If hearing Trump say that Ukraine started the war with Russia infuriates you – donate to help Ukraine persevere.
If you're a USA citizen and you're upset and ashamed of your current government – take part in protests, educate those around you when you can, and donate to help Ukraine persevere.
If you know at least a little about history, and you see that the current processes in the world lead to WW3 – donate to help Ukraine persevere, save democracy, and show dictators around the world that they can't take everything they want by power.
Write to your representatives, engage in protests, share whatever you can, or encourage others to do so.
This war is so much more than you can imagine. It's the start of something that has the potential to affect everyone, no matter where you are or what you believe in. The world is a dangerous place, and it needs every one of us to do what we can to make it safer.
Don't just think good - do good, in whichever small way you can.