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[Editor’s Note: this is adapted from The Latin America Red Pill.] Eyes opened slowly After traveling and living abroad for many years, I began to realize that I was fortunate to have grown up in a relatively high-trust society, New Zealand, which rested on classical-liberal British traditions. In Guatemala, I attended a conference on how... Read More
We brought all of these strangers into our country so they could fight each other in parking lots. Finally, I understand the logic behind multiculturalism: there were not enough fights in mall parking lots. KTLA: A parking dispute at the popular Citadel Outlets in Commerce turned into a violent, all-out brawl and robbery Wednesday that... Read More
Derek Chauvin was convicted as part of a social movement. Everything he did was exactly what he was supposed to do, and it is proof that America is a tyranny that the government switched it up and said “actually, the suspect is black, you’re supposed to let them flee.” It was also impossible, given the... Read More
The worst lie your parents told you was that Hitler was dead. He’s alive and well. He’s the beast under your bed… in your closet, in your head! Scott Jennings is one of the biggest ever shills for the Jews. Well, probably not one of the biggest ever, that would be a long list and... Read More
Is the worst of the madness over?
Thumbnail credit: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Daniel Penny is a free man. This is a huge step forward after the insanity that swept the country after George Floyd died in 2020, and some people are claiming this is the end of an era. If... Read More
Oh, man. The “Voodoo Massacre.” That’s what I call Chicago. The Guardian: Don’t the voodoo people also believe they are capable of sending such a spell? Is there any evidence that they can’t do this? [image][F]
Jay-Z doesn’t look like a rapist. He looks like someone who would corner you in the jungle and demand you teach him the secret of making fire and singing about how he wants to learn how to be a human. I’m sure Jay-Z wouldn’t break any consent laws. He just I can easily peg him... Read More
Cambridge University pushes back the frontiers of knowledge.
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Last month, the internet produced an unlikely star. She is Ally Louks, shown here giggling after she turned in her PhD thesis in English literature at Cambridge. That was June. Five months later, after she defended her thesis, she posted another photo, announcing that she was... Read More
Let’s just be honest: black men have become a problem. They are a sexist menace. They are destroying our democracy. It’s time the Democrat Party faced the reality: it’s time for the lynchings to begin. The College Fix: 36 percent of black males compared to 20 percent of all respondents not keen on female president... Read More
At any point in the game of life, it is totality of results (and risks) that counts. After all, you likely wouldn’t prefer buying a book on an online store with a price of $20 and $15 shipping if you could find the same one (both title- and condition of wear-wise) on another internet store... Read More
Related: Australia Bans Candace Owens from Entering the Country If you’re black, you’re allowed to loot, riot, and commit murder. You’re not allowed to criticize the Jews though. As soon as you say something against Jews, all your privileges disappear. AP: Wait, you’re not allowed to deny the goofy “Nazi mad scientist” bullshit now? I... Read More
Black celebration turned to black tragedy yet again last Sunday morning at the tail end of the 100th Homecoming Week festivities at Alabama’s historically black Tuskegee University. Is there a historically black college richer in black history than Tuskegee? Founded by famed black educator Booker T. Washington in 1881 as Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute,... Read More
President Donald Trump is back. Barring catastrophe, the 45th president of the United States will be the 47th, and this time, he has a mandate. Many progressives were confident Kamala Harris would cruise to victory and end the MAGA movement once and for all. After their defeat, they know whom to blame — white people.... Read More
The Trump victory has been such a seismic event that people are still trying to understand and explain it. Something that baffled both Republicans and Democrats was President Trump’s waning white support and increased non-white support. This has led to questions — even by our uncompromising staff writer Gregory Hood — about one of the... Read More
Given that I strongly disliked the policies of both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, I didn't pay much attention to the twists and turns of our recent presidential election, and although I voted, I wrote in someone else's name. I can't quite remember whom I honored with that protest vote, though it may have been... Read More
Wait, so it’s a federal crime to send text messages to black people? What does that even mean? AP: Rosenworcel, huh? I wonder if she’s… Just kidding. I didn’t wonder. Good plastic surgery though. By the way: Wikipedia seems to be culling Jews’ “early life” sections and forcing you to scroll down to the bottom... Read More
The bowtie gave it away. The Jews then just had to go searching for screenshots. The Jews claim they support black people, but every time a legitimately strong, masculine black man who cares about his people gets any kind of power, they destroy him and replace him with a woman or a house nigger who... Read More
Jews made an executive decision when they decided to make everything in Western society about Hitler and the Holocaust. It paid off quite a bit in the medium term, with Jews being able to assert they are totally above any and all criticism because of the events of the 1930s and 40s. Now, however, as... Read More
Even the New York Times thinks it’s nuts.
