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16. SMIL 3.0 Scalability Framework

Editor for SMIL 3.0
Dick Bulterman, CWI
Editors for Earlier Versions of SMIL
Nabil Layaïda, INRIA
Kenichi Kubota, Panasonic
Aaron Cohen, Intel
Michelle Kim, IBM.

Table of contents

16.1 Overview and Summary of Changes for SMIL 3.0

This section is informative.

The SMIL 3.0 Scalability Framework revises the SMIL 2.1 Basic Profile and Scalability Framework [SMIL21-basic-profile]. With the introduction of the SMIL 3.0 Tiny profile, the definition of the Scalability Framework has been migrated into a separate document. The text has been revised to conform to current SMIL practice and intent.

16.2 Abstract

This section is normative.

SMIL 3.0 provides a scalability framework, where a family of scalable SMIL profiles can be defined using a sub- or superset of the SMIL 3.0 Language, DAISY, or UnifiedMobile profiles, or a superset of the SMIL 3.0 Tiny profile. A SMIL document can be authored conforming to the scalability framework such that it provides limited functionality on a resource-constrained device while allowing richer capabilities on a more capable device. This section defines the requirements for conforming SMIL documents and SMIL user agents. Moreover, it describes scalable SMIL profile architecture, guidelines for defining them, and their conformance requirements.

16.3 Introduction to the SMIL 3.0 Scalability Framework

This section is informative.

The Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) includes powerful functionality for various multimedia services for platforms of various/differing complexities, ranging from desktops to ubiquitous information appliances such as minimum capability mobile phones, car navigation systems, television sets, and voice user agents. Each of these platforms has its specific capabilities and requirements. It is clear that not all of the SMIL 3.0 elements and attributes will be required on all platforms. SMIL 3.0 modularization groups semantically related SMIL elements, attributes, and attribute values into a disjoint set of SMIL modules. These modules can then be recombined to produce a SMIL profile that meets the needs of different communities. For example, a hand held device, digital talking book player, or a mobile phone may only support a small subset of SMIL 3.0 modules in its own profile.

The W3C SYMM working group has defined a scalability architecture that allows a SMIL user agent to implement only the sub- or superset of the SMIL 3.0 standard it needs, while maintaining document interoperability between device profiles built for different needs. A scalable profile enables user agents to support incremental extra collections of modules containing the baseline functionality needed for an implementation environment, or it allows certain modules to be removed from a more extensive profile in those situations where this extra functionality is not necessary.

At the same time, SMIL 3.0 provides an additional mechanism in which a document author is given the ability to specify which SMIL modules are required within a document.

Conformance to the scalable SMIL profile architecture provides a basis for interoperability guarantees. The advantages of scalable profiles include:

The SMIL 3.0 scalability framework allows inclusion or exclusion of functionality. SMIL user agent developers are also able to focus their implementations by specifically excluding support for individual SMIL elements or attributes, as is explained in the section on document conformance. Note that in these cases, a document containing unsupported elements or attributes should always parse correctly on any SMIL-compliant user agent.

16.4 Normative Definition of the SMIL 3.0 Scalability Framework

This section is normative.

The SMIL Scalability Framework specifies the rules for SMIL 3.0 profile, document and user agent conformance, and the mechanism for creating dynamic, scalable profiles using the SMIL 3.0 extension mechanism. This section provides a normative definition of these three aspects.

All SMIL host-language conformant profiles must reference and adhere to the rules specified in this SMIL Scalability Framework. All such profiles must supply profile-specific information that is required by the SMIL Scalability Framework.

16.4.1 Definitions

The SMIL 3.0 Scalability Framework makes use of a hierarchy of conformance definitions for profiles, documents and user agents that are based in whole or in part on SMIL 3.0 modules. The elements in this hierarchy (from least restrictive to most restrictive) are given in this section.

SMIL 3.0 Document Conformance Definitions

SMIL 3.0 defines a hierarchy of conforming profiles based on the following definitions:

SMIL 3.0 Document Conformance Definitions

SMIL 3.0 defines a conforming document to be a document that conforms to a SMIL 3.0 profile and is valid per the normative DTD identified by that profile. Documents may be:

SMIL 3.0 User Agent Conformance Definitions

A Conformant SMIL 3.0 User Agent is a user agent that renders a document in accordance with the functionality of the associated profile and which adheres to the rules set out in the section Rules for SMIL 3.0 Conformant User Agents.

