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The Israeli army is just shooting anyone they think is Palestinian, much the same way that Israel is indiscriminately bombing all of Gaza, including the “safe zones” where they have directed noncombatant civilians to go right before they bomb them anyway. It’s war crimes, plain and simple.

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"It is glaring hypocrisy when you have Republicans on the other side of the aisle trying to create definitions and saying 'Rashida wants to annihilate people' when Max Miller himself went on TV and said 'we're turning Gaza into a parking lot and we want to annihilate Palestinians.' Nobody condemned him on that side of the aisle. What is true here is that every single one of them [Republicans] has not acknowledged the fact that Palestinians are dying in their tens of thousands but will continue to say it is us who are not acknowledging humanity. Rashida will stand strong and the Palestinian movement will continue for liberation until every single Palestinian has the right to live in liberty."

Somali-American representative, Ilhan Omar's responding to Palestinian-American representative, Rashida Tlaib's censuring in congress. November 9, 2023.

Venmo @ bcabolitioncollective

[Edit: don't donate anymore, they have enough, as per


Incidentally, they also suspended Ilhan Omar's daughter.

Edited on the morning of April 19th to no longer be rebloggable because of the venmo change above

Minneapolis: Vote for Ilhan Omar today!

For those who live in Minnesota's 5th district, including much of Minneapolis, get out and vote for Ilhan Omar today! You can check if you are within this district using this tool or this map. If you are in the district, you can find your voting location here.

Ilhan Omar, one of the most progressive members of congress, is facing a Democratic primary challenger today. While Omar is a popular congresswoman within her district, the Israel lobby's recent successes have led some pro-Israeli donors to put additional last-minute efforts into defeating her. We need to make sure that one of congress' most steadfast defenders of human rights withstands this assault.

Polls close at 8pm local time. Voters in Minneapolis can find their voting location here.

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"Here I am trying to fix my pants, and the jacket gose off!" These were the words of the late Samir Ghanem in the play "The Married Couples".

As a start : What happened, happened!

In our view, this is exactly what happened to us. We tried to put vetting in order when we created GazaVetters for important reasons, primarily to preserve the dignity and worth of the people of Gaza. How so? The success of GazaVetters is the answer. When we first started, we realized there was a marginalized group trying to vette their campaigns but struggling with the slowing pace of vetting. One reason was the work pressure and the overwhelming number of vetting requests, which exceeded the ability of one or two people to handle, leading some to resort to pleading with coordinators to vette their campaigns. This situation drove us to create a solution that preserves the dignity of our people. We, as members of this community, share the same need for recognition, vetting, and promotion. We wouldn’t accept humiliation for ourselves, nor would we accept it for others.

Instead of staying stuck in the initial stages of promotion, we sought to solve the problem and provided a dignified vetting experience. We were proactive, working with professionalism and high respect. (You can ask anyone about their experience with GazaVetters by contacting Abu Ahmed through calls or scheduling vetting interviews). Through this step, we eased the burden on the coordinators and, most importantly, preserved the dignity and self-respect of new campaign creators by supporting all those who wished to vette their campaigns.

[In this regard, and after an exhausting journey, we deeply appreciate the efforts of the original vetting teams, and we wish to thank them for standing with us through this crisis. We extend our gratitude and appreciation to them.]

And then this Happened

However, we encountered a new problem. Some platforms started using our list of campaigns unfairly, which contradicts the principles upon which our platform was founded.

We’ve all witnessed the story of the aid truck that ends up with a select few while other, equally deserving people receive nothing. All the campaigns we vetted are 100% legitimate, but seeing certain campaigns, even if legitimate, receiving large-scale attention while others that are equally in need are marginalized, this is simply not fair. This imbalance contributed to the exclusion and despair of campaigns that most need help.

Regarding Campaign vetting

To our friends and followers, rest assured that we will return very soon after evaluating the current situation.

In Conclusion

We will come back stronger, with a new mission.

The most important point right now is that we need your minds to think with us about solutions to organize this matter. We would be very interested in your ideas and suggestions, and if there are any points you would like to discuss with us, we would warmly welcome them.

Now, our brother ,"Abu Ahmed" initially kept his identity private by his own choice. However, in the spirit of constructive criticism, the challenge that arose was the lack of clarity about who was behind the blog, the "unknown soldier." Therefore, today, out of respect for everyone, we will present the blog of the person who fully vetted and archived this list (Abu Ahmed) @hs2024.


