope properties} to all components that have {features} and {properties}. The benefit of these changes is that we have a clear and consistent naming convention for directly defined properties versus derived properties. Editorially, we do not have to update the description of each affected component. We could just add a section that defined the meaning of {in-scope features} and {in-scope properties}. [1] [2]
WG agreed to make Interface {features} and {properties} consistent, per WG declined to acc {in-scope properties} or {in-scope features}. WG agreed to "change the definition of the above properties to include only those components that are directly defined in the Interface", but declined to add {all operations} and {all faults} properties.
Implement above resolution.
As I mentioned in an earlier note [1], I've hit problems trying to formally specify some aspects of the component model. These are related to the interactions between interface inheritance, component equivalence, and extension elements. I'd like to propose some simplifications here so I can move forward. 1. The spec has the notion of component equivalence. This concept was introduced as a consequence of interface inheritance. The problem was that we wanted to allow diamond inheritance, eg: interface A extends B, C; interface B extends D; interface C extends D; The problem occurs because now it looks like interface A contains two, potentially conflicting, copies of the operations in D. We resolved this by saying that if the copy of D acquired via B is equivalent to the copy of D acquired via C, then all is well. Otherwise there is an error. The two copies will be equivalent if they come from the same document, which is the normal case. However, we can't simply compare the URIs used to import or include D because it is possible to have two different URIs resolve to the same document. We therefore need to compare the contents of the documents. The definition of component equivalence is recursive and can be computed bottom-up, i.e. two components are equivalent if all their properties are equivalent. Their properities could be either values or component references. If component references, then apply this definition recursively until you hit just values. This would be fine if all component properties could be computed bottom-up. But there are some properties that are computed top-down, e.g. in-scope Property and Features, or inherited Operation or Fault components. Also, some Extension component properties might be like this. So the definition is a little circular and hard to specify simply. I'd like to propose a simplification. We should eliminate the concept of component equivalence and use infoset equivalence instead. In a sense, the infoset is really where this concept belongs since it arises from considering how we combine documents. The component model has no concept of document. It is built up from the infosets of documents. The impact of this change is that as we are building up the component model, we check to see that duplicate definitions of components have equivalent infosets. If the infosets differ then we have an error and we can't create the component model. The infoset definition is strictly bottom-up and can be computed without reference to derived component model properties. Furthermore, I suggest we apply this notion only to the top level elements: interface, binding, and service, since they are the components that are likely to appear more than once either via import or include or by cut and paste. 2. An implication of the above proposal is that we would disallow "accidental" duplication of operations or faults. For example, the following situation is disallowed: interface A { operation X }; interface B extends A { operation X}; The above is disallowed since operation X is defined in two different interfaces. This is disallowed even if the contents of operation (A/X) is identical to operation (B/X). The appearance of X in B is considered to be an accident and an error. Similarly, the following is also illegal: interface A { operation X}; interface B { operation X}; interface C extends A, B; A and B may contain operations of the same name, but an error occurs when C extends both of them, even if X is defined identically in both. Designers must factor common operations into a base interface, e.g. interface D {operation X}; interface A {...}; interface B {...}; interface C extends A, B; The same considerations apply to Fault components. An additional motivation for this rule is that now all components have unique URI's. Everyone component is defined in a unique parent component and we can assign it a URI by building up a path composed of the names of its ancestors. In contrast, if we allowed accidental equivalence, then in the first example, we only have one operation component X, but is has 2 parents (A and B) and therefore 2 URIs : nsuri#wsdl.operation(A/X) and nsuri#wsdl.operation(B/X). And we would really have to compute its derived properties to determine equivalence. 3. Finally, for this to work, we should only permit extension elements and attributes in the top level elements: interface, binding, and service. This means they are disallowed as children of the root description element. The motivation for this is that extensions in the root element are scoped to the document, but there is no way to capture this scope within the component model. The only property pushed down from the document to the top level elements is the targetnamespace attribute which becomes the namespace name of the QNames of interface, binding, and service. Allowing root level extensions complicates the definition of infoset equivalence of the top level elements since the semantics of the extensions might alter the meanings of the top level element, i.e. attach some inherited properties to them. The consequence is that if an extension is intended to have document wide scope, then it must be explicitly copied into all the top level elements. However, I am not aware of any such extensions in use today. One other pleasant consequence of this rule is that we can have a deterministic schema that enforces the order of the top level elements, i.e.: description = (import | include) * types ? (interface | binding | service) * This avoids the need to introduce additional elements to enforce order as I proposed in [2]. [1] [2]
2005-03-04: Added constraint that top-level components must be unique. Added parent property to nested components.
