Forget the endings bullshit, and the ridiculousness of Kai Leng - it's about Javik's voice when he asks you "Why didn't you prepare for the reapers, human?" It's the old lady whose daughter is dead on earth, but she doesn't know, and doesn't remember she's talking to her asari daughter in law. It's the kid in the refugee camp, waiting for her parents. It's Mordin singing Amazing Grace, Thane's last prayer, Legion and Tali on Rannoch - does this unit have a soul? It's asking the elcor ambassador how many of his people you managed to save and hearing "Not. Enough." It's hearing the casualty reports over the radio in London - areas reporting 90, 95 percent casualties - and knowing there's nothing you can do. It's hearing Anderson whisper "You did good, child" as he dies. It's hearing Hackett's voice and standing up one last time, ready to fight, ready to die.