Notes on the Care and Keeping of the Peredhel, by Maglor Feanorian:
Need to eat three times a day, more if they can be persuaded (they do not seem to have the refined palettes elves do, and do not like my attempts at Valinorean fine dining)
They are very fond of maple syrup
One of the human healers told me they were "growing boys," unsure of the significance of this– a reference to their shapeshifting abilities, perhaps?
It does not appear that they will reach a full elvish height, though that may change
They can hear high tones that elves can, but humans can't
This bodes very well for their education in music theory
They do not appear to have the venom that some humans do, as evidenced by the fact that both Mae and I have been bitten several times with no ill effect
Still, I am thankful that Finrod warned me of this human feature, as it has served me well in many battles
They have not bitten anyone in months, which I appreciate, especially given how sharp their teeth are
Boys said that they could talk to shadows– unsure whether or not they were just attempting to scare me (ask later? Bribe with maple syrup??)
They like having their hair brushed, but do not like any of the scented hair oils we have at the fortress
They refuse to eat bird meat; unsure of why but I won't push
Elros prefers wooden toys, Elrond fabric ones, and neither of them is fond of metal
They grow faster than elves, but are still too young to begin intensive battle training, Maedhros
They are very sensitive to the cold, ensure that they have ample blankets and cloaks, especially in winter
Feel much better after spending time with them– those who spent time around Luthien reported similar effects
They appear to appreciate being pat on the head
Based on information by uncle Arfin (regarding Eonwe), this is common amongst Maiar
I've only had them two years, an incredibly small time in the face of the centuries I've lived, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this fortress and then myself