Closed: Added constraint that top-level components must be unique. Added parent property to nested components. Remaining proposal not accepted.
Editors to add constraint that top-level components must be unique.
Editors to add parent property to nested components..
Folks, I took the action item to explore the impact of a decision made by the wg with respect to the style attribute at the last f2f [1]. We were discussing LC61a [2] and we made the decision to move style attribute to Part2 where it naturally belongs. The nature of my action does not concern our decision with respect to LC61a which I agree with. The action item concerns investigating an earlier decision of the wg that was brought up by Asir during the discussion of LC61a with respect to LC21 [4] that was resolved in [3]. It became apparent in the f2f [1] that people were unaware of the impact of the decision made in [3] with respect to rpc style in particular. In LC21[3], there were two decisions taken by the wg as quoted: (Labeled as A and B for reference) A: ED TODO: Add a statement like: The Style property may constrain both input and output, however a particular style may constrain in only one direction. In Section of Part 1. B: ED TODO: Integrate the style property changes to move the style properties from operation to message component and add the defaulting language for the operation component model. Part 1 and 3. changes. I am raising an issue with respect to the second decision made by the wg. It appears that the consequences of the decision with respect to rpc style was not considered during the October meeting [3]. 1) A and B are contradictory. When the style is moved to message level, the style property can no longer contrain both input and output. It becomes impossible to do so. So, the first ed to do A is in conflict with the second one, B. 2) The decision makes the rpc style completely unusable, actually undefinable as the style is now defined for message, not for operation. The rpc style governs the interaction and relationship between input and output messages. Therefore, it belongs at the operation level. As a matter of fact, moving the style attribute to message component completely breaks the rpc style as there is no other means to relate the constraints at the correct level of abtraction, namely the operation that represents the interaction between input and output messages, and the signature which is also related to it. This is a BIG issue and must be resolved by revisiting the decision for LC21. I am not sure why this has been missed [3], but the attendence list indicates that the folks who put together rpc style were not attending. So, it is my duty to bring it to the wg's attention. :-) The reason for moving the style to message component is to provide the correct level of granularity for other styles to define constraints only on the message level. However, the solution of LC21, providing correct level of granularity should not break one of the styles we painfully designed for a long time in this wg, namely the rpc style. There are several ways that this can be achieved. I looked at the proposals that were presented during the f2f with that regard. -- Option 1 will not break rpc style. This will provide granularity at both operation level and message level. -- Another proposal was brought up by Jonathan. To keep @style at operation level and not introduce a message level @style. But introduce a multi part IN and OUT style with a list of styles that produce a union of constraints. Not clear from the minutes why this is not considered. Both approaches are acceptable IMO, but the second part (B) of the LC21 resolution, which is luckily not implemented yet, as stated is NOT. We prefer the first option, as it will allow style to appear where it logically fits. Since composition rules for style requires all listed styles to be observed [5], the same reasoning can apply to styles that apply to message as well as operation to be treated as a single set. I propose the following -- we reopen the issue LC21. -- we keep the resolution A for LC21. -- we reconsider these two options instead of B which will not break rpc style as an amendement for the resolution.
Have style only at the operation level, specify that the uri/multipart styles may be used for any mep with an initial message.
Implement above resolution.