SMIL 3.0 Elements and Attributes Collection Definitions

The following sections detail the rules for profile, document and user agent conformance. These rules make use of the following definitions for collections of elements and attributes. In these tables, the term "minimum support" is used to refer to the minimum set of elements that an element may contain, and the minimum set of attributes that may be used on an element.

Table: Names of SMIL 3.0 Element Collections.
Element Set Name Elements
TIMING-ELMS par, seq
MEDIA-ELMS ref, animation, audio, img, video, text, textstream
EMPTY no elements are required as a minimum
Table: Names of SMIL 3.0 Attribute Collections.
Attribute Set Name Attributes
TIMING-ATTRS begin, end, dur, repeatDur, repeatCount, fill, endsync
CONTCTRL-ATTRS systemRequired
MEDIA-ATTRS src, type
COMMON-ATTRS xml:id, id, class, xml:lang, title
IDENTITY-ATTRS version, baseProfile

16.4.2 Conforming SMIL 3.0 Profile Rules

This section defines the rules for creating conformant SMIL 3.0 profiles. The rules are considered by conformant profile type, as defined in the section Definitions.

Neither the SMIL 3.0 definition nor these conformance criteria provide designated size limits on any aspect of SMIL 3.0 content. There are no maximum values on the number of elements, the amount of character data, or the number of characters in attribute values.

Rules for SMIL 3.0 Conformant Profiles

A SMIL 3.0 profile is a conformant SMIL 3.0 profile if it adheres fully to the following criteria:

  1. The profile defines the SMIL 3.0 modules it collects.
  2. The profile includes all elements, attributes, and attribute values specified by the collected modules.
  3. The profile complies with the integration requirements set forth by the modules it collects.
  4. The profile specifies the semantics related to the integration of the modules.
  5. The profile defines its DTD or XML Schema.
  6. The profile defines a unique identifier string that can be used by a systemRequired attribute.

There are no minimum set of required modules for a Conformant SMIL 3.0 Profile.

Rules for SMIL 3.0 Integration-Set Conformant Profiles

A SMIL 3.0 profile is an integration-set conformant SMIL 3.0 profile if it meets all of the requirements of a Conformant SMIL 3.0 Profile and if it also adheres fully to the following criteria:

  1. The profile supports the functionality contained in the modules required for integration set conformance.
  2. The profile fulfills the "minimum support" requirements for elements and attributes as listed in the integration-set minimum support table.
  3. The SyncbaseTiming module should be included in Integration Set conformant profiles, although it is not strictly required. We strongly recommend inclusion of this module in Integration Set conformant profiles to maintain a high level of consistency and interoperability with other languages that have integrated SMIL modules including the SMIL 3.0 Language, XHTML+SMIL [XHTMLplusSMIL], and SVG [SVG]. Only profiles designed to operate on severely constrained devices may omit the SyncbaseTiming module.
Modules Required for Integration-Set Conformance

A profile that is said to be SMIL 3.0 integration set conformant must include the following modules:

  1. BasicInlineTiming
  2. BasicMedia
  3. BasicTimeContainers
  4. Identity
  5. RepeatTiming
  6. RequiredContentControl
  7. SyncbaseTiming (Recommended, not Required)
Integration-Set Minimum Support Table
Table: Minimum Support for SMIL Integration Set Conformance.
Element Minimum Support
Content Attributes
ref, animation, audio, img, video, text, textstream EMPTY CONTCTRL-ATTRS, IDENTITY-ATTRS, TIMING-ATTRS, MEDIA-ATTRS

Support of deprecated elements and attributes is not required for SMIL 3.0 integration-set conformance. However, when included, the above requirements also apply to these elements and attributes. Also, when supported, it is required that all the deprecated elements and attributes from all the included modules are supported as a whole.

