I do think it’s unfortunate that people (europeans) automatically assume that “american” style versions of foods are immediately the most bastardized version done purposefully out of lack of culture, when the reality a lot of times it’s rooted in a response of millions of poor immigrants stepping foot in a foreign land attempting to recreate beloved recipes with what few ingredients were available and affordable
“Pratchett went back to older throwaway jokes (like dwarves being apparently unisex) and used them as metaphors to discuss social change, racial assimilation, and other complex issues, while reexamining the species he’d thrown in at the margins of his world simply because they existed at the margins of every other fantasy universe. If goblins and orcs and trolls could think, then why were they always just there to be slaughtered by the heroes? And if the heroes slaughtered sentient beings en masse, how heroic exactly were they? It was a long overdue start on redressing issues long swept under the rug by a parade of Tolkien successors who never thought of anyone green and slimy as anything but a notch on the protagonist’s sword, and much of the urgency in Pratchett’s last few books seemed to be related to them. “There’s only one true evil in the world,” he said through his characters. “And that’s treating people like they were things.” And in the last of his “grown-up” Discworld books, that idea is shouted with the ferocity of those who have only a few words left and want to make them count. Goblins are people. Golems are people. Dwarves are people, and they do not become any less people because they decide to go by the gender they know themselves to be instead of the one society forces on them. Even trains might be people, and you’ll never know one way or the other unless you ask them, because treating someone like they’re a person and not a thing should be your default. And the only people who cling to tradition at the expense of real people are sad, angry dwellers in the darkness who don’t even understand how pathetic they are, clutching and grasping at the things they remember without ever understanding that the world was never that simple to begin with. The future is bright, it is shining, and it belongs to everyone.”
— John Seavey, The Evolution of the Disc (via pornosophical)
Discworld Heritage Post
The thing about BBC Merlin is that it's really not very good but somehow at the same time...yes it is
A drawing showing how Jim Henson Performed Kermit in The Muppet Movie’s swamp scene.
This is the best picture I could find of how they customized the Studebaker so Fozzie could appear to drive the car. They crammed the real driver in the trunk. I think he was driving from a video monitor.
Top 5 women?
bro i can't even top one woman ha ha h[two drums and a cymbal fall from the ceiling killing me instantly
i tried to but all the ones i asked told me they already had names
Anyway I know this convo was ages ago (idk why it showed up on tt recently) but i do think “but debbie pastels” was written as is by the creators
But how i interpret it is the Addams family is against things that aren’t earnest and debbie was clearly trying to fit in as rich (“they’re from catalogues”)
girlie that's not a random headache u are dehydrated malnourished over caffeinated over stressed and sleep deprived
I don't know. I just don't know
“Would fall in love with me again if you knew all I’ve done?”
Can we please appreciate Odysseus being a silent stalker in the shadows, taking out suitors with his bow, not deigning to speak to them as he takes them out one by one
until some of them go "we have to strike him in the darkness too! we know the halls of this palace! the odds can be tilted!"
and Odysseus, built this palace with his very hands, has to step out of the shadows like "are you this fucking stupid"
Ithaca saga completely changed my brain chemistry.
i think it's funny that one of the first things ody did when he got home was argue with his wife about the furniture
Iconic actually-
100% believe that Penelope heard the screams of the suitors and just sat there memorising the sounds so she could fall asleep to them like white noise while giving appropriate time for father son bonding
When people say “small town” in cozies and hallmark movies like how small..are they thinking
some of the tags on this post man i feel so fucking crazy
for reasons i shall not discuss, a tweet