Today's Seal Is: Something's Got To Give...NOOOOOWWWW!!!!!!
me greeting everyone with all the joy i can muster
collecting posts of this type
I love visiting people who have some kind of pet reptile because they're always like "would you like to hold the reptile" and I'm like "of course I would" and then the rest of the conversation happens with me just holding a random reptile and the reptile Has No Feelings about the situation. They always just sit there, probably vaguely wishing to return to their heat lamp but clearly exuding an energy of This Might As Well Happen. and then I put it back in its enclosure and go home and the reptile very clearly has no strong feelings about the situation.
really enjoying all the videos Muslims have been posting of their cats looking like this
when the humans are up at 4 am for suhoor
Kiss his peetsies
Smeemo face sooooooooo grabbable
If I'm not constantly bracing for a sudden Loud Noise then the sudden Loud Noise will happen and I won't be ready for it ⬅️ would still be scared
flipping off animals is a really underappreciated form of comedy
The glorious humpback whale