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Welcome to the public AB Wiki

The W3C Advisory Board (AB) provides ongoing guidance to the W3C Team on issues of strategy, management, legal matters, process, and conflict resolution. This page documents current AB projects, and is open to suggestions from W3C members and non-members.

Find out more about being on the AB.

Member-visible Resources: AB Home Page | Member-visible Issue Tracker (Archive)

AB-restricted Resources: Internal Issues | Internal Mailing List | Internal Wiki

Open AB Projects

Many of the critical W3C governance projects the Advisory Board is responsible for are conducted in the open, allowing other members of the W3C community (such as you?) to also participate. Consider the following sub-groups:

W3C Process Maintenance Community Group

Main article: process

W3C process improvements are discussed in the community group:

Working Group Effectiveness Task Force

The AB takes an active interest in improving W3C working group effectiveness by documenting and communicating existing good practices that help significantly, above and beyond formal processes, for everyone (especially chairs) participating in working groups.

See the Working Group Effectiveness Task Force (TF) home page:

Positive Work Environment Community Group

The Positive Work Environment group maintains the W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and related procedures and practices.

Miscellaneous Projects

AB Wiki Editing Itself

Things to work on wiki-editing workflow for (Tantek, additional volunteers)

  • long lived projects having their own undated URLs
  • using redirects for per year priorities
  • incorporate stuff in W3C AB 2013 2014 OLD PAGE into specific subpages for more navigable archival.

Cultural conventions for attribution

Main article: AB/attribution

The new HTMLWG charter allows for working group members to contribute HTML5 Extension specifications using CC-by, and then places attribution requirements on any derivative works.

These attribution requirements are a good start for growing cultural conventions for attribution both inside W3C, and beyond W3C, towards a goal of making attribution founded in cultural norms rather than legal (copyright) requirements, potentially allowing for use of CC0 for contributions to W3C in the future.

See AB/attribution for draft suggested best practices for attribution.

Trademark License

Main article: AB/trademark-license

The AB has created a Trademark License task force (Tantek Çelik and Michael Champion) to build broad consensus on a combination trademark / license policy to potentially permit more permissive copyright licenses on W3C drafts and specifications.

Open AB

The AB is working on (as is evident by this wiki page) doing more and more of its work in the open.

Currently Open AB work is occurring in two places:

Twitter Account

The Advisory Board has a Twitter account: @W3CAB

Nearly the entire AB has access and can post anything regarding AB-related matters. The methodology is to empower individual responsibility and trust by default, especially in such a small group. This method has worked well with the CSSWG (any CSSWG member may "have the keys" to @CSSWG) and it's been hugely successful in engaging the broader developer community.

If you are a member of the AB, contact Tantek Çelik on a secure communications channel and he'll gladly share access to @W3CAB.

  • 2013-09-18 access broadly shared with AB members in person W3C AB meeting at MIT.
  • 2013-06-04 @W3CAB Twitter created.

Making sure the ABs get members opinion

  • AB are elected by W3C members and need to make sure that they are collecting their ideas, suggestion... That wiki is great, the recent minutes members-only minutes issued by Coralie were great, but regular open debriefing communication to members/interested parties is key. It could be interesting to have an every-6-months call scheduled in advance to 'meet the AB'. This would be the opportunity to ask direct question to the AB, based on a collaborative agenda.

Virginie Galindo (gemalto AC rep) ~~~~

AB and TAG election : voting experiment

AB has been conducting work in order to audit voting and representativity. An experiment will be conducted in 2014/2015. See FAQ and explanation for that first experiment page

W3C Community and Tools

W3C Chairs Training

The Advisory Board has established Chair Training as a priority for 2014. At TPAC2013, Chairs had a breakfast meeting and expressed what additional information and skills they required to improve their effectiveness. The W3C Team developed a list of areas which have now evolved into a quarterly Chair Training program.

  1. W3C, Process, and the W3C Team, Philippe Le Hegaret, 23 January 2014
    1. Audio Recording of "W3C, Process, and the W3C Team"
    2. Anchor sections by Art Barstow
  2. Tools, Ralph Swick, 24 April 2014
    1. Audio Recording of "Tools"
  3. The Human Dimension, Charles McCathie Nevile, 17 June 2014
    1. Audio Recording of "The Human Dimension"
  4. Focus and Productivity, Arnaud Le Hors, 23 October 2014
  5. Focus and Productivity, Arnaud Le Hors, 29 January 2015
    1. Audio Recording of "Focus and Productivity"
  6. Horizontal reviews, Virginie Galindo, September 2015
    1. Horizontal review, session 1 (13 October 2015)
    2. Audio Recording of Horizontal review, session 1
    3. Horizontal review, session 2 (20 October 2015)
  7. New W3C process, its philosophy, and how to use it for agility, Steve Zilles, February/March 2015
  8. TBC: Making rapid progress in developing specs in W3C despite the W3C process
  9. IPR Management in a Github age - repo manager training, Kaz Ashimura, Sep 21 2017
    1. Video recording of "repo manager training"

Use of GitHub at W3C

Main article: GitHub

The AB looks at use of GitHub at W3C specifically in terms of impacts on process and IP concerns.

Some W3C groups use use GitHub to develop specifications or edit non-normative documents. While the strategy for using Tracker and/or Bugzilla and/or GitHub is left to WG decision, there are some good practices that can be gathered. That section is pointing to effort to federate experiences and good practices.

Remote Participation

The AB is looking at issues related to remote participation in W3C meetings.

OpenWeb Tools at W3C

The AB has discussed how to increase the use of OpenWeb Tools at W3C itself (a form of dogfooding). Many (most?) presentations at W3C workshops (e.g. the Workshop on Social Standards: The Future of Business) use non-open-web technologies/formats. W3C should work on good practices to encourage more use of OpenWeb Tools instead of, or at least before non-open-web technologies/formats.

Side Projects

In addition to the above some members of the AB work on additional side projects related to W3C process, culture, etc.

Historical Documents

Past Home Pages

See Also