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The BBC, the Bloomsbury Group, the Comintern and the NKVD in the 1930s
After its first five years in operation, the British Broadcasting Company became the wholly state-controlled British Broadcasting Corporation in 1927. John Reith, the first chief executive, wrote in 1924 of his “high conception of the inherent possibilities of the service” and later asserted that “‘the brute force of monopoly’ was a necessity in British broadcasting.”[1]... Read More
You know, you hear something like this, and you laugh. But look at what they’re saying. Antony Blinken, from the US Department of State website: Is that wrong? Here, look. More Blinken: On his first day in office – and you heard the letter from the President, but on his very first day in office... Read More
Treason, Drugs, Homosexuality, Blackmail, and Murder in the 2008 McCain-Obama Presidential Race
I launched my American Pravda series just over a decade ago and during the last five years it has grown enormously, now including many dozens of individual articles and encompassing more than a half-million words of text. I'd still stand behind at least 99% of its contents, and the series probably constitutes one of the... Read More
The last time I saw the word “love” it was in the phrase “Love is love”, which, being meaningless, gave me no idea what it was supposed to be promoting. I thought it must be homosexuality because I’d heard Stephen Fry say the words, which was depressing enough. How could an intelligent man do something... Read More
The American term “intersection”, what the British call a “crossroads”, is both a practical solution and a hazard. Aided by traffic lights and signage, it allows the flow of traffic travelling in different, non-parallel directions, but the fact that these differing streams have to traverse common space is what gives it a greater element of... Read More
This case was done on the stupid internet version of the cake baking controversy. I wish the case was about a cake, instead of website design. Faggots have been destroying Christians’ lives out of pure malice and hatred with this forced cake-baking demand, and I think the Supreme Court should have done a cake case.... Read More
And how to cure it. This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. For more than 30 years, I have been writing about the crazy things white people think and say and do about race. Human beings do many crazy things, but the craziest stuff burns out. There just weren’t that many Jim Jones... Read More
The rationale for America’s participation in the proxy war in Ukraine rarely articulates itself with the language of national interests or security concerns. Instead it’s sold as a war over “our values” and the maintenance of a “rules-based liberal international order”. In the words of Joe Biden, “We are engaged anew in a great battle... Read More
The treatment received by judge Stuart Kyle Duncan at Stanford Law School has received enormous attention but this attention is entirely about the state of free expression at an elite law school. Almost nothing, however, about why his speech was disrupted. Let me suggest that the reasons behind student vehemence are just as significant as... Read More
The dominance of leftists and self-identified homosexuals in American institutions is set to accelerate even further, according to new data released by the Center for Partisanship and Ideology (CSPI). At Ivy League universities, surveys now show the current number of students who identify as LGBT is 27%, outnumbering a total of 10–15% of undergraduates at... Read More
For decades, homosexuality has been known to be associated with psychological disorder. In the past, the interpretation was that social ostracism caused stress, and that in turn led to psychological distress. If that was true, the massive changes in the acceptability of homosexuality should have reduced the pressures of social rejection, and led to an... Read More
As if determined to lend credence those who claim he is suffering from dementia, President Biden logged on to his Twitter account and opined: Biden is giving expression to what could be called the a priori school of foreign policy, according to which he can deduce a statement about reality from abstract principles. So, there... Read More
I’m interested in parlance, I’m interested in poofs, pansies and pillow-biters. How could I not be interested in Polari? According to Paul Baker’s book Fabulosa (2019), Polari was “Britain’s Secret Gay Language” and used by thousands of “camp gay men” until the late 1960s. Baker describes its history, heyday, decline and revival. But the book... Read More
You have to give the Left credit. They never take a day off. The eye of Sauron never blinks. They are frenzied and relentless in their attempts to overthrow our civilization. They softened us up for a long time, rotting away our character and identity by promoting vice, cynicism, and nihilism—all while playing the victim.... Read More
My name’s Bond…Fred Bond. I’m a freelance news weasel in Washington DC, the heart of a darkness that would have made Conrad slit his wrists. Before, I worked as the gas-warfare editor for Soldier of Fortune magazine, but the demand for down-market extinction porn dried up and DC looked to be the best available gig.... Read More
Conservative celebrity Judge Andrew Napolitano has left Fox News after a new lawsuit alleges he sexually harassed a male producer at the news channel. in a lawsuit filed by John Fawcett, it is alleged that high up officials at Fox knowingly allowed the 71-year-old Napolitano to make sexual advances at men while on the job.... Read More
Back in May, the Scientific American published an article on “The Forgotten History of the World’s First Trans Clinic.” Having written an essay on Jewish ‘sexology’ in 2015, it came as no surprise that the Scientific American opened the piece by celebrating the fact this clinic, Institut füer Sexualwissenschaft (the Institute for Sexual Research), “was... Read More