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Pigs have wings. The New York Times has criticized a university DEI program. This month, we got a great, long article called “The University of Michigan Doubled Down on D.E.I. What Went Wrong?” The subhead is “A decade and a quarter of a billion dollars later,... Read More
ARTER GODWIN WOODSON’S THE MIS-EDUCATION OF THE NEGRO I am fascinated by chance finds in second-hand bookshops. Favorite books that have shaped my life have often been objets trouvés, washed up by the tide, the same way Nietzsche found Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Idea in a second-hand bookshop in Leipzig in 1865, when... Read More
Back in July my friend Roger Devlin posted an extended and largely favorable review of Stephen Baskerville’s Who Lost America?[1] I recently read this book and had quite a different reaction. To be very generous, Baskerville’s book is a glass half full. To his credit the author is a harsh critic of establishment conservatism, although... Read More
I’m the creator of the universe. And so are you. There’s a huge and immensely complex universe, crammed with color, sound, taste, scent and sensation, that exists only because of me. It’s the universe of my personal experience, brought into being by my brain, even (or especially) when that brain is asleep. Pseudo-mystical leftist nonsense... Read More
Every election, we hear the same thing: This year, blacks will leave the Democratic planation and vote Republican. Naturally conservative Hispanics will join the GOP. Asian-Americans will revolt against affirmative action and back Republicans. There is another variation popular on the Dissident Right: The GOP will finally consolidate the white vote and build a nationalist... Read More
It’s a huge money machine.
This video is available on Rumble, Bitchute, and Odysee. Meet Sharif El-Mekki, an unabashed black radical — shown here with none other than Angela Davis — who carries on the tradition of tickling money out of the wallets of rich white liberals. His motives are clear enough: Line his pockets while he promotes what he... Read More
It’s been obvious from the beginning of Boeing’s troubles: they simply have not done enough DEI (which is the new term for Affirmative Action). They need more blacks and women. They need to run out the remaining white men, and then they’ll be on a path to glory. As is testified to in every movie,... Read More
Here’s the shocking headline: “MAN RAPED AND KILLED UNCONSCIOUS WOMAN.” Here’s the feminist response: . No, that isn’t a typo. There has been no feminist response. Bestial male violence has been greeted with stubborn feminist silence. There have been no hard-hitting polemics in the Guardian or at the BBC, raging righteously against the horrors of... Read More
Nathan Cofnas, the Cambridge philosopher of biology who was fired from his job last April for thoughtcrime, has posted trenchant criticisms of Thomas Sowell’s views on race differences. Given the influence Dr. Sowell has had, and continues to have, these posts deserve wide attention. Dr. Cofnas published one on his blog and the other on... Read More
All types of people would do all sorts of things in all different kinds of situations. Yesterday, I would have claimed there was no creature more vile than “Ta-Nehisi Coates,” a race-hustler who has forced white people to buy the worst comic books ever. Today, however, he seems much less offensive to me. New York... Read More
Say what you want about the damn nuisance blacks, they get theirs. This whole system is against everyone who lives in it (except Jews and women). White men just go along with the system and play by the rules, acting like Jon Voight in Deliverance, “the system’s done alright by me” as they scrounge around... Read More
Robot Vacuum AKA Niggerdeath 9000 I’m literally the only person who predicted a racist Roomba uprising. Note that if you buy an electronic device from Taiwan, you risk it exploding and blowing off your dick or blinding you. If you buy high quality products from China, the only risk is that they will promote racism.... Read More
Chief Keef’s Finally Rich (2012)
I’ve never knowingly heard a moment of his music. And I’ll do my best to ensure that I never will. But the Chicago rapper Chief Keef (born 1995) has still supplied me with an excellent symbol of the noxious nature of Blackness. What is that symbol? The cover of his first album: It’s a good... Read More
You’re allowed to say someone “doesn’t deserve to live.” That isn’t a threat. It’s just an opinion. It’s a sort of obvious fact, also. Jews are responsible for the mass-murder of tens or hundreds of thousands of innocent people inside of a year’s time. This is without mentioning what Jews have done in the West,... Read More
Here at the Daily Stormer, we continue to strive towards interracial understanding by helping white people understand the culture of blacks through rap music. Due to a perceived lack of understanding among whites, who are very racist, we believe that by understanding black culture, whites will stop being less racist. White people hate black people... Read More
The Jewish philosopher Nathan Cofnas is highly intelligent. The Black politician Dawn Butler is deeply stupid. But Butler has effortlessly demolished Cofnas’ thesis that wokism – the ideology of woke – is “simply what follows from taking the equality thesis of race and sex differences seriously, given a background of Christian morality.” In fact, wokism... Read More