I'd like to suggest some improvements in the consistency of property names in the Component Model (WSDL 2.0 Part 1 spec, Section 2 Component Model) ElementDeclaration is referred to by properties in various components: Description has property {element declarations} - a set of ElementDeclaration InterfaceFault has property {element} - an ElementDeclaration MessageReference has property {element} - an ElementDeclaration For clarity, could same name be used for properties that refer to the same type of component (with adjustments for plural or singular): Description {elements} InterfaceFault {element} MessageReference {element} ================== There is a similar inconsistency with the names of fault properties: Interface {faults} - a set of InterfaceFault InterfaceOperation {fault references} - a set of FaultReference FaultReference {fault reference} - an InterfaceFault BindingFault {fault reference} - an InterfaceFault The use of {fault references} for InterfaceOperation makes sense, but its use in FaultReference and BindingFault is confusing. For example, a FaultReference {fault reference} refers to an InterfaceFault that must be a member of the parent Interface {faults} so why not use the same property name for both? In this example, the {fault reference} property in FaultReference and BindingFault could be simply {fault}, thus: FaultReference {fault} - an InterfaceFault BindingFault {fault} - an InterfaceFault ========================== Perhaps property names could be made not only consistent but more descriptive by basing them on the name of the Component they refer to. This would facilitate the creation of APIs based closely on the WSDL Component Model that are more descriptive (eg: the getter/setter methods for properties). Thus... Description {element declarations} - a set of ElementDeclaration InterfaceFault {element declaration} - an ElementDeclaration MessageReference {element declaration} - an ElementDeclaration and... Interface {interface faults} - a set of InterfaceFault InterfaceOperation {fault references} - a set of FaultReference FaultReference {interface fault} - an InterfaceFault BindingFault {interface fault} - an InterfaceFault This would also clarify the use of operations and faults across Interfaces and Bindings: Interface {fault} - an InterfaceFault Binding {fault} - a BindingFault could become... Interface {interface fault} - an InterfaceFault Binding {binding fault} - a BindingFault And.... Interface {operations} - a set of InterfaceOperation Binding {operations} - a set of BindingOperation could become... Interface {interface operations} - a set of InterfaceOperation Binding {binding operations} - a set of BindingOperation.
[Also see friendly amendment, approved 2/17/05.]
Accept editor's resolution.
Incorporate or come back to WG with issues.
(a) Missing: mapping from XML Representation for {soap modules} [1] (b) Malformed: XML Representation of SOAP Binding Fault [2] <definitions > <binding > <fault ref="xs:QName" wsoap:code="xs:QName" wsoap:subcodes="list of xs:QName"? /> ----------------------------------------------> </fault>* </binding> </definitions> [1] [2]
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Incorporate or come back to WG with issues.
The WSDL schema allowa multiple input, output, infault and outfault within an operation. The primer says that multiple infault and outfault define alternative fault message. It does not define the role of of multiple input/output. Are they also regarded as alternative? JMarsh: It might be a problem that only the primer says infault and outfault define alternative fault messages. That should probably be fixed (or clarified if I just missed it) in Part 1 or Part 2.
Accept editor's resolution of the issue.
Incorporate or come back to WG with issues.
The XML Representation of the HTTP version used is a string representing only the "major" "." "minor", why not choosing the HTTP-Version definition of RFC2616? << HTTP-Version = "HTTP" "/" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT^M >> Or use integers for major and minor?
Restrict the pattern to digits.digits, and add an explicit ref to 2616.
Implement above resolution, except for schema fixes.
Implement schema fixes for above resolution.
3.7.1 says: <<< For every Interface Fault component contained in an Interface component, an HTTP error code MAY be defined. It represents the error code that will be used by the service in case the fault needs to be returned. >>> Would it be possible to add that fault definition SHOULD NOT go against the definition of the HTTP error codes? Ie: you may specify returning an error code using 4xx if the error is in the HTTP request, a 5xx error for a "server-side" error during the processing of the request, and preclude the use of 3xx for faults? Or reference RFC 3205 Section 8 [1]. Thanks, [1]
Add "The fault definition SHOULD NOT go against the definition of theHTTP error codes, see RFC 3205."
Add "The fault definition SHOULD NOT go against the definition of theHTTP error codes, see RFC 3205."
New issue: in Part 1, we indicate twice that all (WSDL) processors must support XML Schema. Although not harmful, I propose that we remove the second indication. I propose to treat this issue as editorial.
Accept editor's resolution.
Implement fix or return to WG.
I think there is an ommission. In the Feature [1] and Property [2] Composition sections, the in-scope components for Binding Operation should include those of the corresponding Interface Operation. [1] [2]
Also see Asir's addendum.