Rules for SMIL 3.0 Host-Languages Conformant Profiles

A SMIL 3.0 profile is an host-language conformant SMIL 3.0 profile if it meets all of the requirements of a Integration Set Conformant SMIL 3.0 Profile and if it also adheres fully to the following criteria:

  1. The profile supports the functionality contained in the modules required for host-language conformance.
  2. The profile fulfills the "minimum support" requirements for elements and attributes as listed in the host-language minimum support table.
  3. The SyncbaseTiming module should be included in host-language conformant profiles, although it is not strictly required. We strongly recommend inclusion of this module in host-language conformant profiles to maintain a high level of consistency and interoperability with other languages that have integrated SMIL modules including the SMIL 3.0 Language, XHTML+SMIL [XHTMLplusSMIL], and SVG [SVG]. Only profiles designed to operate on severely constrained devices may omit the SyncbaseTiming module.
Modules Required for Host-Language Conformance

A profile that is said to be SMIL 3.0 host-language conformant must include the following modules:

  1. BasicInlineTiming
  2. BasicMedia
  3. BasicTimeContainers
  4. Identity
  5. RepeatTiming
  6. RequiredContentControl
  7. SkipContentControl
  8. Structure
  9. StructureLayout
  10. SyncbaseTiming (Recommended, not Required)
Host-Language Minimum Support Table
Table: Minimum Support for SMIL Host Language Conformance.
Element Minimum Support
Content Attributes
ref, animation, audio, img, video, text, textstream COMMON-ATTRS, CONTCTRL-ATTRS, IDENTITY-ATTRS, TIMING-ATTRS, MEDIA-ATTRS, skip-content

Support of deprecated elements and attributes is no longer required for SMIL 3.0 host language conformance but it is highly recommended for all modules the given language supports. Support of deprecated elements and attributes may only be left out in cases where interoperability with SMIL 1.0 implementations is not an issue.

Since the SMIL 3.0 Structure module may only be used in a profile that is SMIL host language conformant, this implies that the SMIL 3.0 Structure module must at least be accompanied with the other modules required for host language conformance that were named above. Those modules themselves may still be used in other non-SMIL host-language conformant profiles.

16.4.3 Conforming SMIL 3.0 Document Rules

This section defines the rules for creating conformant SMIL 3.0 documents. The rules are considered by conformant profile type, as defined in the section Definitions.

Rules for SMIL 3.0 Conformant Documents

A SMIL 3.0 document is a conformant SMIL 3.0 document if it adheres fully to the following criteria:

  1. The SMIL 3.0 Conformant document MUST be well-formed XML.
  2. The SMIL 3.0 Conformant document MUST conform to the following W3C Recommendations:
    • The XML 1.1 specification (Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1) [XML11].
      Note: SMIL 3.0 conforms to both XML 1.1 [XML11] and XML 1.0 [XML10], with XML 1.1 being the definitive reference because it is newer. SMIL 3.0 itself uses no features that are in XML 1.1 other than for character processing in IRI's and xml:id's, but new development should use an XML 1.1 parser to make sure documents that use XML 1.1 extensions are handled correctly.
    • Namespaces in XML [XML-NS]. Full XML Namespaces must be supported.
    • Any use of CSS styles and properties shall conform to Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 CSS2 Specification [CSS2].
  3. The SMIL 3.0 Conformant document MUST be based on a SMIL 3.0 Conformant profile.
  4. The SMIL 3.0 Conformant document MUST use the root element defined by the profile specification.
  5. The SMIL 3.0 Conformant document MUST reference the following namespace, either as the default namespace or as an additional prefix-qualified namespace):
  6. The SMIL 3.0 Conformant document MAY use a DOCTYPE, as defined in the profile specification. If a document contains a DOCTYPE declaration, it must be a valid XML document. Note that this implies that extensions to the syntax defined in the DTD are not allowed. If specified, documents must be valid per the normative DTD identified by that profile
  7. When the document uses the functionality of a particular SMIL 3.0 module through SMIL 3.0 elements and attributes and the semantics associated with these elements and attributes, it must do so in ways consistent with the SMIL 3.0 specification.
  8. The SMIL 3.0 Conformant document MUST adhere to any additional conformance rules for the profile, as defined in the SMIL 3.0 Conformant profile specification.

