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No one could have predicted this. Except every “conspiracy theorist.” Every conspiracy theorist said this. But they are all kooks, so no one could have known that they were right about this. Medical Xpress: High levels of fluoride in drinking water may dim the intelligence of children, a new U.S. government report shows. Based on... Read More
Politically incorrect data blogger Steve Sailer has just released a new book of essays on a variety of taboo subjects which is well worth reading. Most pieces in this collection are already available from various outlets including VDARE and Taki’s Magazine. Unfortunately, Noticing: An Essential Reader 1973-2023 does not actually cover 50 years of essays... Read More
For those who are fascinated by what is sometimes called “Based Science” — science which fearlessly examines the empirical evidence no matter how “controversial” the findings might be — a breakthrough took place recently: “Rushton’s Paradox” was solved at last, using genomic data. To those who are not initiated, this may sound rather abstruse and... Read More
[Note: The somewhat odd tone and form of this essay are due to its having been one of two speech ideas sent to editor Peter Brimelow for consideration for possible presentation at their April 2024 conference. Ultimately, the other speech (which I might submit for publication later) was chosen, though due to their regular... Read More
20 Years Earlier, by Sam Francis: In California, Immigration Is The Real Terminator What could be a better place to live than super-Woke California? High taxes ensure relative equality, and lax policing means that criminals aren’t punished too harshly, if they’re punished at all. Surely, the most intelligent people in solidly Republican states, such as... Read More
The hashtag #roman empire has reportedly been viewed over a billion times on TikTok, with most videos women asking men the question: How often do you think about the Roman Empire? The surprising answer: a lot. Feminist historian Mary Beard, of course, says it’s because of male chauvinism [How often do you think about the... Read More
Earlier: The ATLANTIC Wants To Cancel Richard Hanania's THE ORIGINS OF WOKE The Race Denialists are at it again. Black academic Tyler Austin Harper [Email him] (right) has attacked Richard Hanania’s new book The Origins of Woke as an “intellectual and moral failure,” in part because it has highlighted black-white differences in IQ [An Intellectual... Read More
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
Let's talk about race, but let's focus on the thorniest issue of all: Race and IQ. Can you summarize the issue so that readers understand what we're talking about and explain why it is such a prickly topic? Ron Unz---For various reasons, there are few topics more taboo in modern American society than the notion... Read More
I recently found myself at the annual conference of ISIR, the International Society for Intelligence Research. Taking place at the Shatterton Plaza Hotel in Berkeley CA, it is the world’s premier gathering of researchers on IQ and related matters. Absent, of course, was Richard Lynn, who had died a few weeks earlier at the age... Read More
Editor’s note: This eulogy is from Emil Kirkegaard’s Substack. Richard Lynn was truly a pillar of the hereditarian thrust in psychology which is under assault or ignored by most academics now. I have cited him extensively in my writing. The good news is that researchers like Emil Kirkegaard are carrying on this tradition. The last... Read More
Professor Richard Lynn
Yesterday, I was grieved to learn of the death on July 17 of the great psychologist Richard Lynn. I was also shocked. It should never be a shock when a 93-year-old man dies, but Richard seemed indestructible. He was writing books in his 90s, and just this spring we exchanged email, but not even Richard... Read More
“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases,” said President Ronald Reagan. “If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” Republicans can take unpopular stands in defense of sound economic principles. For example, more than 60 percent of all... Read More
Edward Dutton, Breeding the Human Herd: Eugenics, Dysgenics and the Future of the Species, Imperium Press, 2023, 306 pp., $29.00. Rarely a book comes along that significantly changes how I view the world. I felt this way about Ricardo Duchesne’s The Uniqueness of Western Civilization and Jonathan Haidt’s The Righteous Mind. Edward Dutton’s Breeding the... Read More
England is basking in the good news that children can read. Formerly, that was not the case, but now a new technique has been deployed, and British Brats are up there with Finnish sprogs and Singapore nippers, revelling in new-found literacy. Rarely has a new King got off to such a good start. A Carolean... Read More
It is wonderful, when a calculation is made, how little the mind is actually employed in the discharge of any profession. Samuel Johnson Intelligence researchers have always found that some jobs require more intelligence than others. A rocket scientist is usually much brighter than the person serving them breakfast. The early data came from the... Read More
It’s the age-old story of crabs in a bucket: When one enlightened individual looks up, he sees the expanse of the universe and all its possibilities, but when all the other crabs look up, the ones who aren’t so enlightened only see one individual trying to escape. And they pull him back in. James Dewey... Read More
Racial differences are brain deep
As you may have noticed, it is not popular to suggest that genetics is a possible cause of individual differences, and distinctly unpopular to even hint that it might be a cause of genetic group differences. By way of background, when Arthur Jensen was first considering the causes of the black-white difference in scholastic attainment,... Read More
