P3: 俞樾書《楓橋夜泊》詩碑
月落烏啼霜滿天,江楓漁火對愁眠。 姑蘇城外寒山寺,夜半鐘聲到客船。 ——(唐)張繼《楓橋夜泊》
P14: 唐寅《游楓橋有感》詩碑
金閶門外楓橋路,萬家月色迷煙霧。 譙閣更殘角韻悲,客船夜半鐘聲度。 樹色高低混有無,山光遠近成模糊。 霜華滿天人怯冷,江城欲曙聞啼烏。 ——(明)唐寅《姑蘇八詠·其六:寒山寺》
📍Hanshan Temple (Hán Shān Sì 寒山寺) & Maple Bridge (Fēng Qiáo 楓橋)
P3: Poem Stele of “Mooring by Maple Bridge at Night 楓橋夜泊” in Handwriting by Yú Yuè 俞樾
At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky; Dimly lit fishing boats’ neath maples sadly lie. Beyond the city wall, from Temple of Cold Hill; Bells break the ship-borne roamer’s dream and midnight still. –Zhāng Jì 張繼 “Mooring by Maple Bridge at Night 楓橋夜泊” (Tang Dynasty), translated by Xǔ Yuān-chōng 許淵衝
P14: Stele of Táng Yín 唐寅’s Poem “Thoughts on visiting Maple Bridge 游楓橋有感”
Outside the Jīn and Chāng gates (“Jīn and Chāng gates” here refers to “Suzhou”), on the Maple Bridge Road; the lights of myriad homes shimmer faintly with the moonlit mist. In the lingering sound of the watchtower's night watchman’s drum, the mournful bugles echoes in the ears; the ship-borne roamer hears the midnight tolling bells from Cold Mountain Temple. The outlines of trees are staggered high and low, indistinct; the mountain scenery in near and far distance, becomes blurred. Frost covers the sky, chilling people to the bone; as dawn approaches the River City (“River City” here refers to “Suzhou”), the distant cawing of crows can be heard. –Táng Yín 唐寅 “Eight Poetic Odes to Gusu - Part Six: Cold Mountain Temple 姑蘇八詠·其六:寒山寺” (Ming Dynasty), translated by Copilot, Gemini and YongZS永值生