Нээлттэй ажлын байрууд:
Маркетинг менежер, Креатив дайректор, Контент Продюсер, Content Creators, Studio Artist, Арт дайректор, Сэтгүүлч, Хүний нөөцийн менежер, Оффис менежер, Туслах менежер, Дизайнер, Видео эдитор, дадлага хийх оюутнуудыг бүтэн болон хагас цагийн ажилд урьж байна.
Please complete the form to apply.
We are developing Marketing, Video Production, Graphic Design, and Copywriting Talents In-House. Cultivating Talent from Third Grade Onwards.
Apply now to secure your spot in the 2024 cohort and embark on an exhilarating adventure with us!
This exclusive program is designed to empower young talents aged between 20-30 with the essential skills and knowledge required to thrive in the dynamic world of marketing and creative industry.
Open to students and professionals alike, the program welcomes talents studying or working as Marketing managers, Designers, Art Directors, Creative Directors, Videographers, Editors, Journalists, or Commercial Copywriters.
Marketing & Strategy
Design & Creative Talents
Video Production Talents
Copywriters & Journalists