Proposal (including Asir's amendment) accepted.
Record that Arthur completed this work already.
> 1) Why has the In-Multi-Out pattern been deleted from the spec? [Dbooth] As far as I recall there were two reasons: 1. nobody in the Working Group had a particular need for it; 2. we don't have a binding that uses it. > > 2) We need to describe an asynchronous Request-Multiple Response > interaction. How are we supposed to describe it without the In-Multi-Out > pattern? [DBooth] There are several options, though I don't know if you would consider any of them good enough for your purposes. 1. Use the in-out pattern (regular request/response), but specify an additional application-level constraint (outside of WSDL) that there may be multiple instances of the response. Thus, the WSDL document itself would be insufficient for a client to make use of the service. The client would *also* need to know of this additional application-level constraint. 2. Define the request and response as two separate one-way operations, and specify application-level constraints (outside of WSDL) to indicate that one request may be followed by multiple responses. From a WSDL perspective, each request would be a separate WSDL operation and each response would be a separate operation, but the application could view the combination of a request and multiple responses as representing a single application-level operation. 3. Define a new MEP and corresponding binding extension for request-multi-response. > > 3) The specification states that on top of the 8 pre-defined patterns, > additional ones may be defined, but it doesn't provide a formal > language/notation/syntax for the pattern extensibility. How is the user of > the spec supposed to define new ones? [DBooth] Good point. I think it would make sense to add some guidance on this to either the spec or the primer. The basic answer: 1. Look around on the Web to see if somebody else has already defined one that is close enough to what you want. 2. Write an HTML document that clearly defines the MEP, and post it at a stable URL that will represent the formal (URL) name of the MEP, such as 3. Write a corresponding binding extension for your MEP. 4. Publicize your new MEP and binding extension, so that others can implement and use it. Note that the above procedure does *not* cause your MEP to become automatically recognized and usable by WSDL toolkits. It simply provides a well-defined mechanism for naming and reusing them.
Section 8.1 is the one that defines (or will define, once the editorial changes are complete) a "conforming WSDL 2.0 document". (We currently use the term "WSDL document" in a number of places in the spec, so these also need to be changed to "conforming WSDL 2.0 document". Or perhaps we should just make the term be "WSDL 2.0 document", to be slightly briefer.) It occurs to me that it would also make sense to move Part 1 section 8.1 to the beginning of the spec, so that the reader can begin with the overall understanding of what constitutes a conformant WSDL 2.0 document (which is what section 8.1 defines), and then drill down as the spec is read. I suggest moving section 8.1 immediately after section 1.1, so that section 1 would proceed as follows: 1.1 says what WSDL is all about (no change); 1.2 (formerly 8.1) says what consitutes a conformant WSDL 2.0 document; 1.3 (formerly 1.2) says what it means (no change); 1.4 (formerly 1.3) defines notational conventions (no change).
See also followup suggestion.
Accept editor's resolution.
Editors to implement or return to WG.
The spec currently says that when you refer to inline schemas within the same document you need to provide a schemaLocation attribute with a suitable fragid in the xs:import statement: Inside an embedded XML schema, the xs:import and xs:include element information items MAY be used to refer to other XML schemas embedded in the same WSDL description, provided that an appropriate value is specified for their schemaLocation attribute information items, such as a fragment identifier (see [XML Schema: Structures] 4.3.1). The semantics of such element information items are governed solely by the XML Schema specification [XML Schema: Structures]. I thought we said the fragid was unnecessary since the WSDL processor knows where to find the schemas. On the other hand, there was a very long thread [1] about how to refer to an inline schema from another WSDL document. The thread ended inconclusively with an action item [2] that doesn't seem to exist. The conclusion seems to have been that you didn't need the schemaLocation, but the behavioir was dependent on the processor. Can we please tighten this up? I just created some Primer text that may not be correct. I propose that we require a WSDL processor to know how to locate any inline schemas it encouters while processing a document so that the schemaLocations are not required. "If schemaLocation is not present then a WSDL processor MUST attempt to locate the schema among the inline schemas it has encountered while processing the WSDL document." [1] [2]
Incorporate suggested text (, changing: "so long as the inline schema has been encountered during resolution of imports and includes for the current component model." to "so long as the inline schema has been resolved in the current component model."
