Executive Training and Lifelong Learning Office – Corporate Training Programmes
With the purpose of promoting corporate performance of strengthen competitiveness, Executive Training and Lifelong Learning Office (hereinafter as ETLLO) offers a wide range of quality customized training programmes for clients from both public and private sectors. These programmes are specially designed and provided based on the specific needs of individual organizations in order to enhance and expand the learner’s competency and competitiveness, as well as to fulfill the clients’ and organizations’ expectations and needs.
(workshop programme names listed in no particular order)
┃ Business and Law
Introduction to Contract law I for MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)
Course Name: | Introduction to Contract law I for MSME ( Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) |
Brief Course Description: | *** The information is currently being updated *** |
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 9 hours |
Introduction to Contract law II for MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)
Course Name: | Introduction to Contract law II for MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) |
Brief Course Description: | *** The information is currently being updated *** |
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 9 hours |
Negotiation: How to achieve a Win – Win Outcome
Course Name: | Negotiation: How to achieve a Win – Win Outcome |
Brief Course Description: | *** The information is currently being updated *** |
Medium of Instruction: | Chinese or English |
Duration (reference): | 9 hours |
┃ Teachers and Educational Practitioners Professional Development
The purpose of school-based training is to strengthen teamwork and promote the professional abilities of academic members. The Lifelong Learning Office of the University of Saint Joseph collaborates with the Teachers’ Professional Development Centre of the School of Education in launching various training programs and services. Please click here for more details.
Child, Family and Community (For Early Childhood Education and Care [ECEC])
Course Name: | Child, Family and Community (For Early Childhood Education and Care [ECEC]) |
Brief Course Description: | The workshops will explore child development within the context of the family and community. The participants will explore various theoretical and practical contexts to better understand and support children’s capacities to build effective relationships. |
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 6 or 9 hours (2 or 3 sessions) |
Art of Collaboration: Students, Teachers and Parents
Course Name: | Art of Collaboration: Students, Teachers and Parents |
Brief Course Description: | The workshops aim to help teachers better understand their students, themselves and parents. This includes topics like what are the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of teaching and learning; how to better stimulate motivations by designing an effective evaluation and feedback system; what are the matchiness of teaching styles with different learning styles; how to better communicate with parents. |
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 15 hours |
Teaching and Learning Approaches (Target audience: Primary teachers)
Course Name: | Teaching and Learning Approaches (Target audience: Primary teachers) |
Brief Course Description: | This course will showcase useful teaching and learning strategies that can be adopted or adapted by teachers to make learning more meaningful in the classroom. Participants will engage practical teaching strategies that are designed to keep learners active while engaged in the learning process. Throughout the course, participants will design their own learning activities to implement in their own classrooms. |
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 15 hours |
Assessment Strategies (Target audience: primary and secondary teachers)
Course Name: | Assessment Strategies (Target audience: primary and secondary teachers) |
Brief Course Description: | This course will showcase effective and purposeful assessment and feedback strategies. Through the use of guides and worked examples, participants will develop assessment strategies to embed in their own classrooms. The course will also discuss the competencies and skills required for developing and implementing assessment strategies in the teaching and learning process. |
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 15 Hours |
Psychology of Adolescent development
Course Name: | Psychology of Adolescent development |
Brief Course Description: | This workshop will explore the relevant theoretical and practical aspects of the developmental psychology of adolescents. Relevant issues associated with adolescence and different strategies to support and enhance the adolescents’ social, emotional, psychological and cognitive skills will be examined and discussed. |
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 12 to 15 hours (4 to 5 sessions) |
Project-based STEAM Learning in Kindergarten
Course Name: | Project-based STEAM Learning in Kindergarten |
Brief Course Description: | This course is designed for supporting kindergarten teachers to think about how to teach STEAM using project-based learning approach. Participants will learn the nature and history of PBL and STEM education, theoretical framework of using PBL to conduct STEM learning. The focus of this course is to design project-based STEM learning curriculum units and activities, as well as to design the STEM learning centers and outdoor STEAM learning activities. |
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 12 hours |
Creating and Operating Learning Centers in Kindergarten Classroom
Course Name: | Creating and Operating Learning Centers in Kindergarten Classroom |
Brief Course Description: | This course will explore the process of establishing and enhancing learning centers in kindergarten classroom. After completing this course successfully, participants should be able to list common learning centers found in a kindergarten classroom, and identify the requirements for creating, evaluating and adjusting each learning center to ensure the appropriateness for young children. |
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 10 to 12 hours |
Problem-based teaching and learning – From theory to practical
Course Name: | Problem-based teaching and learning – From theory to practical |
Brief Course Description: | This workshop aims to assist teachers in understanding and applying “problem-based teaching and learning” to their classroom with the variety of subject. Teachers will be able to engage practical teaching strategies by using problem-based teaching that are designed to keep students actively participated through the learning process. Teachers will be able to design their lesson plan in according to the use of PBL. |
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 9 to 12 hours |
┃ Design and Arts
Design Thinking, Innovation, Creativity and New Technologies
Course Name: | Design Thinking, Innovation, Creativity and New Technologies |
Brief Course Description: | The workshop has its primary goal, the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practice in the fields of design, innovation and interactive technologies. It aims to train participants in developing innovative research methodologies and skills, as well as experimenting new interactive technologies for 3D printing and laser cutting. The workshop starts with a theoretical approach to the concepts of design, innovation, design thinking and research in design. |
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 9 hours |
┃ Science and Environment
Environmental Science Policy and Management
*** The information is currently being updated ***
┃ Data Engineering and Science
Artificial Intelligence
*** The information is currently being updated ***
┃ Health Science
Some course curriculums under the Faculty of Health Science are primarily designed in Chinese as a medium of instruction.
