The Top 12 Post Tumblr Didn’t Like
So over the weekend I’ve had to waste a good 5 hours going through all 2,600 posts I’ve written since 2013 because of tumblr’s sudden dislike for adult content. I had about 20 posts flagged and therefore hidden by tumblr’s new algorithm. None of them remotely pornographic - unsurprisingly. So I manually appealed them all and it appears most have now, thankfully, been restored.
I thought I’d put a post together showing you the top dozen or so posts that were flagged. Sadly, Hitler’s sofa proved to be too much.
(For those who read HF but don’t know, I host the blog on tumblr as its where I set it up all those years ago and where a lot of the community still is! Sadly, tumblr seem intent on undermining that community.)
Here’s the list, in no particular order:
#12 Hitler’s Sofa - DENIED?!
Wait, does tumblr block you from gaining followers when you have flagged posts? Because since I cleared and appealed the flagged posts I seem to have had a sudden influx! Hello!
New post coming up this evening... on a Krummlauf device patented 30 years before the Krummlauf!