It doesn’t matter what Biden supports or does not support. I don’t even understand the point of making these kinds of statements. Why not just give Bibi Netanyahu a nightly broadcast where he explains to Americans how it’s going to be? What is the point, at this stage in the game, of American politicians coming... Read More
Britain is “celebrating,” if that is the word, Black History Month. You may wonder how much of it there is, since there were so few blacks in England until recently, well into the Britain’s decline. Nonetheless, the governing Labour Party says their contributions have been “invaluable.” An MP explains: Would Winston Churchill think it was... Read More
Nelson Beckett, 90, was fatally during a Houston, TX carjacking. 21-year-old Kyliel Denzel Arceneaux was charged with capital murder. The carjacking occurred at an independent living community. Police responded to a call about an assault in progress involving a weapon. They found Beckett lying in the parking lot with gunshot wounds. Beckett was transported to... Read More
Given ways things are going, Ireland is over, no less than Great Britain is. The demographic trends are dire, made all the worse by the Irish ruling elites, intellectual class, and the educated middle class lending their moral support to what is effectively White Nakba and using threats and coercion to discourage any authentic nationalist... Read More
Missouri executed black murderer Marcellus Williams earlier this week. Black political leaders and their progressive allies were outraged. You may not have heard of Mr. Williams before this week, and neither had many others. However, all those outraged seem convinced he was innocent. In reality, Mr. Williams had confessed to a girlfriend and a fellow... Read More
The Daily Wire recently released its second documentary by political commentator Matt Walsh. In Mr. Walsh’s first film, What Is A Woman?, he interviewed several transgender ideologues, none of whom could define what a woman is. Their answers were so absurd they often caused unintentional humor. Mr. Walsh’s current film, Am I Racist? — now... Read More
Before 1973, when I arrived for my first year at the University of Chicago Law School, I had encountered black people only as isolated individuals in mostly-white environments. My high school in upstate New York had no black students, the university I attended in the South had barely begun to integrate, and the black airmen... Read More
If the blacks do a gang war with the Venezuelans, the blacks are going to lose badly. It will be very violent though, and destroy a lot of American infrastructure. America used to be a white country, so it is very interesting that whites have made the decision to turn their country into a battleground... Read More
Sixty-five years after slavery, the Jewish management of the New York Times deigned to elevate Blacks to a level of esteem it had long afforded to others. Up until March 7, 1930, the Times refused to capitalize the word Negro, but from that day forward, the paper pompously reported, it would be giving “tribute to... Read More
While promoting the idea that the child-killing Jews are the ultimate victims of the entire world, Jews have also promoted the idea that blacks are also victims, and legalized black crime. The Jewish New York Post is now referring to the blacks as “maniacs.” Somehow, even while virtually all violent crime in America is committed... Read More
When asked about stranded astronauts at a recent company meeting, Ted Colbert, the head of Boeing’s space and security unit said “I ain’t even know what you be talkin’ ’bout, muthafukkah, bitch ass.” He then began grabbing his crotch and moving around erratically, saying “muh dick, muthafuggah.” He then pulled out a semi-automatic handgun and... Read More
Why don’t rappers ever rap about doing the crab-walk to rape women? This seems like a really good theme for a rap song: “I crab-walked on da bitch, I jumped her bones, next time I might bring my homies, instead of goin’ alone.” A rapper could even name himself “MC Crab” and do crab-walks during... Read More
“Raw with newness.” That’s a phrase from the most famous book by the great English writer Rosemary Sutcliff (1920-92). She’s describing Hadrian’s Wall, the giant Roman fortification completed in about 130 A.D., nearly two thousand years ago. That’s what the book, The Eagle of the Ninth (1954), allows both children and adults to do: fly... Read More
In order to create cross-cultural understanding, we are trying to translate a wide range of rap music songs from ebonics to English, so that white people can better understand black culture. It is our view that whites do not have a solid grasp on black culture, and we believe that much can be understood by... Read More
What is Kamala doing? This is not how you win a fake election controlled by the Jews. No one actually believes she will do any of these things, but the Israelis do not even want her saying she’ll do these things. Reuters: To be clear, this is a lot more extreme than anything Joe Biden... Read More
The hardcore editor of the cuckold conservative outlet National Review, Rich Lowry, was on Megyn [sic] Kelly’s podcast this week and referred to goose-eating Haitian migrants as “niggers.” He quickly corrected himself, but everyone heard it. This happens when you talk differently in your personal life than you do on TV. You can slip up... Read More