The failure to prosecute George Floyd rioters and looters has created for blacks a form of “squatter’s rights” to loot stores. San Francisco has an even more insane government than Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago and New York. In San Francisco children of the criminal class become District Attorney. San Francisco’s District Attorney is Chesa Boudin,... Read More
Leading "LGBT" intellectuals are responding to public demands that they stop performing public sex acts in front of small children at "Pride" parades by doubling down. Joseph J. Fischel, a Jewish queer theorist at Yale, recently published a piece in Boston Review arguing that performing perverted homosexual acts in front of children is important because... Read More
When Donald Trump suggested renaming Fort Bragg after Al Sharpton, it was a punchline. Contrary to the former Presidents wishes, ten Army posts named after Confederate generals are to be renamed. Trump's joke could well be prophetic. To guess what kind of names the powers that be might go for, we can look to the... Read More
“Christian Nationalism” has emerged as the latest bogeyperson, not only for the leftist Corporate Media but also for secular and even cuckChristian elites, since the “Jericho March” in December [Trump-Supporting ‘Jericho March’ Ends In Protest, Burning Of BLM Banners, by Jillian Cheney, Religion Unplugged, December 14, 2020] and the January 6 Mostly Peaceful Protest at... Read More
A cyber army of nationalists have successfully shut down a network of feminists and American-style leftists on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter. More than a dozen prominent accounts belonging to purple haired women preaching homosexuality, hatred against men, and attacks on the traditional family were banned from the site for violating Weibo's policy on... Read More
Jeremiah Harris, the star of the Netflix docuseries "Cheer," has been hit with new indictments stemming from his sexual abuse of over a dozen boys, some as young as 13. Harris, a male cheerleader who is an open and proud homosexual, is a media darling that in early 2020 was dubbed the "gay black icon... Read More
“What’s going to happen now?” I was asked earlier today. “Nothing and everything,” I replied. Immigration, largely unchallenged and unscathed (excepting the incidental impact of COVID-19 on population movement) from four years of Trumpism, will now continue to accelerate unabated. Zionism will continue to enjoy the expansion of American institutional and military support, this time... Read More
The Vatican has provoked intense debate and outrage with the release of the McCarrick Report, a 400+ page summary of the Church's investigation into the sex crime spree of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. From 1993 to 2016, Cardinal McCarrick was repeatedly accused by laity, seminarians and priests from around the world of being a homosexual... Read More
From the website of the Jesuit publication, America, we read: This is not going to be a prolix column because not a great deal needs to be said. The fewer words the better was George Orwell’s writing philosophy and we concu
Senate Bill 145, a law that exempts mandatory sex offender registration for adult men who sodomize boys as young as 14, has passed the California State Senate and is now on Gavin Newsom's desk. The bill was authored by San Francisco Senator Scott Wiener, a member of both the LGBT and Jewish Caucus. Six out... Read More
In 2017, explosive allegations first emerged that the authorities of the Chechen Republic were reportedly interning gay men in concentration camps. After a three year period of dormancy, the accusations have resurfaced in a new feature length documentary by HBO Films entitled Welcome to Chechnya. Shot between mid-2017 and early last year, the film has... Read More
Judge Neil Gorsuch dealt another blow to the credibility of the Republican Party today. Trump-sponsoredGorsuch joined George W. Bush appointee John Roberts and three activist judges in a 6-3 ruling declaring that homosexuals and transsexuals are entitled to special and exclusive work place protections under the 1964 Civil Rights act. Gorsuch, who claims to be... Read More
On the job training in the intelligence community
Here in the Land of Oz, otherwise known as Washington, one continues to run into people who should know better who insist that they have a friend in the White House who confirms that President Donald Trump is really a man of peace being obstructed as he seeks to withdraw the United States from senseless... Read More
See also: The Democratic Party Has Tipped, To Minorities, Women, Gays—Expect More Kavanaugh-Type Hysteria in the Future. Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg is the first openly homosexual man ever to run to be President of the United States. He’s even married to junior high school teacher Chasten Glezman (who, interestingly has taken Buttigieg’s surname [Pete Buttigieg’s... Read More
In the West, there is a new wave of political correctness at work: it is all about one’s sexual orientation; who has sex with whom, and how. Suddenly, the mass media in London, Paris and New York is greatly concerned about who has the right to change his or her sex, and who does not... Read More
Several years ago four of us who were high school and Georgia Tech classmates got together for a reunion to remember the fun times of our youth while we could still remember. A day or two before our reunion there had been one of those massive “gay pride” marches in New York or San Francisco.... Read More
After John Haldane’s tight-rope walk over a swamp of politically correct crocodiles at the University Notre Dame’s 2019 ethics and culture conference, John Waters’ talk seemed subdued by comparison. After getting used to the somber tone of his talk, the audience quickly fell under his spell. With his balding pate surrounded by a halo of... Read More
