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Derek Chauvin was convicted as part of a social movement. Everything he did was exactly what he was supposed to do, and it is proof that America is a tyranny that the government switched it up and said “actually, the suspect is black, you’re supposed to let them flee.” It was also impossible, given the... Read More
Is the worst of the madness over?
Thumbnail credit: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Daniel Penny is a free man. This is a huge step forward after the insanity that swept the country after George Floyd died in 2020, and some people are claiming this is the end of an era. If... Read More
Oh, man. The “Voodoo Massacre.” That’s what I call Chicago. The Guardian: Don’t the voodoo people also believe they are capable of sending such a spell? Is there any evidence that they can’t do this? [image][F]
Eluned Morgan, Top Mommy Dearest As “woke” recedes in America a bit, small and irrelevant countries are attempting to take up the mantle in order to gain some notoriety. No one ever even heard of “Wales.” I mean, people have heard of whales the animals. Most people saw Free Willy, a fantastic achievement in cinema.... Read More
It’s a huge money machine.
This video is available on Rumble, Bitchute, and Odysee. Meet Sharif El-Mekki, an unabashed black radical — shown here with none other than Angela Davis — who carries on the tradition of tickling money out of the wallets of rich white liberals. His motives are clear enough: Line his pockets while he promotes what he... Read More
Eric Kaufmann, The Third Awokening: A 12-Point Plan for Rolling Back Progressive Extremism, Bombadier Books, 2024, 418 pp. Eric Kaufmann, author of Whiteshift and professor of politics at the University of Buckingham, has written a new book on “wokeness.” He argues that it did not come from Marxist radicalism but from mainstream liberal thinking. Therefore,... Read More
While promoting the idea that the child-killing Jews are the ultimate victims of the entire world, Jews have also promoted the idea that blacks are also victims, and legalized black crime. The Jewish New York Post is now referring to the blacks as “maniacs.” Somehow, even while virtually all violent crime in America is committed... Read More
When asked about stranded astronauts at a recent company meeting, Ted Colbert, the head of Boeing’s space and security unit said “I ain’t even know what you be talkin’ ’bout, muthafukkah, bitch ass.” He then began grabbing his crotch and moving around erratically, saying “muh dick, muthafuggah.” He then pulled out a semi-automatic handgun and... Read More
A Review Essay on Stephen Baskerville’s Who Lost America?
Since the early months of 2020, what Stephen Baskerville fittingly describes as “a junta of amateurish, semi-adolescent ideologues” has been able to seize control of America while millions opposed to them were “forced to sit by, virtually helpless.” In rapid succession we witnessed a manufactured epidemic accompanied by demands for compliance with absurd response measures,... Read More
It’s high praise indeed when a documentary calls the least possible attention to itself and still conveys the maximum emotional impact to its viewers. Of course, it helps when the subject matter is both riveting and timely. We have both and then some in Liz Collin and J. C. Chaix’s documentary The Fall of Minneapolis... Read More
Nearly two weeks ago after surviving an attempt on his life, it appeared as if Donald Trump had sewn up November’s election. Then, on Sunday night, Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed the cackling biracial knob-gobbler Kamala Harris as his replacement. On Monday, Illinois State Police released bodycam footage of a white... Read More
It wasn’t murder, it was S.I.D. — Self-Inflicted Death. That’s what ended the life of the Black criminal George Floyd, not the knee of the police officer Derek Chauvin. But the left shrieked that Floyd’s death was a gen-u-cide — Latin genu, “knee” — that symbolized a genocide. America’s most precious asset, the Black Community,... Read More
This is, uh… It’s a part of their culture. And they do it because of racism. New York Post: Honestly, I think the whole black lives thing has sort of died down now, and people are kinda like “yeah, they probably shouldn’t be shooting babies, actually. I don’t really see how this relates to George... Read More
Propaganda, guilt, and belief can change perception in ways we can barely fathom. Some people actually feel more pain if they think a white person is giving them an electric shock rather than a black person. American Renaissance has published a lot of research over the years proving that white people avoid integration, but most... Read More
This is the picture summarizing this weekend’s protests: It might seem a difficult image to parse. It’s not, actually. It’s very straightforward. But it’s psychologically difficult. That is a fat white male cop kneeling on a black man and a white woman (presumably lovers – the negro appears to have been trying to protect her... Read More
There are “anti-wokers” all over Twitter laughing about this and supporting the cops. The Jews are so insidious, that they are able to get the goyim to celebrate literally everything they do. And the goyim are truly incredible. Imagine having watched the cops do nothing during the George Floyd riots, and then now watching the... Read More
This is the introduction by James Kirkpatrick to the book Esoteric Trumpism, by Constantin von Hoffmeister [Tweet him] available from Arktos Press, reprinted by permission. More than degeneracy, more than decline, the current epoch looked fated to be an Age of Exhaustion. The great danger is not that intellectuals and politicians have given in to... Read More
By the Numbers
Corporate media describe the Jan. 6, 2021, ("J6") assault on the U.S. Capitol – sparked by claims of fraud in 2020's presidential election – as an insurrection. But was it? Yet they never describe 2020 riots – sparked mainly by the Minneapolis police's killing of George Floyd – as insurrections. Then again, they should. Though... Read More
Foolish whites understand nothing.