Rules for SMIL 3.0 Integration-Set Conformant Documents

A SMIL 3.0 document is a integration-set conformant SMIL 3.0 document if it adheres fully to the criteria specified by the host-language for that document, and it adheres to the following criteria:

  1. The SMIL 3.0 Integration-Set Conformant document MUST be well-formed XML.
  2. The SMIL 3.0 Integration-Set Conformant document MUST conform to the following W3C Recommendations:
    • The XML 1.1 specification (Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1) [XML11], (see Note).
    • Namespaces in XML [XML-NS]. Full XML Namespaces must be supported.
    • Any use of CSS styles and properties shall conform to Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 CSS2 Specification [CSS2].
  3. The SMIL 3.0 Integration-Set Conformant document MUST be based on a SMIL 3.0 Conformant profile.
  4. The SMIL 3.0 Integration-Set Conformant document MUST use the root element defined by the profile specification.
  5. The SMIL 3.0 Integration-Set Conformant document MUST reference the following namespace, either as the default namespace or as an additional prefix-qualified namespace):
  6. The SMIL 3.0 Integration-Set Conformant document MAY use a DOCTYPE, as defined in the profile specification. If a document contains a DOCTYPE declaration, it must be a valid XML document. Note that this implies that extensions to the syntax defined in the DTD are not allowed. If specified, documents must be valid per the normative DTD identified by that profile
  7. When the document uses the functionality of a particular SMIL 3.0 module through SMIL 3.0 elements and attributes and the semantics associated with these elements and attributes, it must do so in ways consistent with the SMIL 3.0 specification.
  8. The SMIL 3.0 Integration-Set Conformant document MUST adhere to any additional conformance rules for the profile, as defined in a SMIL 3.0 Integration-Set Conformant profile specification.

Rules for SMIL 3.0 Host-Language Conformant Documents

A SMIL 3.0 document is a host-language conformant SMIL 3.0 document if it adheres to the following criteria:

  1. The SMIL 3.0 Host-Language Conformant document MUST be well-formed XML.
  2. The SMIL 3.0 Host-Language Conformant document MUST conform to the following W3C Recommendations:
    • The XML 1.1 specification (Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1) [XML11], (see Note).
    • Namespaces in XML [XML-NS]. Full XML Namespaces must be supported.
    • Any use of CSS styles and properties shall conform to Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 CSS2 Specification [CSS2].
  3. The SMIL 3.0 Integration-Set Conformant document MUST be based on a SMIL 3.0 Conformant profile.
  4. The root element of the SMIL 3.0 Host-Language Conformant document MUST be the smil element.
  5. The SMIL 3.0 Host-Language Conformant document MUST reference the following default namespace:
    The SYMM working group MAY reuse this namespace URI in a future specification that revises the SMIL 3.0 DTD, thus affecting the validity of published documents.

    This section is informative.

    SMIL 3.0 no longer assigns individual namespace identifiers to SMIL 3.0 modules, as all elements and attributes are defined within the single SMIL 3.0 namespace. SMIL 3.0 does define a set of module identifier strings that may be used with as part of the SMIL extension mechanism.

  6. A SMIL 3.0 Host-Language Conformant document MAY contain a DOCTYPE declaration, as defined by the relevant profile specification. The DTD referenced in the DOCTYPE declaration will, among other things, define default values for the language version number and the base profile name associated with the DTD. If a document contains a DOCTYPE declaration, it must be a valid XML document. Note that this implies that extensions to the syntax defined in the DTD are not allowed. As per section 7.6 of the W3C Process Document, W3C will make every effort to make this normative DTD available in its original form at the URI defined by the profile. The SYMM WG also publishes a non-normative SMIL 3.0 DTD identified by: ,
    where the string SMIL30XXX is replaced by the name string defined in the relevant profile specification for the informative DTD.
    The SYMM WG plans to make changes to the non-normative DTD over time to correct errata. If you choose to refer to the non-normative DTD, please note that it is subject to change without notice at any time. The SYMM WG MAY publish a normative "snapshot" of the corrected DTD at a new URI by following the W3C Process for modifying a Recommendation. Individuals are free to use either the normative or non-normative URIs as the system identifier in the SMIL 3.0 profile's DOCTYPE, according to the desired level of stability.
  7. A SMIL 3.0 Host-Language Conformant document MAY declare a version number and base profile by using the version and baseProfile attributes on the smil root element. If a DOCTYPE declaration is present, the version and base profiles defined must match those in the profile DTD. If a DOCTYPE declaration containing a valid SMIL profile DTD is not given and if no version attribute is specified, version 3.0 will be used. If a DOCTYPE declaration containing a valid SMIL profile DTD is not given and if no baseProfile attribute is defined, the Language base profile will be used.
  8. Given that, as of this writing, DTDs have no way to describe the allowability of namespace-qualified extensions, and that extensions to SMIL 3.0 host-language conformant documents must be namespace-qualified, here is the algorithm to be used to validate documents with extensions:
    • If all non-SMIL 3.0 namespace elements and attributes and all xmlns attributes which refer to non-SMIL 3.0 namespace elements are removed from the given document and if the appropriate <!DOCTYPE ... > statement which points to the SMIL 3.0 DTD is included, the result is a valid XML document.
  9. The SMIL 3.0 Host-Language Conformant document MUST adhere to any additional conformance rules for the profile, as defined in a SMIL 3.0 Host-Language Conformant profile specification.