"جيت ألمّ البنطلون، الجاكيتة ضربت!" كانت هذه كلمات الراحل سمير غانم في مسرحية "المتزوجون".

في البداية: ما حدث قد حدث!

في اعتقادنا، هذا ما حدث معنا بالضبط؛ فلقد حاولنا ضبط أمور التوثيق عندما أنشأنا GazaVetters لأسباب مهمة، أهمها الحفاظ على كرامة وقيمة الإنسان الغزي. كيف ذلك؟ نجاح GazaVetters هو الإجابة. عندما بدأنا، أدركنا أن هناك فئة مهمشة تحاول توثيق حملاتها ولكن تعاني من توقف وتيرة التوثيق. وأحد الأسباب هو ضغط العمل وكثرة طلبات التوثيق التي تتجاوز قدرة شخص أو اثنين أو ثلاثة على إدارتها، مما أدى بالبعض إلى الاستنجاد والتوسل للوصول إلى المشرفين لتوثيق حملاتهم. هذا الوضع دفعنا لإيجاد حل يحفظ كرامة أبناء شعبنا؛ فنحن منهم ولديهم نفس الحقوق بالتوثيق والنشر. لم نقبل الإهانة على أنفسنا، ولم نقبلها عليهم.

فبدل البقاء في مستنقع الترويج التقليدي، ساهمنا في حل المشكلة وقدّمنا تجربة توثيق باحترام. كنا إيجابيين وعملنا بمهنية واحترام عالٍ. (يمكنكم سؤال أي شخص عن تجربة التوثيق مع GazaVetters عبر أبو أحمد، من خلال الاتصال أو جدولة مواعيد المقابلات للتوثيق). بهذه الخطوة، أرحنا المشرفين وخففنا عنهم من أعباء التوثيق، والأهم من ذلك، حافظنا على كرامة وعفّة أصحاب الحملات الجديدة، محاولين خدمة كل من أراد توثيق حملته.

[وفي هذا الإطار، وبعد التجربة المرهقة، نحن أكثر من يقدّر مجهود الفرسان الأوائل من الموثقين، ونودّ أن نشكرهم باسمنا جميعاً لوقوفهم معنا في هذه الأزمة. لهم كل الشكر والتقدير منّا جميعاً.]

ولكن تفاجأنا بمعضلة جديدة، حيث قامت بعض المدونات باستخدام قوائمنا بشكل "غير عادل"، وهو ما يتنافى مع القواعد التي تأسست عليها مدونتنا.

جميعنا في قطاع غزة شهدنا قصة شاحنة المساعدات التي تصل إلى عدد محدود، بينما يُحرم آخرون محتاجون منها. كذلك، على الرغم من شرعية جميع الحملات التي وثقناها بنسبة مئة بالمئة، إلا أن بعض الحملات حصلت على زخم ودعم كبيرين، في حين تُهمل حملات أخرى نعلم مدى حاجتها. هذا الوضع ليس عادلاً، بل إنه ساهم في إقصاء بعض الحملات التي بأشدّ الحاجة إلى الدعم، وترك أصحابها في حالة من اليأس.

بالنسبة لتوثيق الحملات

نطمئن أصدقاءنا بأننا سنعود قريباً بعد مراجعة الأوضاع الراهنة.

أصدقائنا الأعزاء النقطة الأهم حاليا اننا بحاجة لعقولكم تفكر معنا بحلول لتنظيم هذا الأمر.

سنكون مهتمين كتير بافكاركم و مقترحاتكم تحبون ان تتحدثوا فيها معنا و سنرحب بها كثيرا.

الان الاخ ابو احمد، كان سبب حماية هويته الشخصيه هو رغبته بذلك، لكن في إطار النقد البناء كانت النقطة الصعبة فيما حدث عدم معرفة من يقف وراء المدونة - الجندي المجهول - لذلك اليوم احتراما للجميع سوف نعرض المدونة الخاصة بهذا الشخص الذي قام توثيق وارشفة هذه القائمة باكملها (ابو احمد) @hs2024

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Thanks cousin Nada ❤️🙏❤️🙏

✅️Vetted by @gazavetters , my number on the list is ( #15 )✅️

⬇️⬇️ Donate here ⬇️⬇️