Forsworn shrine
Redguard, monster hunter ranger
Headed up the 7000 steps....again
Forsworn standing guard and chopping firewood at Deepwood Vale
We have some things to giveaway! If you'd like a chance to receive our new 30th Anniversary Coin and these posters, just repost this with some kind of comment! We'll reblog this and ask the winners to send us an ask/DM, as Tumblr is hard to do giveaways otherwise.
We'll choose ten winners in fourteen hours.
The fantastic artist that created the posters can be found here:
The final design of the coin was done by the wonderful artist @ShadowMager
You can guarantee receiving stuff like this from us by supporting our Patreon:
Yay another try!!!
Giant, treasure chest, and mammoth at Red Road Pass
Playing with some more panoramas since I found a new generator for them: various areas of Solitude
Panoramas of the Grahtwood (aka josie testing posting some older screenshots)
Some boats off the shore of Solstheim
I think this one is the Wayshrine of Sight