by Kalacoola707 August 22, 2020
Originally used by pilots to alert their wingmen/AWACs that they are in dogfight range and firing their cannon as opposed to their longer-ranged missiles.
Used by young adult males to alert their wingmen that they are breaking away to engage a target female at close range.
Used by young adult males to alert their wingmen that they are breaking away to engage a target female at close range.
John: KAKOW! Hotties at 11 O'Clock... I got the one with the weater hogs...
Jack: When? What the hell are you talking about?!
John: Guns guns guns!
Jack: Dude, where the hell are you going?
Jack: When? What the hell are you talking about?!
John: Guns guns guns!
Jack: Dude, where the hell are you going?
by tunnelr@ February 15, 2010
by ESU02 April 28, 2021
by Rina Glass September 20, 2021
A complex arrangement of metal parts that is capable of discharging a lead peice at very high speeds, high enough to penetrate fleash and thin slabs of wood. Serves as humankind's (so far) permanent replacement for spears, staffs, swords, daggars, etc. as most effective weapons. Most commonly used for self-defense, murder, killing hostiles, recreational shooting, the standard issue weapons for armies, militias, etc.
Guns aren't the problem. It's criminals, irresponsible people, and totalitarian shitheads getting a hold of them that's the problem.
by Mob_Triggerman November 29, 2004
A term describing the act of bending a female over in the doggy position and fingering her vigorously with your hand in a gun like shape.
by cunt69 July 21, 2014