Tools usable from, or with, Java
(Note that you can browse tools per tool categories or Semantic Web technologies, too.)
Last modified and/or added
The description of the following tools have been added and/or modified most recently.
- Ontop (last modified: 23 June 2022)
- RDFox (last modified: 11 February 2021)
- Oracle Spatial and Graph 19c (last modified: 18 February 2020)
- Apache Jena (last modified: 16 January 2018)
- Mobi (last modified: 13 January 2018)
- GraphDB (last modified: 5 April 2016)
- Sesame (last modified: 5 November 2013)
- Redland RDF Application Framework (last modified: 8 January 2013)
- OpenLink Virtuoso (last modified: 11 February 2012)
- AllegroGraph RDF Store (last modified: 18 February 2011)
All relevant tools
List of all tools listed on this wiki, and relevant to Java.
- AllegroGraph RDF Store (programming environment, reasoner, triple store, development environment, rdfs reasoner).
- Apache Jena (programming environment, reasoner, triple store, rdfs reasoner, rule reasoner, owl reasoner, parser).
- Mobi (programming environment, development environment).
- Mulgara Semantic Store (triple store).
- Ontop (reasoner, rdfs reasoner, owl reasoner, rdf generator, sparql endpoint, rdb2rdf, converter).
- OpenLink Virtuoso (reasoner, triple store, rdfs reasoner, owl reasoner, rdf generator, sparql endpoint, rdb2rdf).
- Oracle Spatial and Graph 19c (reasoner, triple store, owl reasoner).
- GraphDB (reasoner, triple store, rdfs reasoner, owl reasoner, sparql endpoint).
- RDFox (reasoner, triple store, rdfs reasoner, rule reasoner, owl reasoner).
- Redland RDF Application Framework (programming environment).
- Sesame (programming environment, reasoner, triple store, rdfs reasoner, parser).