SMIL 3.0 deprecates base as a property value for the content attribute of the meta element of SMIL 1.0 in favor of the more general XML Base URI mechanisms.

All SMIL 3.0 profile specifications support the XML Base Recommendation [XMLBase]. XML Base is supported on all elements, and affects the interpretation of URIs as specified in the individual modules defining the URI attributes. Specifically, any applicable XML Base base URI must be applied to the interpretation of the href attribute of the link elements a, area and anchor, as well as the src attribute of the media elements audio, video, img, animation, textstream, text, and ref. XML Base must also be applied on longdesc and label attributes of all of the SMIL 3.0 elements.

Rules for SMIL 3.0 Strict Host-Language Conformant Documents

A SMIL 3.0 document is a strict host-language conformant SMIL 3.0 document if it adheres to the criteria for Rules for SMIL 3.0 Host-Language Conformant Documents and it meets the following criteria:

  1. The SMIL 3.0 Strict Host-Language Conformant document MUST use only the elements and attributes defined for the SMIL 3.0 namespace.

16.4.4 Conforming SMIL 3.0 User Agents

A conforming SMIL 3.0 user agent is a program which can parse and process a SMIL 3.0 document and render the contents of the document onto output media. A conforming SMIL 3.0 user agent must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. In order to be consistent with the XML 1.1 Recommendation [XML11], (see Note), the user agent MUST parse and evaluate a SMIL 3.0 document for well-formedness. If the user agent claims to be a validating user agent, it MUST also validate documents against their referenced DTDs according to [XML11].
  2. When the user agent claims to support the functionality of a particular SMIL 3.0 profile through SMIL 3.0 elements and attributes and the semantics associated with these elements and attributes, it must do so in ways consistent with the SMIL 3.0 specification.
  3. The user agent must be able to successfully parse any host-language conforming SMIL 3.0 document as specified by the relevant profile document, and to process, support and correctly implement the semantics of all features of the relevant SMIL 3.0 profile UNLESS a particular feature has been explicitly removed from the user agent implementation according to the rules set forth under Extending/Restricting SMIL 3.0 Profiles.
  4. The XML parser of the user agent must be able to parse and process XML constructs defined in [XML11] and [XML-NS].
  5. Processing the default namespace on the smil element will fall into one of three cases:
    1. The default namespace on the smil root element is recognized by the user agent. The user agent should process the document as the version identified by the recognized namespace (and, starting in SMIL 3.0, the values of the version and baseProfile attributes). Any elements, attributes, or other syntax not defined by the default namespace on the smil root element must be fully namespace qualified using standard XML mechanisms for declaring namespaces for elements and attributes described in [XML-NS], as further described in the section on Expanding/Restricting SMIL Profiles. Unqualified elements not part of the default namespace are illegal and must result in an error.

      This section is informative.


      1) A pure SMIL 1.0 document:

      <smil xmlns="">

      2) A pure SMIL 3.0 Language profile document:

      <smil xmlns="" version="3.0" baseProfile="Language">
    2. No default namespace declaration is present on the smil root element in the document. The document MUST be processed as a SMIL 1.0 document.
    3. The default namespace declaration on the smil root element unrecognized. A SMIL user agent will not recognize the document as any version of SMIL and MUST issue an error.
  6. The user agent MUST support the following W3C Recommendations with regard to SMIL 3.0 content:
    • Complete support for the XML 1.1 specification (Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1) [XML11].
    • Complete support for inclusion of non-SMIL 3.0 namespaces within SMIL 3.0 content via Namespaces in XML [XML-NS]. A xmlns declaration or xmlns prefix declaration may be used on any element in the SMIL 3.0 document.
  7. The user agent MUST ignore namespace prefix qualified elements from unrecognized namespaces and MUST support the skip-content attributes. If no skip-content attributes are declared, the value of true is assumed.
  8. The user agent MUST ignore elements with unrecognized default namespace declarations and MUST support the skip-content attribute. If no skip-content attributes are declared, the value of true is assumed.
  9. The user agent MUST issue an error for an attribute value which does not conform to the syntax specified for that attribute.
  10. The detection of a syntax error in a SMIL 3.0 document MUST result in the user agent issuing an error and not playing the document.
  11. When the hyphenated (deprecated) and the camelCase version of an attribute syntax are used in the same element, SMIL 3.0 user agents should take into account the camelCase version only.

