come on, baby… light my fire
carouselshotgun reblogged
An ode to my favorite genre
- Lisa Frankenstein
- Your Monster
- Hellboy II: The Golden Army
- The Shape of Water
- Edward Scissorhands
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Doug Jones as Amphibian Man in The Shape of Water 05/??
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Doug Jones as Amphibian Man in The Shape of Water 06/??
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TOP 10 HOTTEST MOVIE MONSTERS (as voted by my followers)
#6. Amphibian Man portrayed by Doug Jones (8%) ↳ the shape of water (2017) dir. guillermo del toro
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"Your hair is very rockstar, I like it" 🎸
carouselshotgun reblogged
come on, baby… light my fire
carouselshotgun reblogged
she's a maniac!
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with the taste of your lips i'm on a ride
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carouselshotgun reblogged
REPO! THE GENETIC OPERA (2008) dir. darren lynn bousman
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What has been used on one side, is lost on the other side. There's no going back.
THE SUBSTANCE 2024, dir. Coralie Fargeat
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The Tragedy of Winslow Leach
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Valentine (2001) dir. Jamie Blanks
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Bill Moseley, Alexa Vega, and Nivek Ogre behind the scenes for Repo! The Genetic Opera
carouselshotgun reblogged
no guts, no glory, but oh so gory
my piece for @sawfanzinegameover