Implement above resolution.
In the process of writing the Primer section on Service References, I have found a problem in the solution we adopted. The context of this topic is that some services may reference to other services, and we were defining a way that WSDL could be used to describe the interface and binding of the service that was being refered to. Recall that the we decided to go with Roberto's counter-proposal [1] which was based on the idea of using XSD to restrict wsdl:ServiceType and wsdl:Endpoint to have fixed values for @interface and @binding, and to transmit service references using the restricted wsd:ServiceType. If you just want to say that a message contains a reference to another service and you don't want to contrains the interface or binding, then you directly re-use the wsdl:ServiceType in the message. If you want to describe the interface of the service, then you create a new type that restricts the value of the @interface attribute to have a fixed value which is the QName of the interface. This works, e.g. If you also want to describe the binding of the service, then you create a new type that restricts the value of the @binding attribute of wsdl:EndpointType. You can do that, but there is no way you can actually use this type to restrict the <wsdl:endpoint> element. Here is a sample. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <schema xmlns="" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace= "" xmlns:tns= "" xmlns:wdetails= "" xmlns:wsdl=""> <import namespace="" schemaLocation="wsdl20-1.xsd" /> <complexType name="ReservationDetailsEndpointType"> <complexContent> <restriction base="wsdl:EndpointType"> <attribute name="binding" type="QName" use ="required" fixed= "wdetails:reservationDetailsSOAPBinding" /> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType> <complexType name="ReservationDetailsServiceType"> <complexContent> <restriction base="wsdl:ServiceType"> <sequence> <element name="endpoint" type= "tns:ReservationDetailsEndpointType" /> </sequence> <attribute name="interface" type="QName" use="required" fixed= "wdetails:reservationDetailsInterface" /> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType> </schema> The problem is that within the <restriction> of wsdl:ServiceType, the <element name="endpoint" ...> refers the QName tns:endpoint, not wsdl:endpoint because we use elementFormDefault="qualified". This is actually a valid restriction since the content model of wsdl:ServiceType allows elements from other namespaces. However, this does not restrict the wsdl:endpoint element to have the fixed binding value. FYI, here is a chunk of a valid instance document according to this restricted service type. <reservation> <details:confirmationNumber>HSG635</ details:confirmationNumber> <details:checkInDate>2005-06-27</details:checkInDate> <details:checkOutDate>2005-06-28</details:checkOutDate> <details:reservationDetailsService interface="wdetails:reservationDetailsInterface"> <details:endpoint name="SOAP" binding= "wdetails:reservationDetailsSOAPBinding" address= ""/> </details:reservationDetailsService> </reservation> There is a fix however. The reason that we were able to restrict the attribute values is that they are unqualified. Therefore, if we changed our WSDL schema to use elementFormDefault="unqualified", and we ensured that <endpoint> was a local element, then we could restrict it. However, for consistency, we should probably also make the other nested elements unqualified, i.e. just keep the top-level elements (<interface>, <binding>, <service>, etc.) qualified. We can still have named complex types for all the elements though.
1) Remove service reference section 2) Define wsdlx:interface/binding in part 1. These attributes are intended to be used as annotations. 3) Illustrate the use of URIs with these attributes in the Primer. 4) Make @name with service and endpoint types required. 5) Pass the hot potato to WS-Addressing 6) Find the potato handler from WSD wg
Implement above resolution.
As I am composing the RPC style example, I noticed that the order of the elements in designating the signature is not preserved for the values of the wrpc:signature which I believe is unintentionally missing. I recommend the following small fix for bullet numbered 2 in section 3.1.1: Previous: {2. Filter the elements of this list into two lists, the first one (L1) comprising pairs whose t component is one of {#in, #out, #inout}, the second (L2) pairs whose t component is #return.} New: {2. Filter the elements of this list into two lists, the first one (L1) comprising pairs whose t component is one of {#in, #out, #inout}, the second (L2) pairs whose t component is #return. During the composition of L1 and L2, the relative order of members in the original list MUST be preserved.} I think this should be non-contraversial.
