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(As mentioned in Bug 5267 comment #3.) In the XQuery spec, section 2.5.1 Predefined Schema Types, point 5 and Appendix H Glossary, under xs:anyAtomicType both say: All primitive atomic types, such as xs:integer, xs:string, and xs:untypedAtomic, have xs:anyAtomicType as their base type. but xs:integer is not a primitive atomic type. (And I don't think xs:untypedAtomic is either, but that's a tricker case.) You could just use different examples, e.g. xs:decimal and xs:dateTime.
Since this is a minor (editorial) bug, I have accepted and implemented the suggested change. This change will appear in a forthcoming errata document. Don Chamberlin (editor of XPath 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 specifications).