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Amiri Baraka was an important black American poet. In 1967, he wrote “Black People!” “You can’t steal nothin’ from a white man. He’s already stole it. He owes you anything you want, even his life. All the stores will open if you will say the magic... Read More
Coleman Hughes is a black writer who argues persuasively that the media have deliberately made race relations worse, and his The End of Race Politics is a best-seller. It is certainly true that many Americans think things have gotten worse. As Mr. Hughes writes: By 2021, about half as many Americans thought race relations were... Read More
The complete and total collapse of Justice in America
Derek Chauvin was convicted on the basis of false evidence. His conviction rested on a video taken at an angle that produced a misleading view. As I reported at the time, up close police videos showed Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s shoulder, an approved restraint illustrated in the approved police practices handbook. This information was... Read More
In 2021, I covered the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted of murdering George Floyd, for American Renaissance. Now, a documentary about the trial and the effects of Floyd’s death on policing in Minneapolis has been released. The Fall of Minneapolis was produced by investigative reporter Liz Collin, who based the... Read More
Earlier by Carl Horowitz: Law Schools And The American Bar Association: A Communist Partnership For Dismantling America Black Harvard President Claudine Gay was reportedly the Republicans’ top target in Tuesday’s House hearing on campus antisemitism [5 takeaways from college antisemitism hearing, by Bianca Quilantan, Politico, December 5, 2023]. This criticism must have been a rude... Read More
[Adapted from Jason Kessler’s forthcoming book, Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech] Nineteen years ago, the late Sam Francis published a column presciently titled The War On Christmas Is A War On The West Since then, the link between the ongoing suppression of Christmas symbols in the Public Square and the more recent suppression... Read More
[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on] Earlier, May 30, 2020: Even Right Abandoning Accused Minneapolis Cop—But They Shouldn't and March 31, 2021: Ann Coulter: Derek Chauvin, Human Sacrifice Last week, I mentioned in passing the U.S. Supreme Court's rejection of an appeal by Derek Chauvin, the cop who was restraining... Read More
This is a film that was produced and released by Disney while knowing that it would be a flop. Disney is a publicly traded company, with fiduciary duties to shareholders. It is illegal for them to purposefully lose money in this way, and I don’t understand how the SEC is not suing them. They sued Elon Musk for smoking a joint!
Previously: Disney’s Latest Niggerfest May be One of the Worst Flops in Cinema History Legal scholar and conservative commentator Jonathan Turley has a piece up at The Hill about Disney’s latest SEC filing, wherein they admit that they are letting down shareholders by purposefully refusing to produce media that their consumer base enjoys, and instead... Read More
Who, who, who-who – who let the brutes out?! Who let the brutes out?!* New York Post: Footnotes: *This is not rhetorical – the Jews did it. Some people apparently don’t know that, which is why they are currently calling Elon a “conspiracy theorist” for agreeing and confirming the incontrovertible fact that Jews pushed mass... Read More
Adapted from remarks given at the 20th American Renaissance conference, August 12, 2023. This is actually my third time to speak before an American Renaissance gathering. And every time Jared calls me and asks me to speak, I think to myself, “Damn. A lot of people must have turned him down this year.” But I... Read More
Woke anti-Zionists hate Israel/Jews due to their Whiteness
@Aristos_Revenge Twitter Many pro-Israel Jewish liberals are now finding themselves at odds with their previous allies on the left, due to tension over the Israeli Palestinian conflict. In an article in Tablet Mag, Hamas Killed My Wokeness, Alex Olshonsk said that “I was taught that we, as Jews, stand with the oppressed—because we were the... Read More
People don’t really seem to be aware of it, but George Floyd’s fat, stupid corpse is still hanging over all of society. Probably, everyone is aware that Disney has turned the Marvel Cinematic Universe full George Floyd. However, people without kids and people with kids who don’t take their kids to the movies anymore because... Read More
There is a narrative being pushed by the Ben Shapiro wing of the media that equates Hamas and Palestine with BLM and then associates it with immigrants and trannies. They use standard Jewish psychological manipulation tactics to claim that if you don’t support Israel, you’re on the team of these left groups. I’ve even heard... Read More
If you remember, 3 years and 5 months ago we were told repeatedly that Minneapolis white police officer Derick Chavin murdered black drug addict George Floyd by holding him on the ground with his knee on Floyd’s neck while Floyd cried “I can’t breathe.” The “evidence” was a video taken at a distance by a... Read More
Almost every news item has a message. When the story has a race angle, the message is often so simple it’s infantile. Leonard Allen Cure was freed from prison after his conviction was tossed out. He was pulled over, attacked the officer, and was shot. “I can only imagine what it’s like to know your... Read More
UPDATE: Cucked! That really goes to show, doesn’t it? These people can do every crime and kill dozens and not apologize, but one statement against the Jews, and it’s all over. This is the graphic in question, which is no longer visible below: Wait, no, sorry. It’s this: Original article follows. That is all that... Read More