Implement above resolution.
Misc Part1 editorial issues: 1. Typos: s/modularize a a given component/modularize a given component/ s/unless the are imported/unless they are imported/ 2. The mappings from the XML Infoset-->Component Properties are unidirectional in WSDL 2.0 -- not bidirectional. (We do not define a mapping back from Component Properties-->XML Infoset.) This should be clearer whenever these mappings are mentioned. Therefore, phrases like (in sec 2.1.3): [[ The mapping between the properties of the Description component (see 2.1.1 The Description Component) and the XML Representation of the description element information item . . . . ]] should be reworded to something like: [[ The mapping from the XML Representation of the description element information item to the properties of the Description component (see 2.1.1 The Description Component) . . . . ]] This occurs in a quite a number of places, and should be corrected throughout. Here is another example: [[ Table 2-1. Mapping between Description Component Properties and XML Representation ]] should be something like: [[ Table 2-1. Mapping from XML Representation to Description Component Properties ]] 3. In all of the Infoset-->Component Property mapping tables (such as Table 2-1), I suggest changing the column headings from "Property" and "Mapping" to something like "Property Name" and "Property Value (Mapping from Infoset)", in order to be more clearly descriptive.
Accept editor's resolution.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Statements in Part 1 about the meaning of wsdl:import appear to be contradictory. On one hand, sec 4.2 says that wsdl:import is not transitive. On the other hand, sec 2.1.1 says there is no difference between included/imported components and components derived directly from a WSDL 2.0 document, and this logically leads to import being transitive. Suppose WSDL document A imports WSDL document B, which imports WSDL document C, which neither includes nor imports anything. The components of C will be only the components derived directly from the XML Infoset of C. Since B imports C, clearly the set of components for B will include the set of components for C. So far so good. But A now imports B, so what components will A have? We have already established that the set of components of B includes the set of components from C as a subset. Since there is no distinction made between the subset of components that originated in C and the other components, the components of A must therefore also include the components of C as a subset. This contradicts the statement that "wsdl:import is not transitive". The basic problem here is that the spec is referring to the *components* of the imported document. Those components only exist if we interpret the meaning of the imported document according to the WSDL 2.0 specification, at which point there is no way to know whether those imported components originated in the imported document or another document (transitively). Here are the relevant excerpts from the spec: Part 1 sec 4.2 Importing Descriptions;%20charset=utf-8#imports second paragraph says: [[ Components in directly imported descriptions are part of the component model of the importing description. Directly imported means that component importation is not transitive; components imported by one of the imported documents are NOT available to the original importing document unless the are imported directly by that document. ]] But section 2.1.1 The Description Component;%20charset=utf-8#Description_details sixth paragraph says: [[ The set of interfaces/binding/services/etc. available in the Description component include those that are defined within the component itself and those that are imported and/or included. Note that at the component model level, there is no distinction between directly defined components vs. imported/included components. ]] Furthermore, sec 2.1.3 Mapping Description's XML Representation to Component Properties content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#Description_Mapping also shows no distinction between components that originated in the WSDL 2.0 document and components that originated in an included/imported document.
Add references to qname resolution and clarify that section; use Asir's text for 4.2.
Implement above resolution.
Part 1 uses the words "include" and "import" in several places without being clear about whether they are referring to wsdl:include and wsdl:import or xs:include and xs:import. In fact, these terms appear to be used in two different ways in the same table, in some cases referring to the wsdl: versions, and in other cases referring to the xs: versions. For example, in the table in sec 2.1.3 "Mapping Description's XML Representation to Component Properties" content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#Description_Mapping the entry for {type definitions} says: ". . . plus any imported type definitions . . .", which (I think) is referring to xs:import, whereas the entry for {interfaces} says: ". . . plus any included or imported Interface components . . ." which is referring to wsdl:include and wsdl:import. I think it would be good to look throughout the document at how these terms are used, and disambiguate each usage, such as writing "included via wsdl:include" instead of simply "included".