The Web Accessibility Initiative has defined the "User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0" [UAAG]. Developers are encouraged to design user agents that satisfy at least the Level A requirements of that document.

Specifying Required Support by a SMIL 3.0 User Agent

If a particular SMIL 3.0 document requires a particular language feature to be supported for author-determined correct rendering of document content, the document may define the modules that support the required feature(s) as described in the section specifying required modules. User agents that do not support the required features MUST result in the user agent issuing an error and not playing the document.

Error Handling in SMIL Host Language Conformant Documents

Syntax errors in a SMIL Host Language conformant document are handled according to the XML rules for well-formed or valid XML [XML11], (see Note).

Semantic errors may arise at various levels. One is where the declared attribute values are of unknown value. Another is where the assembled presentation is (possibly) conflicting, as in a case where media objects are competing for display space or where they are synchronized ambiguously. These latter types, although maybe an error according to the author's intentions, are not considered an error and the user agent will present according to the resolution rules defined in this specification.

Handling of Syntax errors in Attribute Values

Errors in attribute values might remain undetectable to the parser, because the value type is declared as CDATA, or because the value range is open ended, as in the case of events, for example. However, errors in attribute values may be detected within a given profile, where that profile specifies the supported value set. Specifications of profiles are required to specify the error handling that is required when such an attribute value error occurs.

16.4.5 Extending/Restricting a SMIL 3.0 Profile

The rules for restricting and extending the functionality of any SMIL profile are defined in this section.

Restricting a SMIL 3.0 Profile

Individual user agents may opt-out of a particular language feature by explicitly ignoring it during document processing. In this way, both author and user-agent-development needs are supported for a wide community without having to define a large number of standard profiles.

Developers of user agents that explicitly support only a subset of a profile's functionality are encouraged to publish a list of these restrictions on a web site maintained by W3C and the Synchronized Multimedia working group.

Extending a SMIL 3.0 Profile

A scalable profile is defined by extending any SMIL host language conforming profile using the content control facilities to support application/device specific features via a module identification mechanism, as described in the section specifying required modules.

A scalable profile is defined by extending its set of modules using the content control facilities to support application/device specific features. The scalable profile must include the description of the profile it extends, for example by including a declaration of the version and base profile attributes for the profile. A family of scalable SMIL profiles can be built using the SMIL 3.0 Tiny Profile plus additional sets of modules geared to the particular needs each profile addresses.

In the future, a SMIL 3.0 profile may be extended by other W3C Recommendations, or by private extensions. For these extensions, the following rules must be obeyed:

Conformant SMIL 3.0 user agents are prepared to handle documents containing extensions that obey these two rules. The SMIL 3.0 namespace may be used with other XML namespaces as per [XML-NS].

16.4.6 Rules for Constructing Scalable Profiles

A scalable profile is specified by using the content control facilities via a namespace mechanism as follows:

  1. The basis of the scalability mechanism in SMIL is the SMIL module, not a particular element or attribute. A scalable SMIL 3.0 profile contains all the Modules Required for Host-Language Conformance. Additionally it may contain any one or more additional modules from the set defined by the SMIL 3.0 Modules.
  2. The xmlns mechanism is used to identify a module prefix that is used by the scalability framework. The xmlns mechanism is used only to define a prefix, and NOT to declare a module-based namespace. The prefix may only be used as a value of the systemRequired attribute.
  3. The systemRequired attribute MUST be supported by all conformant SMIL 3.0 profiles.
  4. The systemRequired attribute is used to specify a set of modules that are necessary to support the extended profile. The effective profile used by the document is defined as the union of the modules defined for the relevant SMIL 3.0 profile and those specified in the systemRequired attribute.
  5. The systemRequired attribute may always be specified on the root smil element. SMIL 3.0 profiles may also allow the systemRequired attribute to be specified on elements other than the root element. When used on the smil element, if the value of the systemRequired attribute resolves to FALSE, the document should not be played. When used on any interior element, if the value of the systemRequired attribute resolves to FALSE, the containing element should be ignored.