An abysmal 6% of new corporate hires were White in the post-George Floyd era
Bloomberg News reported that during the year after the Black Lives Matter protests (2020 to 2021), just 6% of new hires at S&P 100 companies were White. In contrast, 94% of new corporate jobs went to people of color (Data derived from EEO-1 reports). During that time frame, corporations increased their workforce by 323,094, including... Read More
How Leftism Inverts the Truth about Inter-Racial Murder
BL? BS! That’s what I used to think. In other words, I used to think that the blood libel was bullshit. Then I read Ron Unz’s article “Oddities of the Jewish Religion” (2018). And it completely changed my mind. The blood libel is the accusation that wicked Jews kidnapped Christian children and ritually tortured them... Read More
See: Hot New Euphemism for Blacks: “Brutes” You think it’s safe to eat pizza in Chicago, retard? Maybe you haven’t heard about the problem with brutes. New York Post: I would have said the n-word. But that can turn an assault into a homicide. [image][F]
The United States is the most dangerous nation among industrialized states, and increasingly more dangerous than much of the developing world. As violent crime soars, our criminal justice system has revealed itself unable and unwilling to respond. This year it was announced that the national murder clearance rate, which tracks arrests of suspects but not... Read More
Tou Thao became a Minneapolis police officer because he wanted to serve his community. And now this brave, conscientious, and honorable man is facing almost five years in prison for doing just that. Why? Because he was on duty at the scene of George Floyd’s death, and he worked to calm and hold back a... Read More
The purpose of a conventional foreign service is to foster friendship, peace, and mutual understandings with other states. Emissaries typically try to bridge gaps and mend fences. The US State Department does not share this philosophy. Spreading the “New Bolshevism” of left-liberal globalism has long been official foreign policy of the US government, and as... Read More
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Sometimes, justice is a joke. Just this week, Enrique Tarrio of the Proud Boys was sentenced to 22 years in prison because of what happened at the Capitol on January 6th. Did he break in? Did he attack the police? Did he set fires? No. He... Read More
Monique Worrell, a black female Democrat Florida state attorney who avoids punishing black criminals for crimes, was removed from office by Governor Ron DeSantis. The despicable media whores accused DeSantis of “racism.” Judge for yourself. Here are some of the tragic murders that resulted from Worrell’s soft-on-black-crime approach to law enforcement: “Daton Viel was arrested... Read More
Whites who protest stolen elections are imprisoned. Blacks who loot and burn down business centers in American cities are rewarded with millions of dollars and promises not to prosecute. The denial of 14th Amendment protection to white people brings no complaint from the White House, the Justice (sic) Department, Congress, the judiciary, bar associations, law... Read More
Before the January 6 Capitol “Insurrection” Hoax, and the last week’s atrocious sentencing of Proud Boy leaders on the absurd charge of “seditious conspiracy,” there was Charlottesville—the court-approved August 12 2017 Unite The Right patriot protest against the Great Replacement of the historic Robert E. Lee statue that was similarly mugged by Democrat authorities, with... Read More
Earlier this month the Southern Cultural Center (SCC) invited me to speak at its second annual conference. This is a group of Christian Southerners fighting to preserve the Southern people. It’s motto is “Our Culture, Our Heritage, Our Land, Our People,” and the SCC means it. The group’s headquarters in Wetumpka, Alabama — just 16... Read More
In August of 2020, amidst the Covid Pandemic, I started attending Gordon College—a private non-denominational Christian college in Massachusetts. For a long time, Gordon had heroically defied the Culture Wars. But what I found was that it was now effectively capitulating. The problem: the student body. The school made national headlines in 2014, when it... Read More
As I recently explained, American universities are far more committed to creating an incompetent society consisting of a Tower of Babel than they are to creating well educated citizens that the society needs. For decades American universities have discriminated against white applicants of merit in favor of less capable “preferred minorities. This is called “white... Read More
One of the principles of American race relations is that black people cannot be racist. Racism is prejudice plus power, and blacks, by definition, have no power. However, blacks can be white supremacists. They are in the Proud Boys, some support Donald Trump, and most of all, they are in police departments. One of these... Read More
America’s Cultural Revolution is essential reading. No other book so quickly and comprehensively explains the specific figures and ideologies responsible for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) monster that has consumed American education, law, and culture. Christopher Rufo is probably the most important activist today, building a movement to confront DEI standards directly, pushing conservatives... Read More
[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on] Here's the intro paragraph from Herb Scribner’s July 20, 2023 Washington Post story The outrage over Jason Aldean’s ‘Try That in a Small Town,’ explained The Post then gives us sample lyrics. I'll give you a few more than they give you. The song... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?