i often see lots about him being a pointless character who could open doors at the time and ended up along for the ride - and don't get me wrong -
they needed to be opening some doors forsure.
but i see more to him than that. it's even in his (lack of a) name. so much mirroring in this show done in the traditional flip across the vertical axis, but to me, i see wrong hordak as kinda swapping across the horizontal. you take the concept of hordak, and flip it upside down. maybe it's even a funhouse mirror or some shit, cause idk, but i can kiiiinda see it.
dude's been exposed to sooo many things hordak never was, and soo sooo quickly, too.
-cut off from the hive mind --goofy ass etherians in bright fun fckin clothing treating him as one of them for no goddamn reason ---being fed undeniable proof from prime's own logs that he's been lied to ----wanting to bring him down -----realizing he's already w the people he needs to be with to try n do that
how quick, how simple the turn around is for wrong hordak reads to me as something of significance. there's so much in this show that challenges indoctrinated thought - which exists in many forms, but i can't help seeing wrong hordak as a juxtaposition to hordak by employing what seem like such simple, laughable differences in their experience of being separated from horde prime, in order to show how little it sometimes takes to really pull back the curtain for someone so they suddenly see what they couldn't before, vs how long it can take for someone to even get a glimpse of it when that curtain never moves, unless they find a way to move it on their own.
hordak can thank entrapta for that one. and tbh this is just one of a few posts i've been making cause i felt like i wanted to say some of it before i made the post i really wanna about hordak and entrapta, but esp hordak, tbh. dude's been doin the big bad thing, but in all honesty, he's been playing a part as much as anyone else you could accuse that of; knowing nothing else; a perpetuated cycle, if you will.
dude wanted to break it. "there was even a time you wished i would not come for you..." but ended up pulled right back in. luckily, prime was dumb enough to put the person he had to have known brought hordak to that feeling- right in front of him. resulting in nothing more than prime issuing hordak the last command he ever would.
cause he ain't your brother, bitch. he's more than that.
and you don't understand what makes them strong. but hordak finally did. and he won't let it go.