Pinned Post (explanations on what you're working with here):
About OP:
I'm a legal adult living in the USA. I'm bigender, and I use (he/him) and (she/her) pronouns. Just call me OP or Sage if need be.
Additionally, I'm not a trained psychologist, I'm just a mentally ill person with at least five different trains of thought going per minute. On the front of I'm formally diagnosed with depression, and somewhat formally diagnosed with autism. I've also got OCA2 albinism.
Lastly, I'm a singlet, so I'd prefer not to get into syscourse here.
About This Blog:
Use the block button if my blog upsets you in a way that you don't want to have a discussion about. Or block for whatever reason you have, really.
I'd prefer if the people interacting with this blog are over the age of 15, as I just don't really want to do discourse with somebody that young for a handful of reasons.
I dislike echo-chambers and I'm opinionated, which is why I engage in discourse. To me, it's a form of field research done through the sharing of opinions.
The ask box is open, and anon is enabled. I will happily have a civil discussion-- one that's free of ad hominem remarks and one in which all parties involved are aware that they could be disagreed with-- from all sides of discourse. Anon-hate will either be deleted, or, if I feel like it, countered back.
This blog's activity is according to me and nobody but me. So this blog will inevitably drop in activity if I don't have any spoons to spare (Spoon Theory), or if I'm just busy.
This isn't my main-- I personally can't imagine having a legit discourse blog for a main /lh-- but I'm not linking my main from this blog. If you find my main from here, nuh-uh, no you didn't.
Also, here's a hyperlink to the first post I had to mute notifications on: it got raided by pro-sexism radfems (within 20 minutes of me posting it, might I add)... I've never felt relief so instant until that event taught me the joys of muting notifications.
About Some of OP's Views:
Against the concept of the Oppression Olympics.
Anti-harrassment. Engaging in discourse is not harassment until the arguments "break containment," such as with ad hominem attacks. Again, I hate echo-chambers.
Anti-radqueer, anti-transID, pro-alternatives, pro-recovery.
Pro-para, but harmful paraphilias shouldn't be any contact stance besides no-contact.
Pro-radinclus, pro-LIOMOGAI.
Pro-selfdx, so long as the due research has been done.
Not all coping mechanisms are healthy and productive, and not all facets of the human mind are beneficial-- however, neither is repression.
I find shipcourse labelling more harmful than helpful, but to put a label on myself based squarely on beliefs: neutralship, leaning antiship (mostly due to anti-proship sentiments.)
Pushing "child-coded" and "relative-coded" is harmful. One can absolutely have headcanons, but one's headcanons are not fact, and they do not reign supreme over canon OR other people's headcanons, no matter how many popular they are in fandom spaces.
Pro-selfship AND pro-fictosexual/fictoromantic, so long as all parties involved would be able to consent. I personally believe it's generally okay to age-up a character-- no longer viewing the character as a minor-- for the purpose of selfshipping, since I know most people can't turn off their attractions and (f/o)s oftentimes don't age in canon.
Pro-objectum. Just be mindful if the object isn't in your personal possession.
Kink should be done with all participants aware of risks and consenting. RACK >>> SSC.
You can be both sexually active and asexual.
You can be homosexual but have experience with the opposite gender.
Transandrophobia is real, as is transmisogny. Trans people do experience unique struggles that even the gender they identify as doesn't usually experience. There is also no such thing as "becoming the oppressor" outside of actively perpetuating cycles of abuse (which anybody of any orientation can do). Additionally, abuse is not exclusive to anybody.
Benevolent sexism is real and harmful.
Men (in the USA) can benefit from the patriarchy only if they participate in it. The patriarchy hurts people of different genders differently, but everybody is hurt by it in some way or another. It's better to view this through the lens of the kyriarchy.
White people (in the USA) can be hated and treated indecently, but they are not oppressed.
One's religious beliefs (or lack thereof) should not affect the people who don't share those beliefs.
Pro-choice. People should be allowed to do with their own bodies what they want, ESPECIALLY if it's to protect themselves and their livelihoods. This includes that sex-change surgeries should not be forced upon intersex people.
Pro-voting. Statistically, in the USA's two-party system, every person that doesn't vote may as well be considered a vote for the Republicans, simply because the Republicans have a more active voter-base than the Democrats, despite the USA being more liberal than conservative. Voting third-partiy in presidential elections is ineffective.
The USA government is insanely flawed, especially the judicial branch. Most of this is intentional.
Remember to take breaks and cool down when needed! You're not lazy, rude, or invalid for needing to disengage from stressors of any kind.