火种 - 小男孩 (spark - little boy) by 刘任 (liu ren), 2023, straw paper, oil, fishing rod, & fishing line, 270 centimeters
three drawings on used paper bag by yoshitomo nara, june 23rd, 2023, via his instagram
home grown by akea brionne, 2023, digital woven image on jacquard, rhinestones, poly-fil, & thread, 60 x 48 inches
demon over frost peak by samuel r richardson, 2024, acrylic, oil, curtain rod, curtains, tassels, hooks, bolt, chain, & colored pencil on framed canvas, 50 × 38 inches
stay in the park by gommaar gilliams, 2022, oil + oil stick + acrylic on pre-painted & stitched fabrics, 220 × 170 × 4 centimeters
dancers by nicole williford, 2024, oil on canvas, 20 × 24 inches
rabbit hole by martine poppe, 2022, oil on polyester restoration fabric, 80 × 60 cm
tell me that your mine by pacifico silano, 2022, dye sublimation print in artist frame, 50 × 40 inches
at knees, at shame, at belly by nettle grellier, 2023, oil on canvas, 85 x 110 centimeters
tomorrow by amber larks, 2023, oil on canvas, 24 x 30 inches
untitled (tba) by raven halfmoon, 2023, glazed ceramic, 28 × 65 × 28 inches
algyz by aigana gali, 2023, acrylic & oil on canvas, 57.3 × 44.9 inches
piel de brea by ornella pocetti, 2022, oil on canvas, 25 × 20 centimeters
untitled by eduardo sarabia, 2021, risograph print on paper, 16.9 × 11 inches
heartbeats by johanna seidel, 2023, oil on canvas, 70 × 50 centimeters
sakura black by kevin ford, 2021, acrylic on panel, 24 x 18 inches
new fit by ever baldwin, 2022, oil on canvas in charred wood frame, 30 x 26 x 6 inches