While the broke genius archetype may be a meme, the topic of the intelligent yet poor is especially relevant to how we view issues of wealth, privilege, status, and societal incentive structures. A stereotypical demographic profile of the smart but poor, might be of a starving artist or NEET, especially the terminally online underemployed intellectual... Read More
Chart above via R/DataIsBeautiful One of the most controversial issues on the American Right is the so-called “JQ”—the “Jewish Question.” I often receive passionate emails demanding that I discuss the “JQ” or telling me that I am a coward who is too frightened to do so. The Jews “run America,” argue these people, because Jews... Read More
National IQs were collected by one psychologist, Richard Lynn, sitting in his study. He said he found them more interesting than collecting stamps. Early in his career he had collected intelligence test results when working in Ireland, but thought that the results would be unpalatable, (they seemed to show that brighter Irish people had emigrated... Read More
Reality is “racist.” There are racial differences and racial patterns that emerge consistently in different countries under vastly different circumstances. Our rulers invariably try to censor discussion of these differences. Let no one mock the medieval Catholic Church for its supposed restrictions on free inquiry. “Our Democracy” can be just as tyrannical. One man who... Read More
“Trust the Science” was the mantra of the Left, and the chronically unable to think, throughout the Covid Pandemic. However, this never meant “trust the results of systematic observation and experiment”—because you always question and refine these, meaning you can never completely “trust” them. Rather, it meant “Trust the Scientists.” And by “Scientists” it did... Read More
What do Cultural Marxists do once they’ve driven brave truth-focused researchers who dare to discuss “race,” such as Noah Carl [Cambridge college sacks researcher over links with far right, By Richard Adams, The Guardian, May 1, 2019] or Michael Woodley, out of the universities and forced them to be “independent scholars”? What’s the next step... Read More
As the U.S. prepares to confirm to the Supreme Court a black woman who cannot define the word “woman” [Blackburn to Jackson: Can you define ‘the word woman’?, by Myah Ward, Politico, March 22, 2022], we are reminded of the fact that Ketanji Brown Jackson has been nominated because she is a black woman, not... Read More
Sent Before Their Time: Genius, Charisma, and Being Born Prematurely Edward Dutton Australia: Manticore Press, 2022 328 pages, $24.95 softbound Ed Dutton’s latest book marks a return to the theme of genius, which he previously explored in The Genius Famine (with Bruce Charleton, 2016) and At Our Wit’s End (with Michael Woodley of Menie, 2018).... Read More
Otherwise brave scientists now demur from researching fascinating and important areas, such as race and sex differences, for fear of being “cancelled,” bullied and abused by the Woke mob. But personally, I don’t particularly care about this bullying—and a reason may be that I was born three months prematurely, back in 1980 when the survival... Read More
Earlier: “He Kept The Faith”—A Conversation With Richard Lynn Sex Differences in Intelligence: The Development Theory, the latest book by the Grand Old Man of psychology Richard Lynn, systematically demonstrates something that has long been obvious to most people (including women, if you know any): On average, men are more intelligent than women—by about 4... Read More
Richard Lynn, Sex Differences in Intelligence: The Developmental Theory, Arktos Media, Ltd., 2021, 131 pp., $14.95 paper, $4.99 Kindle Before the 20th century, it was commonly asserted that men are more intelligent than women. Besides the relative lack of high achievement by women historically, this view seemed supported by biology. For example, in 1887, an... Read More
Earlier by F. Roger Devlin: Charles Murray's FACING REALITY: Ruling Class Must Accept Race Differences—Or Provoke The "Disaster" Of White Identity Politics Charles Murray (The Bell Curve, Coming Apart, Human Diversity) is rightly bitter about the disgraceful shut-out of his latest book Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race from the current U.S. and international debate—actually,... Read More
Richard Lynn is a distinguished academic and prolific researcher whose interests span a fascinating array of topics. Professor Lynn is a pioneer in the field of intelligence research and is well regarded for his numerous books documenting the association between intelligence and social outcomes. 1. Professor Lynn, you have written extensively on the predictive power... Read More
What to do about it. This video is available on BitChute. Ever since the first single-celled creature appeared — maybe four billion years ago — evolution has followed a pretty simple rule: survival of the fittest. If a genetic mutation led to a new trait that made something more likely to survive and reproduce, the... Read More
The Rand Corporation had a look at the factors which led to effect war fighting, and found that ability was a key factor. Thanks to commentator Mac Tonight for the link. Determinants of Productivity for Military Personnel: A Review of Findings on the Contribution of Experience, Training, and Aptitude to Military Performance Jennifer Kavanagh Prepared... Read More
Does the world need another IQ test? There are many well-validated tests, and also a number of short tests suitable for large scale surveys, many of which take less than 10 minutes, and several useful ones which take less than 5 minutes. However, if you are searching for a good measure of the manifold panoply... Read More
85 is to 100 as 100 is to 115