Accept editor's fix.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Part 2 sometimes uses the term "binding" when it should say "binding extension". A "binding" is a wsdl: construct that employs a particular "binding extension", such as the WSDL 2.0 SOAP Binding Extension. Also, typo: Part 2 Sec 5: s/associated the message/associated with the message/
Accept editor's resolution
Implement fix or return to WG.
Part 1 Section 4.1: s/belonging the same target namespace/belonging to the same target namespace/
Accept editor's resolution.
Implement fix or return to WG.
Following our decision to retire Jonathan's issue to get a joint task force with the XML Schema WG, I took an action item to propose a new issue for extensibility/versioning for wsdl using schema 1.0 [1]: Issue: Support for evolution of messages described in Schema 1.0 Description: The XML Schema Working Group is currently collecting use cases for versioning [2] and are likely to provide support for more 'open content' in Schema 1.1. This direction is supported by members of the WSD WG who would like WSDLs using Schema 1.0 to be able to describe message contents which may compatibly evolve within a given namespace. Describing messages with more open content in Schema 1.0, whilst possible, is an unnatural and difficult enough activity to be the subject of numerous articles and conference papers, some written by members of this WG, offering techniques for publishers to provide extensibility points in schemas. An author has to know in advance where content will be added in the future; it's not possible to evolve schemas published by a third party, unless they have provided such extensibility points. Abstract Proposal: WSDL could define how a type description relates to a message, either specifically for schema 1.0 or through a "schemaProcessingStyle" property. That is a WSDL could describe how a schema processor should be employed when building or parsing messages. An example of such a processing style is a technique demonstrated by Henry Thompson [3] whereby the PSVI from a first pass validation of a message is processed to remove unexpected content from a message before validating the message again, thereby enabling more open message content. Paul [1] 20050331-ws-desc-minutes.html#action01 [2] [3] Henry Thompson, XML2004 "Versioning made easy with W3C Schema": slides:
I just complete the editorial work for LC107, which I believe does make the component model property names a lot easier to understand. In the process of doing this, I noticed that our component names are a little inconsistent. We have 2 groups of 5 components, with parallel structures: Interface InterfaceFault InterfaceOperation MessageReference FaultReference Binding BindingFault BindingOperation BindingMessageReference BindingFaultReference The odd men out are InterfaceFault and InterfaceOperation. It seems like the interface prefix is unnecessary. There are 2 ways to handle this: Option 1: Drop Interface from InterfaceFault and InterfaceOperation Interface Fault Operation MessageReference FaultReference Option 2: Add Interface to MessageReference and FaultReference Interface InterfaceFault InterfaceOperation InterfaceMessageReference InterfaceFaultReference Option 1 has the benefit of brevity. I prefer this. Option 2 has the benefit of complete consistency with the Binding components. The 2 sets are now related by s/Interface/Binding/
Rename components "Interface, InterfaceFault, InterfaceOperation, *InterfaceMessageReference, *InterfaceFaultReference".
Implement above resolution.
In review of the draft, it is not clear to me what we are assuming with respect to the presence of an extension in WSDL without using wsdl:required attribute. Do we assume that it is optional (i.e. wsdl:required="false"), or is it undefined? In reading the section about mandatory extensions, it seems that such extensions are assumed to be optional (since they are definitely NOT marked with wsdl:required attribute and considered to be non-mandatory per that section). If this is the semantics, I propose that we include a clarification that the default value for the wsdl:required attribute is false and extensions that appears in a WSDL document are considered to be marked to be optional. If that is not the intended semantics, I would like to know what it means to put an extension in WSDL, not mark it required optional/required and what would that tertiary logic implies? If I have missed a discussion and resolution on this, a pointer to the resolution will be appreciated.
Accept editor's resolution
Implement fix or return to WG.
Section 4.1 [1] "The WSDL 2.0 include element information item allows for the separation of different components of a service definition, belonging to the same target namespace, into independent WSDL 2.0 documents which can be merged as needed." As you know, include mechanism is not about merging documents. Suggestion: delete "which can be merged as needed". [1] type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#includes PS: I believe that Roberto raised the same editorial issue in mid April. Couldn't find the mail URI tho.
Accept editor's fix.
Implement fix or return to WG.
