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just a queer disabled artist nearing 40 years of age, she/her but not strict about it tbh - follow art over on @artofshinga :)

“Humans are inherently selfish--" Then why do so many cultures value hospitality, to the point of dictating it in their religions? Why is it so common for hosts to offer their visitors their best food, and as much of it as they can? At some point, multiple cultures decided that they knew what it felt like to be alone and vulnerable, and promised each other to never let those who stay with them feel that way. That doesn't sound very "inherently selfish" to me.

"humans are the plague"

No. Humans are animals as much as the fish and the bear. We are pack animals who have survived by strong bonds and community.

Do not buy the lie that humans are inherently evil. Societies can trick you into believing this, but it's not the truth of humanity.

Humans crave being together, sharing together, and thriving together.

Capitalism just wants you to believe we're destined for selfishness.


Holding up snarky signs doesn't seem to be working.

For me, it isn't about whether this action is appropriate or not. It's about how this kind of action is inevitable.

I'm going to let Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. explain in a quote no one seems to post during his annual holiday.

"It is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear?"

If you only speak up about a supercharger catching fire and ignore the unheard, you are prioritizing a thing over people.


Download this easy DIY clothing repair guide (only 10 pages) from Uni of Kentucky

link to PDF

Excellent resource if you're new to sewing and want to start doing some clothing repair!

Professional seamstress here, who has taught intro to sewing many times, saying: this guide is excellent!

good info to have no matter what, but also super valuable in sustainability and punk scenes


Wait so you’re telling me my only options for letting people know I’m having a hard time in real life are 1) telling them (won’t happen, humiliating) or 2) public mental breakdown (also won’t happen, more humiliating)


Sometimes you see something funny on a different site and want to share it and are unaware of everything every other user does on every site. I'm sure it's been posted by lots of people by now lol

it's ok clout and note stealing is a myth im just here for funny posts


LGBT people, I need you to know that any “pedophile execution bill” passed in the US is meant to put you, personally, to death. When the right says “groomer,” they’re talking about you. When they say “predator,” they’re talking about you. When they say “pedophile,” they’re talking about you. Any actual child sex abusers who are convicted and executed would be, to them, a happy accident, a cherry on top of a law that’s meant to exterminate anyone who deviates from the cisgender, heterosexual norm.

"but they can't possibly think we're all really child molesters"

if you haven't already figured out that facts don't matter to these people I don't know what to tell you


me and coworker: okay. we're getting rid of a ton of old records. they're sorted into price piles, you just need to write down the price and stick them to the record sleeve. if it doesn't have a sleeve, do not stick it to the vinyl bit, because the adhesive gunks up the grooves and affects how they play. okay?

new guy: yeah man!

us checking up on him 20 minutes later: 😨😂

him: i did not put stickers on them 🫡


dear usamerican high schoolers looking for a way to resist fascism: sit through the pledge of allegiance.

no getting up. no looking at the flag.

everyone will be looking at you. you'll be sweating like a fucking hippopotamus. your teacher will sternly tell you to get up. you'll feel stupid and that maybe its not worth it because you're just a kid in a classroom. but I'm here to remind you that there are no real life consequences to detention. there are however real life consequences to resisting a thoughtless performance of nationalism.

not to talk tough but i have sat through every pledge of allegiance in my life, and that includes the bush administration's hyper-patriotic war on terror.

you can NOT be compelled to say the pledge, and that also means you can't be given the 'choice' of doing it or taking a punishment. being sent into the hall is a grey area.

if you are punishing for refusing, parents or a more sympathetic teacher (like say a history or english teacher) can step in to intercede with the principal. do not be afraid to escalate.

it is critical now of all times that you PRACTICE civil disobedience, starting small, sticking to it, and working up, this will help you learn how very much disobedience you can actually get away with in this life, which is actually a hell of a lot.

As someone who did this, my 2 cents is to make sure you're quiet and attentive (not [reading/on your phone/doodling]) during the pledge.

If you seem to just be abstaining out of tiredness/distraction, it doesn't send a message! And teachers have much more leeway to punish you (bc they'll argue you're not taking a principled stand, you're dicking around). It is a much more defensible position to be quiet while exercising your right to remain seated and not participate, and it sends a clearer message to your fellow students.

Also, if someone gives you shit about not respecting [America | the troops | people who died for you], "Exercising my right to protest is how I show respect for the principles of our country," is a really great defusing sentence to have memorized.


Unpopular opinion but if you don't enjoy the process you should find a different thing to do.

And I think this is true in general but now I'm talking about it in the context of AI.

If you don't enjoy making art and only care about the end piece and how it'll look and how much traction it"lol get online then making art is not something for you, find something you enjoy from start to finish.

Same goes for writing: if you do not enjoy writing and rewriting and then some more and instead want AI to write for you, being a writer is not something you should pursue.

Sure, not every part of creative process is going to be equally enjoyable but you should get satisfaction from solving the problems along the way and you should get a sense of accomplishment on your way of "making the piece yours" and you should have a sense of ownership once you are done.

None of these things will come from typing in a prompt into chatGPT. And I am sad to see so many people are missing on the opportunity to experience the joy of making something with their own hands and brains.


Sorry I'm late, I got added to the Wild Hunt last night and ran and reveled with them for what felt like 100 years plus a day until I landed the killing blow on a stag with bronze antlers then suddenly woke in my bed, willow leaves in my hair, a nameless song echoing in my ears, and my hands still bloody, so yeah, totally missed my alarm and stuff.


guy who gets increasingly confused when an 80’s song fades out so he turns it up louder and louder and gets blasted so hard by the next song starting that he dies


its all 'be gay do crime' until a black person starts making allusions to drugs or sex or god forbid VIOLENCE and then it turns out nobody can handle anything more hardcore than downloading illegal torrents of hamilton

This post is about racism. This post is about racism and antiblackness. This post is not about how cool YOU are for doing crimes or about how much you hate 'antis' or how bad tesla sucks. This post is about how ostensibly progressive white people will clutch pearls and moralize about not listening to rap or engaging with black art or culture because it seemingly condones drugs, or violence, or is overly sexual, while having no issue with those topics in other, non-black contexts. There are conversations to be had about the topics surrounding this but in the meantime the original post is One Sentence and I'm not convinced most of the commenters in the past few days even read it.

(I hope you don't mind me adding my two cents)

as a black Tumblr user and black person in leftist and queer spaces, talking about black art and antiblackness as a whole is EXTREMELY fucking exhausting on so many levels.

either you have people completely speaking over you and your experiences as if they know better, people guilt tripping you for being white and feeling guilty for being white (cry me a river) or people refusing to engage in what you say or make because not only do they NOT understand, but also actively stay away from it because they truthfully don't care.

and another thing when it comes to black art and its themes is seeing many non black people try to squeeze all the meaning and symbolizism out if they can make a meme out of it. and if they do see black themes especially themes of systemic oppression they'll just lump this in with "POC issues" despite the fact other POC are not exempt from being anti black themselves and honestly, a majority of oppression and racism inherently loops back to antiblackness.

w/e! sorry I cannot talk about my experiences in a wholesome chungus white boy meme way so you crackers can digest it easier or respect me easier. liberals and even some most progressives need to learn to engage with black folks and our issues in a respectful manner no matter what.

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