A staple of the columnist’s life is mail embodying a weird obsession with Jews. It is a versatile obsession, suitable for any occasion. If I were to write a column on the economics of watermelon farming in rural Kansas for a conservative site, a high proportion of the comments would consist of angry denunciations of... Read More
John McWhorter
John McWhorter, who teaches at Columbia, is one of a handful of blacks who write sensible things about race. He complains that the media bellow whenever police kill a black man but are silent when they kill a white man, and worries that claims of “systemic racism” are leading to a movement to exempt blacks... Read More
Charles Murray, Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America, Encounter Books, 2021, 151 pp., $25.99 (hardcover) Sometimes, a single brave man can break a taboo. Nicholas Wade’s carefully argued May 5 article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists broke the ban on the lab-leak view of the origins of Covid-19. In just a... Read More
It is difficult to overstate the significance of Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein’s The Bell Curve to the thinking of pre-Alt Right White identitarians, specifically its section on the cognitive and behavioral differences between the races. The dominant mission of the movement then was propagating the forbidden truth of racial differences. When I first became... Read More
To See Why, Just Look Around
The systematic study of intelligence if fraught, dangerous, since everyone instantly thinks, “Race. Blacks. I will lose my job and live in a tent on the sidewalk if I think about this.” The concern is that study might reveal differences between groups. Oh God. So: Should we study it or not? The panic arises only... Read More
The British Broadcasting Corporation is one of the world’s largest (35,000 employees including part-timers) and best funded news organisations, against which few can compete. Not only does it have a budget which in 2018-19 amounted to £4.0 billion ($5.6 billion), but it is virtually guaranteed the continuation of that level of income by a government... Read More
Recently,’s Lance Welton cited my work when suggesting that a general decline in intelligence—among whites, quite apart from the immigration of lower IQ races—was one reason for the disgraceful jury verdict in the Derek Chauvin show trial. People often react incredulously when told of this IQ decline: “Haven’t you heard of the Flynn Effect?... Read More
Ultrasound of Emma - 20 weeks old. Credit: Michael Fürstenberg/Flickr
Or, the Accidental Biopolitics of the Culture Wars
Culture wars seem to be everywhere across the West these days. American politics has notoriously been plagued for decades by divisive conflicts over guns, abortion, and gay marriage (now replaced by the exotic trans phenomenon). Europe is also no stranger to such conflicts, whether within or between countries, though in the postwar era these appeared... Read More
Max Roser does great work at “Our World in Data”, virtually all of which I read and retweet approvingly. He has just written a paper calculating the amount of economic growth which will be required to lift people out of poverty. Lots and lots of growth, he argues. I think it likely that lots of... Read More
Let’s begin by acknowledging a couple of kind (re)tweets from the hereditarian-HBD side on my last Unz article on IQ and race (Why Do Blacks Outperform Whites in UK Schools?): Murray tweet: Sailer tweet: After the recent death of the great James Flynn, I thought I should finally get back to writing some updated articles... Read More
You know the story, but here we go again. The standard account of sex differences in intelligence is that there aren’t any. Or not significant ones, or perhaps some slight ones, but they counter-balance each other. The standard account usually goes on to concede that males are more variable than females, that is to say,... Read More
Footnote to that: I've known that quote for as long as I can remember, but without recalling why I know it. I've never read William Cobbett, so it must have been somewhere else I saw it. The mystery was solved as an indirect result of my posting, in last month's diary, a few words of... Read More
Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis. This video is available on BitChute here. Last week I explained why different groups don’t achieve at the same level. It’s because the races are not identical. There are all sorts of interesting differences – this paper from just last year says you can tell American blacks from American whites... Read More
Many people have very strong beliefs about intelligence testing. All too often those beliefs are negative and unrepresentative of intelligence research. For intelligence researchers, it is a bemusing, irritating, and depressing state of affairs. Steven Pinker, being interviewed at the International Society for Intelligence Research conference in Montreal in 2017, when asked why public understanding... Read More
Earlier: Richard Lynn Stripped Of Emeritus Status For Saying The Same Things That Made Him A Professor In The First Place and “He Kept The Faith”—A Conversation With Richard Lynn Everyone with an interest in why our world is the way it is owes a debt of gratitude to Richard Lynn, the indefatigable psychometrician best... Read More
You may remember that in 2011 Heiner Rindermann and I worked on the concept of cognitive capitalism, developed that over the next few years, and in 2018 Rindermann published a major book on the topic. Here is a brief interview in which he answers a few questions which generally come up regarding intelligence. Usually, media... Read More
The “Great Awokening”—the Maoist Cultural Revolution we are living through—is impacting academia heavily[The Great Awokening and the Second American Revolution, by Eric Kaufmann, Quillette, June 22, 2020]. We’ve seen the closing of the London Conference on Intelligence in 2018 and the firing of researcher Noah Carl by Cambridge University partly for attending the London Conference... Read More