At some point, there was a comment asking for a template for Message Exchange Patterns. I'm working on the sample additional patterns for the primer, and noticed the lack of guidance myself (although it's easy enough to capture the pattern). So, here's proposed text for a template. This could be included in: a) Adjuncts, as part of the description of extensibility, or b) the primer, in section 5.4.4, as additional guidance. Pattern Name This pattern consists of [number] message[s, in order] as follows: [enumeration, specifying, for each message] A[n optional] message: * indicated by a Message Label component whose {message label} is '[label]' and direction is '[direction]' * [received from|sent to] ['some' if first mention] node [node identifier] This pattern uses the rule [fault ruleset reference]. An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern} property with the value '[pattern URI]'. Note: the "received from" and "sent to" are always from the point of view of the service, and participating nodes other than the service are implicitly identified as the originators of or destinations for messages in the exchange.
Implement proposal.
I was reading the current draft of the WSDL 2.0 core spec. There seems to be some disconnect in the current drafts. Check out what the wsdli:wsdlLocation element definition says: The type of the wsdlLocation attribute information item is a list xs:anyURI. Its actual value MUST be a list of pairs of URIs; where the first URI of a pair, which MUST be an absolute URI as defined in [IETF RFC 3986 <\l > ], indicates a WSDL 2.0 namespace name, and, the second a hint as to the location of a WSDL 2.0 document defining WSDL 2.0 components for that namespace name. The second URI of a pair MAY be absolute or relative. I am under the impression that we were NOT going to limit the use of this to WSDL 2.0 documents, and WSDL 2.0 components so that it can be used for WSDL1.1 documents, in particular by WS-Addressing. It seems like an editorial item that did not get incorporated into the spec which should be fixed. [1] ent-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#wsdlLocation-aii
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I'm using WSDL 2 in our Semantic Web Services thing here and I have to explain very shortly how WSDL works. Now I got to the point that faults cannot be defaulted in SOAP binding. I checked the HTTP binding and it surprised me a bit that whttp:code is optional and when it's omitted, no claim is made by the service. I interpret that as "the implementation can choose" and if I was implementing this, I'd probably initially choose just always to send 500 (internal server error) if the service didn't specify and I'd be conforming to the HTTP binding, right? Why cannot we have the same situation in SOAP? I mean, HTTP 4xx is equivalent to a Sender SOAP fault code and HTTP 5xx is equivalent to a Receiver SOAP fault code, therefore if we are OK with HTTP defaulting to 500 (in my potential implementation), we could likewise be OK with SOAP defaulting to Receiver (or whatever the implementation chooses). I suggest that we change the SOAP binding to make wsoap:code optional and when omitted, no claim is made by the service. In my simple works here, I find the requirement of providing wsoap:code somewhat unwieldy as it destroys the nice defaultability of the binding. I searched the issue lists and only found a relevant issue (LC52c) where we say that fault codes are not defaultable, but this is in conflict with what we happily do in HTTP binding. I expect this might be new information for LC52c (sorry about that) or possibly a new issue.
wsoap:subcode and wsoap:code will be optional, wsoap:subcode and wsoap:code will allow #any as a token, missing attribute will map to #any in the component model, #any => no assertion is made about the value, http:code will be similarly modified.
Implement above resolution.
Hold, on just found WSDL 2.0 abusing its own notation [1]! Add this statement to 1.4.8: "Elements with simple content are conventionally assigned a value which corresponds to the type of their content, as defined in the normative schema." [1] erty_value_element
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I've been working with the WSDL 2.0 working drafts and schemas to build some parsing code and I noticed a few discrepancies in the latest working draft (2005-05-10) versus what the accompanying XML Schema indicates. If I'm misinterpreting something or this has already been addressed, sorry. * Feature and Property Component's 'uri' attribute type: In the specification [1] it say's that it's an 'xs:anyURI', but the XML Schema document says it's a 'xs:QName'. * Endpoint 'name' attribute use: In the specification [2] it say's that the name of an endpoint is required, but the XML Schema document says it's optional. [1] [2]
Accept editor's fix.
Implement fix or return to WG. Also add missing "safe" attribute to the schema.
Last update: $Date: 2005/09/22 18:52:25 $
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