The United Church of Christ in Ames, Iowa, for reasons unknown flew a LGBTQ flag/banner of sexual perversion. A 30 year old Hispanic immigrant took it down and burned it. For this “crime” he was sentenced to 16 years in prison! In response to college kids or provocateurs burning the US flag during Vietnam War... Read More
Hallmark Channel's flip, then flop, on running an ad promoting homosexuality should be a wake up call to conservatives who have not evolved past the Reaganite-Republican "fusion" of Wall Street donors with Christian voters. The Hallmark Channel has blown up since it took its stock off of the market in 2016 and decided to "lean... Read More
American Conservative's Rod Dreher is frustrated at Chick-Fil-A telling Christians to suk-their-cok. His "Benedict Option" is why they can get away with it. They are bending over to the elite consensus: unrestricted capitalist greed centered around the Big Brown Eye instead of the Golden Calf. The Christian charities Chick-Fil-A has historically funded, specializing in helping... Read More
Raising the rainbow at the NSA (above) and GCHQ (below)
The mark of a true prophet isn’t perfect accuracy, but powerful ideas. It’s impossible to foresee the future in every detail, but a true prophet should give us the ideas that explain what he doesn’t foresee. For example, in one way George Orwell got the future completely wrong in Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). In his totalitarian... Read More
Some readers, both male and female, wondered why I came to the defense of feminist Laura Tanner ( ). Why not, I was asked, let a MeTwo babe experience the name-calling and stress that feminists dish out to men and “women apologists for men”? Justice is part of the answer. Another part of the answer... Read More
First things first: let get the obvious out of the way Homosexuality is a phenomenon which has probably always existed and which has often polarized society into two camps: those who believe that there is something inherently bad/wrong/pathological/abnormal with homosexuality (probably most/all major religions) and those who emphatically disagree. This is normal. After all, the... Read More
"My religion defines who I am. And I've been a practicing Catholic my whole life," said Vice President Joe Biden in 2012. "I accept my church's position on abortion as ... doctrine. Life begins at conception. ... I just refuse to impose that on others." For four decades, Biden backed the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits... Read More
On Friday, the entire Jewish media sphere was shaken by the fact that the DC Dyke march decided to ban the Jewish Pride Flag. Apparently the march’s organizers decided to ban “nationalist symbols,” including flags that represent what Jewish event organizer, Yael Horowitz, called “nations that have specific oppressive tendencies.” March organizer Rae Gaines, another... Read More
Lesbianism, or at least being “queer,” is currently fashionable among celebrityfemales. Madonna, Britney Spears and Ariana Grande all use “hints” of—non-exclusive—lesbianism to “titillate” their fans.(Madonna and Britney are pictured above at the 2003 MTV Music Awards. ) The wannabe-edgy Miley Cyrus, who is married to a man, has referred to herself as “queer” because she’s... Read More
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was “wearing a cream headscarf” a.k.a. a hijab when she greeted Prince William this week. ['You showed how to respond to hate - with love': Prince William gives stirring speech at Christchurch mosque where 42 were killed - as he tells survivors 'we must unite' to fight terrorism, by... Read More
Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, available exclusively on Three weeks ago I passed some noncommittal remarks about Democratic Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. That was by way of arguing that from the point of view of the Democratic Party, an ideal candidate would be a non-crazy, unthreatening... Read More
"(T)here is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so," said Hamlet, who thereby raised some crucial questions: Is moral truth subjective? Does it change with changing times and changing attitudes? Or is there a higher law, a permanent law, God's law, immutable and eternal, to which man's law should conform? Are, for... Read More
Conchita Wurst, winner of Eurovision Song Contest 2014. Photo: Albin Olsson (CC-BY-SA-3.0)
The outgoing winner of the May 2014 Eurovision song contest, a bearded Austrian transvestite, as symbol of the West’s...
“The merry month of May, so frolic, so gay, and so green,” a verse written hundreds of years ago, might have been penned to describe Europe last month, Ireland and Austria in particular. Vienna’s Green Party had gotten the green light from its “red” Social Democratic coalition partner to install gay-themed traffic signals in time... Read More
The Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 2015 is constitutionally infirm and legally troublesome. The circuitous constitutional route that brought about this statute began in 1990 when the Supreme Court ruled that the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment may not be used as a defense to violating the general laws of the land.... Read More
A Biopsy of Sorts
In my role as chief social oncologist of the Republic (remember it?) I offer the following diagnostic snippets. Although the patient is dying, the disease remains of interest. Let us begin with the Secretary of State. A headline: Kerry: 'I'm Working Hard to ... Have Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Ambassadors' From a curmudgeonly point of... Read More
Pope Francis' call for a truce notwithstanding, the culture war rages on in America. Last week, a Utah judge struck down part of the state's anti-polygamy law, clearing the way for men to marry multiple spouses. Methodist pastor Frank Schaefer, defrocked for officiating at the same-sex marriage of his son, refused to recant, and joined... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?