課程名稱: | 音樂及律動對發育障礙特殊需求的孩子的實務體驗課程 |
課程簡介: | 掌握不同的音樂及律動的活動,使0到6歲特殊需要的兒童得到「全人」的發展活動預期效果:學員能夠掌握不同的音樂及律動的活動幫助SEN的多元發展,探討音樂律動教學對SEN的影響,並透過活動展示實踐分享及討論。 |
授課語言: | 中文(廣東話) |
參考時數: | 12-21小時 |
** This course curriculum only available in Chinese **
課程名稱: | 音樂治療全接觸 |
課程簡介: | 根據美國音樂治療協會的定義,音樂治療是一門根據臨床研究而發展出來的專業治療,具專業資格的音樂治療師透過各種臨床音樂的應用,幫助受助者達到不同的治療目標,包括心理、情緒、認知、社交、溝通與身體機能等範疇。本課程內容涵蓋音樂治療之理論及體驗兩部份,內容包括介紹音樂治療的起源、基本原理、治療過程、服務對象及如何應用音樂於日常工作中。 |
授課語言: | 中文(廣東話) |
參考時數: | 15小時 |
** This course curriculum only available in Chinese **
課程名稱: | 精神診斷早期干預與策略 |
課程簡介: | 識別早期精神疾患症狀,了解診斷標準和干預策略。明白早期介入對精神和相關障礙的預後有着積極的影響。掌握面談評估技巧。具備識別具有高風特質的學生,篩查出高風險族群,作出早期干預,具覺知力建設先導策略方案,改善為年青而設的早期精神症病者的服務。 |
授課語言: | 中文(廣東話) |
參考時數: | 16小時 |
** This course curriculum only available in Chinese **
課程名稱: | 兒童發展教育與音樂繪本實務技巧培訓課程 |
課程簡介: | 培養老師們運用動態方式閱讀繪本、說演故事,並透過多元藝術媒介,培養老師們跨領域的繪本教學能力。希望透過導師們運用動態式繪本教學讓兒童有身心平衡的生活,積極活出自我、發揮潛能。 |
授課語言: | 中文(廣東話) |
參考時數: | 21小時 |
** This course curriculum only available in Chinese **
課程名稱: | 支援特殊教育需要(SEN)課程 |
課程簡介: | 提升參加者識別不同類別特殊需要的學童的技巧,加強處理學童的多元化學習需要。 |
授課語言: | 中文(廣東話) |
參考時數: | 16小時 |
** This course curriculum only available in Chinese **
課程名稱: | 照顧「SEN」青年多元學習需要 |
課程簡介: | 從應用層面出發,透過相關研究,以及個案分析,探索協助發展SEN青年的興趣才能、持續教育及生涯規劃的方向。 |
授課語言: | 中文(廣東話) |
參考時數: | 16小時 |
** This course curriculum only available in Chinese **
課程名稱: | 協助及輔導讀寫困難學生策略培訓課程 |
課程簡介: | 認識早期識別及支援有讀寫困難學生的策略及重要性 |
授課語言: | 中文(廣東話) |
參考時數: | 16小時 |
** This course curriculum only available in Chinese **
課程名稱: | 處理學童挑戰性行為策略培訓課程 |
課程簡介: | 為參加者提供他們應對所有年齡段兒童挑戰性行為所需的知識。 |
授課語言: | 中文(廣東話) |
參考時數: | 16小時 |
** This course curriculum only available in Chinese **
┃ Languages
Effective Business English Writing Skills
Course Name: | Effective Business English Writing Skills |
Brief Course Description: | This course, covers the major classes of business documents and provides relevant vocabulary, document formats and examples to improve the quality and impact of your writing. Learn how to plan a message, format it for easy reading, and use the right words to communicate clearly.
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 6 classes of two-hour duration, 12 hours in total |
Effective Business English Speaking Skills
Course Name: | Effective Business English Speaking Skills |
Brief Course Description: | This course aims to improve business English speaking skills by developing the use of vocabulary, grammar, spoken communication skills within the business context of meetings, presentations and negotiations.
Medium of Instruction: | English |
Duration (reference): | 6 classes of two-hour duration, 12 hours in total |
Clients or organizations interested in providing training for their members are welcome to contact us for further information, please fill out the application form (click here to download a Microsoft Word file or, click here to download a PDF file) and send it to our office via E-mail, or approach us by calling the hotline for further details.
Hotline: +853 8592 5688
Fax: +853 2872 5517
E-mail: conted@usj.edu.mo
Service hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 – 13:30; 14:30 – 19:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
- The information published above such as course contents, topics, length of time, and other relevant information are to be used for informational purposes only. Interested clients or organizations are welcome to contact us for further information, our office will provide accurate and timely information;
- The copyright of all lifelong learning programmes belongs to the University of Saint Joseph and all rights are reserved;
- Personal Information collected in the application form will be used solely by the Executive Training and Lifelong Learning Office and relevant authorities for the course planning, enrolment, communications and preparation of Certificate(s) concerning the Programme; All information will be processed in compliance to the “Personal Data Protection Act” (Law no. 8/2005).
Last Updated: December 13, 2024 at 10:35 am