16.5 SMIL 3.0 Document Scalability Guidelines

This section is informative.

This section presents scalability guidelines for SMIL content authors that will enable their content to be played on the widest range of SMIL conformant devices.

A SMIL 3.0 document must declare a default namespace for its elements with its xmlns attribute at the smil root element with its identifier URI:

<smil xmlns="" version="3.0" baseProfile="Language">
... </smil>

If no namespace is specified, the namespace will default to: xmlns="", which is the SMIL 1.0 namespace.

The version and baseProfile attributes may be used to specify a particular profile for use when processing the document. If a DOCTYPE is used to define the profile, then the version and base profile will be defined by the DTD in the DOCTYPE. If both a DOCTYPE DTD is defined and the version and/or baseProfile attributes, both sets must refer to the same profile.

A SMIL 3.0 document with custom extensions conforming to a custom DTD may be declared as follows:

<smil xmlns="" version="3.0" baseProfile="Language"

The systemRequired attribute is used to specify which components of SMIL 3.0 are required to render the document.


If supported by the profile used as the base for the scalable document, the author may choose to explicitly qualify blocks of content with the systemRequired attribute. The following example contains the systemRequired attribute on the seq container within a switch, allowing the inclusion of the brush element when the "BrushMedia" test succeeds, and providing an image based alternative when the BrushMedia module is not supported:

<smil xmlns="" 
      xmlns:BrushMedia="" >
      <region xml:id="colorbox" top="0px" left="0px" height="50px" width="50px" />
      <seq systemRequired="BrushMedia">
        <brush dur="5s" color="#0000FF" region="colorbox"/>
        <brush dur="5s" color="#00FF00" region="colorbox"/>
        <brush dur="5s" color="#FF0000" region="colorbox"/>
        <img dur="5s" src="blue.jpg"  region="colorbox"/>
        <img dur="5s" src="green.jpg" region="colorbox"/>
        <img dur="5s" src="red.jpg"   region="colorbox"/>

Note that there is an difference between the systemRequired on the smil element and an "inline" systemRequired on the other SMIL elements (if supported by the base profile). The former is a hard requirement for rendering the document. For example, if the systemRequired on the smil element lists a module that the user agent does not support even though the module is not actually used in the document, the document is still prohibited from presentation by that user agent.

Conversely, the use of the systemRequired attribute on other elements only specifies a requirement for rendering a sub-tree of the document. If some of the content of a presentation requires support beyond that provided by the base profile and that specified on the systemRequired attribute on the smil element, the additional features should be wrapped with the switch element and system test attributes, which can then be evaluated by a user agent and be processed accordingly.

The SMIL 3.0 profiles are organized from the least capable to the most capable as follows:

  1. SMIL 3.0 Tiny Profile
  2. SMIL 3.0 UnifiedMobile Profile
  3. SMIL 3.0 DAISY Profile
  4. SMIL 3.0 Language Profile

When extending a particular profile with additional modules, the namespace used in the extended profile should be that of the SMIL profile that includes the smallest difference in modules needed to support the document. The systemRequired attribute should also be used and set to the original profile namespace together with the module(s) used in the extension. For example, suppose the SMIL 3.0 UnifiedMobile Profile is to be extended with the BasicPriorityClassContainers module. The version and base profile used in documents for the extension should be set to the SMIL 3.0 UnifiedMobile profile and the systemRequired attribute should be set to the SMIL 3.0 UnifiedMobile profile identifier and the BasicPriorityClassContainers module identifier:

<smil xmlns="" version="3.0" baseProfile="UnifiedMobile"

Note that it is also possible to use the full SMIL 3.0 Language Profile identifier in the above example:

<smil xmlns="" version="3.0" baseProfile="Language"

This practice is NOT recommended because the resulting document will only be able to be processed by implementations that support the full SMIL 3.0 Language profile, and not by implementations that support the more restricted SMIL 3.0 UnifiedMobile profile -- even though the UnifiedMobile Profile provides all of the functionality required in the document.

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